Load balanced (ldb) queues are setup here.
Directed queues are not set up until link time, at which
point we know the directed port ID. Directed queue setup
will only fail if this queue is already setup or there are
no directed queues left to configure.

Signed-off-by: Timothy McDaniel <timothy.mcdan...@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Gage Eads <gage.e...@intel.com>
 doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb2.rst              |  73 +++--
 drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c                  | 312 +++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c            |  12 +
 drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h            |  12 +
 drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c | 464 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c          |  10 +
 drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c            |  82 +++++
 7 files changed, 926 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb2.rst b/doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb2.rst
index 5f6c486..b154cac 100644
--- a/doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb2.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb2.rst
@@ -47,45 +47,40 @@ setup argument and the per-port ``new_event_threshold`` 
argument apply as
 defined in the eventdev header file. The limit is applied to all enqueues,
 regardless of whether it will consume a directed or load-balanced credit.
-Load-balanced and Directed Ports
-DLB2 ports come in two flavors: load-balanced and directed. The eventdev API
-does not have the same concept, but it has a similar one: ports and queues that
-are singly-linked (i.e. linked to a single queue or port, respectively).
-The ``rte_event_dev_info_get()`` function reports the number of available
-event ports and queues (among other things). For the DLB2 PMD, max_event_ports
-and max_event_queues report the number of available load-balanced ports and
-queues, and max_single_link_event_port_queue_pairs reports the number of
-available directed ports and queues.
-When a scheduling domain is created in ``rte_event_dev_configure()``, the user
-specifies ``nb_event_ports`` and ``nb_single_link_event_port_queues``, which
-control the total number of ports (load-balanced and directed) and the number
-of directed ports. Hence, the number of requested load-balanced ports is
-``nb_event_ports - nb_single_link_event_ports``. The ``nb_event_queues`` field
-specifies the total number of queues (load-balanced and directed). The number
-of directed queues comes from ``nb_single_link_event_port_queues``, since
-directed ports and queues come in pairs.
-When a port is setup, the ``RTE_EVENT_PORT_CFG_SINGLE_LINK`` flag determines
-whether it should be configured as a directed (the flag is set) or a
-load-balanced (the flag is unset) port. Similarly, the
-``RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_SINGLE_LINK`` queue configuration flag controls
-whether it is a directed or load-balanced queue.
-Load-balanced ports can only be linked to load-balanced queues, and directed
-ports can only be linked to directed queues. Furthermore, directed ports can
-only be linked to a single directed queue (and vice versa), and that link
-cannot change after the eventdev is started.
-The eventdev API does not have a directed scheduling type. To support directed
-traffic, the dlb PMD detects when an event is being sent to a directed queue
-and overrides its scheduling type. Note that the originally selected scheduling
-type (atomic, ordered, or parallel) is not preserved, and an event's sched_type
-will be set to ``RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC`` when it is dequeued from a directed
+Load-Balanced Queues
+A load-balanced queue can support atomic and ordered scheduling, or atomic and
+unordered scheduling, but not atomic and unordered and ordered scheduling. A
+queue's scheduling types are controlled by the event queue configuration.
+If the user sets the ``RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_ALL_TYPES`` flag, the
+``nb_atomic_order_sequences`` determines the supported scheduling types.
+With non-zero ``nb_atomic_order_sequences``, the queue is configured for atomic
+and ordered scheduling. In this case, ``RTE_SCHED_TYPE_PARALLEL`` scheduling is
+supported by scheduling those events as ordered events.  Note that when the
+event is dequeued, its sched_type will be ``RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ORDERED``. Else if
+``nb_atomic_order_sequences`` is zero, the queue is configured for atomic and
+unordered scheduling. In this case, ``RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ORDERED`` is unsupported.
+If the ``RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_ALL_TYPES`` flag is not set, schedule_type
+dictates the queue's scheduling type.
