Add supports for the port unlink(s) eventdev entry points.
The unlink operation is an asynchronous operation executed by
a control thread, and the unlinks-in-progress function reads
a counter shared with the control thread. Port QE and memzone
memory is freed here.

Signed-off-by: Timothy McDaniel <>
Reviewed-by: Gage Eads <>
 drivers/event/dlb/dlb.c | 166 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 166 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb/dlb.c b/drivers/event/dlb/dlb.c
index 29d5a0c..748789c 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb/dlb.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb/dlb.c
@@ -693,6 +693,169 @@ dlb_eventdev_configure(const struct rte_eventdev *dev)
        return 0;
+static int16_t
+dlb_hw_unmap_ldb_qid_from_port(struct dlb_hw_dev *handle,
+                              uint32_t qm_port_id,
+                              uint16_t qm_qid)
+       struct dlb_unmap_qid_args cfg;
+       struct dlb_cmd_response response;
+       int32_t ret;
+       if (handle == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       cfg.response = (uintptr_t)&response;
+       cfg.port_id = qm_port_id;
+       cfg.qid = qm_qid;
+       ret = dlb_iface_unmap_qid(handle, &cfg);
+       if (ret < 0)
+               DLB_LOG_ERR("dlb: unmap qid error, ret=%d (driver status: 
+                           ret, dlb_error_strings[response.status]);
+       return ret;
+static int
+dlb_event_queue_detach_ldb(struct dlb_eventdev *dlb,
+                          struct dlb_eventdev_port *ev_port,
+                          struct dlb_eventdev_queue *ev_queue)
+       int ret, i;
+       /* Don't unlink until start time. */
+       if (dlb->run_state == DLB_RUN_STATE_STOPPED)
+               return 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < DLB_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ; i++) {
+               if (ev_port->link[i].valid &&
+                   ev_port->link[i].queue_id == ev_queue->id)
+                       break; /* found */
+       }
+       /* This is expected with eventdev API!
+        * It blindly attempts to unmap all queues.
+        */
+       if (i == DLB_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ) {
+               DLB_LOG_DBG("dlb: ignoring LB QID %d not mapped for qm_port 
+                           ev_queue->,
+                           ev_port->;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       ret = dlb_hw_unmap_ldb_qid_from_port(&dlb->qm_instance,
+                                            ev_port->,
+                                            ev_queue->;
+       if (!ret)
+               ev_port->link[i].mapped = false;
+       return ret;
+static int
+dlb_eventdev_port_unlink(struct rte_eventdev *dev, void *event_port,
+                        uint8_t queues[], uint16_t nb_unlinks)
+       struct dlb_eventdev_port *ev_port = event_port;
+       struct dlb_eventdev *dlb;
+       int i;
+       RTE_SET_USED(dev);
+       if (!ev_port->setup_done) {
+               DLB_LOG_ERR("dlb: evport %d is not configured\n",
+                           ev_port->id);
+               rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       if (queues == NULL || nb_unlinks == 0) {
+               DLB_LOG_DBG("dlb: queues is NULL or nb_unlinks is 0\n");
+               return 0; /* Ignore and return success */
+       }
+       if (ev_port->qm_port.is_directed) {
+               DLB_LOG_DBG("dlb: ignore unlink from dir port %d\n",
+                           ev_port->id);
+               rte_errno = 0;
+               return nb_unlinks; /* as if success */
+       }
+       dlb = ev_port->dlb;
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_unlinks; i++) {
+               struct dlb_eventdev_queue *ev_queue;
+               int ret, j;
+               if (queues[i] >= dlb->num_queues) {
+                       DLB_LOG_ERR("dlb: invalid queue id %d\n", queues[i]);
+                       rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+                       return i; /* return index of offending queue */
+               }
+               ev_queue = &dlb->ev_queues[queues[i]];
+               /* Does a link exist? */
+               for (j = 0; j < DLB_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ; j++)
+                       if (ev_port->link[j].queue_id == queues[i] &&
+                           ev_port->link[j].valid)
+                               break;
+               if (j == DLB_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ)
+                       continue;
+               ret = dlb_event_queue_detach_ldb(dlb, ev_port, ev_queue);
+               if (ret) {
+                       DLB_LOG_ERR("unlink err=%d for port %d queue %d\n",
+                                   ret, ev_port->id, queues[i]);
+                       rte_errno = -ENOENT;
+                       return i; /* return index of offending queue */
+               }
+               ev_port->link[j].valid = false;
+               ev_port->num_links--;
+               ev_queue->num_links--;
+       }
+       return nb_unlinks;
+static int
+dlb_eventdev_port_unlinks_in_progress(struct rte_eventdev *dev,
+                                     void *event_port)
+       struct dlb_eventdev_port *ev_port = event_port;
+       struct dlb_eventdev *dlb;
+       struct dlb_hw_dev *handle;
+       struct dlb_pending_port_unmaps_args cfg;
+       struct dlb_cmd_response response;
+       int ret;
+       RTE_SET_USED(dev);
+       if (!ev_port->setup_done) {
+               DLB_LOG_ERR("dlb: evport %d is not configured\n",
+                           ev_port->id);
+               rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       cfg.port_id = ev_port->;
+       cfg.response = (uintptr_t)&response;
+       dlb = ev_port->dlb;
+       handle = &dlb->qm_instance;
+       ret = dlb_iface_pending_port_unmaps(handle, &cfg);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB_LOG_ERR("dlb: num_unlinks_in_progress ret=%d (driver 
status: %s)\n",
+                           ret, dlb_error_strings[response.status]);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       return;
 static void
 dlb_eventdev_port_default_conf_get(struct rte_eventdev *dev,
                                   uint8_t port_id,
@@ -1848,6 +2011,9 @@ dlb_entry_points_init(struct rte_eventdev *dev)
                .queue_setup      = dlb_eventdev_queue_setup,
                .port_setup       = dlb_eventdev_port_setup,
                .port_link        = dlb_eventdev_port_link,
+               .port_unlink      = dlb_eventdev_port_unlink,
+               .port_unlinks_in_progress =
+                                   dlb_eventdev_port_unlinks_in_progress,
                .dump             = dlb_eventdev_dump,
                .xstats_get       = dlb_eventdev_xstats_get,
                .xstats_get_names = dlb_eventdev_xstats_get_names,

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