On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 10:35:45AM +0100, Morten Brørup wrote:
> There is a simple alternative for applications with a single mbuf pool to 
> avoid accessing m->pool.
> We could add a global variable pointing to the single mbuf pool.
> It would be NULL by default.
> It would be set by rte_pktmbuf_pool_create() on first invocation, and reset 
> back to NULL on following invocations. (There would need to be a counter too, 
> to prevent setting it again on the third invocation.)
> All functions accessing m->pool would use the global mbuf pool pointer if 
> set, and otherwise use the m->pool pointer, like this:
> - rte_mempool_put(m->pool, m);
> + rte_mempool_put(global_mbuf_pool ? global_mbuf_pool : m->pool, m);
> This optimization can be implemented without ABI breakage:
> Since m->pool is initialized as always, functions that are not modified to 
> use the global_mbuf_pool will simply continue using m->pool, not knowing that 
> a global mbuf pool exists.
Very interesting idea. Definitely worth considering. A TX function would
only have to check the global variable once at the start of cleanup too,
and if set, it can use bulk frees without any additional work.


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