+The ``nb_atomic_order_sequences`` queue configuration field sets the ordered
+queue's reorder buffer size.  DLB2 has 4 groups of ordered queues, where each
+group is configured to contain either 1 queue with 1024 reorder entries, 2
+queues with 512 reorder entries, and so on down to 32 queues with 32 entries.
+When a load-balanced queue is created, the PMD will configure a new sequence
+number group on-demand if num_sequence_numbers does not match a pre-existing
+group with available reorder buffer entries. If all sequence number groups are
+in use, no new group will be created and queue configuration will fail. (Note
+that when the PMD is used with a virtual DLB2 device, it cannot change the
+sequence number configuration.)
+The queue's ``nb_atomic_flows`` parameter is ignored by the DLB2 PMD, because
+the DLB2 does not limit the number of flows a queue can track. In the DLB2, all
+load-balanced queues can use the full 16-bit flow ID range.
 Flow ID
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c
index ef1c000..48e7245 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c
@@ -688,6 +688,317 @@ dlb2_eventdev_queue_default_conf_get(struct rte_eventdev 
        queue_conf->priority = 0;
+static int32_t
+dlb2_get_sn_allocation(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2, int group)
+       struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle = &dlb2->qm_instance;
+       struct dlb2_get_sn_allocation_args cfg;
+       int ret;
+       cfg.group = group;
+       ret = dlb2_iface_get_sn_allocation(handle, &cfg);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: get_sn_allocation ret=%d (driver status: 
+                            ret, dlb2_error_strings[cfg.response.status]);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       return cfg.response.id;
+static int
+dlb2_set_sn_allocation(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2, int group, int num)
+       struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle = &dlb2->qm_instance;
+       struct dlb2_set_sn_allocation_args cfg;
+       int ret;
+       cfg.num = num;
+       cfg.group = group;
+       ret = dlb2_iface_set_sn_allocation(handle, &cfg);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: set_sn_allocation ret=%d (driver status: 
+                            ret, dlb2_error_strings[cfg.response.status]);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       return ret;
+static int32_t
+dlb2_get_sn_occupancy(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2, int group)
+       struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle = &dlb2->qm_instance;
+       struct dlb2_get_sn_occupancy_args cfg;
+       int ret;
+       cfg.group = group;
+       ret = dlb2_iface_get_sn_occupancy(handle, &cfg);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: get_sn_occupancy ret=%d (driver status: 
+                            ret, dlb2_error_strings[cfg.response.status]);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       return cfg.response.id;
+/* Query the current sequence number allocations and, if they conflict with the
+ * requested LDB queue configuration, attempt to re-allocate sequence numbers.
+ * This is best-effort; if it fails, the PMD will attempt to configure the
+ * load-balanced queue and return an error.
+ */
+static void
+dlb2_program_sn_allocation(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2,
+                          const struct rte_event_queue_conf *queue_conf)
+       int grp_occupancy[DLB2_NUM_SN_GROUPS];
+       int grp_alloc[DLB2_NUM_SN_GROUPS];
+       int i, sequence_numbers;
+       sequence_numbers = (int)queue_conf->nb_atomic_order_sequences;
+       for (i = 0; i < DLB2_NUM_SN_GROUPS; i++) {
+               int total_slots;
+               grp_alloc[i] = dlb2_get_sn_allocation(dlb2, i);
+               if (grp_alloc[i] < 0)
+                       return;
+               total_slots = DLB2_MAX_LDB_SN_ALLOC / grp_alloc[i];
+               grp_occupancy[i] = dlb2_get_sn_occupancy(dlb2, i);
+               if (grp_occupancy[i] < 0)
+                       return;
+               /* DLB has at least one available slot for the requested
+                * sequence numbers, so no further configuration required.
+                */
+               if (grp_alloc[i] == sequence_numbers &&
+                   grp_occupancy[i] < total_slots)
+                       return;
+       }
+       /* None of the sequence number groups are configured for the requested
+        * sequence numbers, so we have to reconfigure one of them. This is
+        * only possible if a group is not in use.
+        */
+       for (i = 0; i < DLB2_NUM_SN_GROUPS; i++) {
+               if (grp_occupancy[i] == 0)
+                       break;
+       }
+       if (i == DLB2_NUM_SN_GROUPS) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("[%s()] No groups with %d sequence_numbers are 
available or have free slots\n",
+                      __func__, sequence_numbers);
+               return;
+       }
+       /* Attempt to configure slot i with the requested number of sequence
+        * numbers. Ignore the return value -- if this fails, the error will be
+        * caught during subsequent queue configuration.
+        */
+       dlb2_set_sn_allocation(dlb2, i, sequence_numbers);
+static int32_t
+dlb2_hw_create_ldb_queue(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2,
+                        struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue,
+                        const struct rte_event_queue_conf *evq_conf)
+       struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle = &dlb2->qm_instance;
+       struct dlb2_queue *queue = &ev_queue->qm_queue;
+       struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args cfg;
+       int32_t ret;
+       uint32_t qm_qid;
+       int sched_type = -1;
+       if (evq_conf == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (evq_conf->event_queue_cfg & RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_ALL_TYPES) {
+               if (evq_conf->nb_atomic_order_sequences != 0)
+                       sched_type = RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ORDERED;
+               else
+                       sched_type = RTE_SCHED_TYPE_PARALLEL;
+       } else
+               sched_type = evq_conf->schedule_type;
+       cfg.num_atomic_inflights = DLB2_NUM_ATOMIC_INFLIGHTS_PER_QUEUE;
+       cfg.num_sequence_numbers = evq_conf->nb_atomic_order_sequences;
+       cfg.num_qid_inflights = evq_conf->nb_atomic_order_sequences;
+       if (sched_type != RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ORDERED) {
+               cfg.num_sequence_numbers = 0;
+               cfg.num_qid_inflights = 2048;
+       }
+       /* App should set this to the number of hardware flows they want, not
+        * the overall number of flows they're going to use. E.g. if app is
+        * using 64 flows and sets compression to 64, best-case they'll get
+        * 64 unique hashed flows in hardware.
+        */
+       switch (evq_conf->nb_atomic_flows) {
+       /* Valid DLB2 compression levels */
+       case 64:
+       case 128:
+       case 256:
+       case 512:
+       case (1 * 1024): /* 1K */
+       case (2 * 1024): /* 2K */
+       case (4 * 1024): /* 4K */
+       case (64 * 1024): /* 64K */
+               cfg.lock_id_comp_level = evq_conf->nb_atomic_flows;
+               break;
+       default:
+               /* Invalid compression level */
+               cfg.lock_id_comp_level = 0; /* no compression */
+       }
+       if (ev_queue->depth_threshold == 0) {
+               cfg.depth_threshold = RTE_PMD_DLB2_DEFAULT_DEPTH_THRESH;
+               ev_queue->depth_threshold = RTE_PMD_DLB2_DEFAULT_DEPTH_THRESH;
+       } else
+               cfg.depth_threshold = ev_queue->depth_threshold;
+       ret = dlb2_iface_ldb_queue_create(handle, &cfg);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: create LB event queue error, ret=%d (driver 
status: %s)\n",
+                            ret, dlb2_error_strings[cfg.response.status]);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       qm_qid = cfg.response.id;
+       /* Save off queue config for debug, resource lookups, and reconfig */
+       queue->num_qid_inflights = cfg.num_qid_inflights;
+       queue->num_atm_inflights = cfg.num_atomic_inflights;
+       queue->sched_type = sched_type;
+       queue->config_state = DLB2_CONFIGURED;
+       DLB2_LOG_DBG("Created LB event queue %d, nb_inflights=%d, nb_seq=%d, 
qid inflights=%d\n",
+                    qm_qid,
+                    cfg.num_atomic_inflights,
+                    cfg.num_sequence_numbers,
+                    cfg.num_qid_inflights);
+       return qm_qid;
+static int
+dlb2_eventdev_ldb_queue_setup(struct rte_eventdev *dev,
+                             struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue,
+                             const struct rte_event_queue_conf *queue_conf)
+       struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2 = dlb2_pmd_priv(dev);
+       int32_t qm_qid;
+       if (queue_conf->nb_atomic_order_sequences)
+               dlb2_program_sn_allocation(dlb2, queue_conf);
+       qm_qid = dlb2_hw_create_ldb_queue(dlb2, ev_queue, queue_conf);
+       if (qm_qid < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("Failed to create the load-balanced queue\n");
+               return qm_qid;
+       }
+       dlb2->qm_ldb_to_ev_queue_id[qm_qid] = ev_queue->id;
+       ev_queue->qm_queue.id = qm_qid;
+       return 0;
+static int dlb2_num_dir_queues_setup(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2)
+       int i, num = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < dlb2->num_queues; i++) {
+               if (dlb2->ev_queues[i].setup_done &&
+                   dlb2->ev_queues[i].qm_queue.is_directed)
+                       num++;
+       }
+       return num;
+static void
+dlb2_queue_link_teardown(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2,
+                        struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue)
+       struct dlb2_eventdev_port *ev_port;
+       int i, j;
+       for (i = 0; i < dlb2->num_ports; i++) {
+               ev_port = &dlb2->ev_ports[i];
+               for (j = 0; j < DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ; j++) {
+                       if (!ev_port->link[j].valid ||
+                           ev_port->link[j].queue_id != ev_queue->id)
+                               continue;
+                       ev_port->link[j].valid = false;
+                       ev_port->num_links--;
+               }
+       }
+       ev_queue->num_links = 0;
+static int
+dlb2_eventdev_queue_setup(struct rte_eventdev *dev,
+                         uint8_t ev_qid,
+                         const struct rte_event_queue_conf *queue_conf)
+       struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2 = dlb2_pmd_priv(dev);
+       struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue;
+       int ret;
+       if (queue_conf == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (ev_qid >= dlb2->num_queues)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       ev_queue = &dlb2->ev_queues[ev_qid];
+       ev_queue->qm_queue.is_directed = queue_conf->event_queue_cfg &
+       ev_queue->id = ev_qid;
+       ev_queue->conf = *queue_conf;
+       if (!ev_queue->qm_queue.is_directed) {
+               ret = dlb2_eventdev_ldb_queue_setup(dev, ev_queue, queue_conf);
+       } else {
+               /* The directed queue isn't setup until link time, at which
+                * point we know its directed port ID. Directed queue setup
+                * will only fail if this queue is already setup or there are
+                * no directed queues left to configure.
+                */
+               ret = 0;
+               ev_queue->qm_queue.config_state = DLB2_NOT_CONFIGURED;
+               if (ev_queue->setup_done ||
+                   dlb2_num_dir_queues_setup(dlb2) == dlb2->num_dir_queues)
+                       ret = -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* Tear down pre-existing port->queue links */
+       if (!ret && dlb2->run_state == DLB2_RUN_STATE_STOPPED)
+               dlb2_queue_link_teardown(dlb2, ev_queue);
+       if (!ret)
+               ev_queue->setup_done = true;
+       return ret;
 static void
 dlb2_entry_points_init(struct rte_eventdev *dev)
@@ -696,6 +1007,7 @@ dlb2_entry_points_init(struct rte_eventdev *dev)
                .dev_infos_get    = dlb2_eventdev_info_get,
                .dev_configure    = dlb2_eventdev_configure,
                .queue_def_conf   = dlb2_eventdev_queue_default_conf_get,
+               .queue_setup      = dlb2_eventdev_queue_setup,
                .port_def_conf    = dlb2_eventdev_port_default_conf_get,
                .dump             = dlb2_eventdev_dump,
                .xstats_get       = dlb2_eventdev_xstats_get,
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c
index a829b9b..4c07574 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c
@@ -31,3 +31,15 @@ int (*dlb2_iface_sched_domain_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev 
                                struct dlb2_create_sched_domain_args *args);
 void (*dlb2_iface_domain_reset)(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2);
+int (*dlb2_iface_ldb_queue_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                  struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args *cfg);
+int (*dlb2_iface_get_sn_allocation)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                   struct dlb2_get_sn_allocation_args *args);
+int (*dlb2_iface_set_sn_allocation)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                   struct dlb2_set_sn_allocation_args *args);
+int (*dlb2_iface_get_sn_occupancy)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                  struct dlb2_get_sn_occupancy_args *args);
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h
index 6663dab..4c88fe0 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h
@@ -30,4 +30,16 @@ extern int (*dlb2_iface_sched_domain_create)(struct 
dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
                                 struct dlb2_create_sched_domain_args *args);
 extern void (*dlb2_iface_domain_reset)(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2);
+extern int (*dlb2_iface_ldb_queue_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                 struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args *cfg);
+extern int (*dlb2_iface_get_sn_allocation)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                  struct dlb2_get_sn_allocation_args *args);
+extern int (*dlb2_iface_set_sn_allocation)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                  struct dlb2_set_sn_allocation_args *args);
+extern int (*dlb2_iface_get_sn_occupancy)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                 struct dlb2_get_sn_occupancy_args *args);
 #endif /* _DLB2_IFACE_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c 
index 63a68a6..e6ea0d7 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c
@@ -3509,3 +3509,467 @@ unsigned int dlb2_finish_map_qid_procedures(struct 
dlb2_hw *hw)
        return num;
+static void dlb2_configure_ldb_queue(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                    struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain,
+                                    struct dlb2_ldb_queue *queue,
+                                    struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args *args,
+                                    bool vdev_req,
+                                    unsigned int vdev_id)
+       union dlb2_sys_vf_ldb_vqid_v r0 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_vf_ldb_vqid2qid r1 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_qid2vqid r2 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_vasqid_v r3 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_lsp_qid_ldb_infl_lim r4 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_lsp_qid_aqed_active_lim r5 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_aqed_pipe_qid_hid_width r6 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_qid_its r7 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_lsp_qid_atm_depth_thrsh r8 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_lsp_qid_naldb_depth_thrsh r9 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_aqed_pipe_qid_fid_lim r10 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_chp_ord_qid_sn_map r11 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_qid_cfg_v r12 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_qid_v r13 = { {0} };
+       struct dlb2_sn_group *sn_group;
+       unsigned int offs;
+       /* QID write permissions are turned on when the domain is started */
+       r3.field.vasqid_v = 0;
+       offs = domain->id.phys_id * DLB2_MAX_NUM_LDB_QUEUES +
+               queue->id.phys_id;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_LDB_VASQID_V(offs), r3.val);
+       /*
+        * Unordered QIDs get 4K inflights, ordered get as many as the number
+        * of sequence numbers.
+        */
+       r4.field.limit = args->num_qid_inflights;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_LSP_QID_LDB_INFL_LIM(queue->id.phys_id), r4.val);
+       r5.field.limit = queue->aqed_limit;
+       if (r5.field.limit > DLB2_MAX_NUM_AQED_ENTRIES)
+               r5.field.limit = DLB2_MAX_NUM_AQED_ENTRIES;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_LSP_QID_AQED_ACTIVE_LIM(queue->id.phys_id),
+                   r5.val);
+       switch (args->lock_id_comp_level) {
+       case 64:
+               r6.field.compress_code = 1;
+               break;
+       case 128:
+               r6.field.compress_code = 2;
+               break;
+       case 256:
+               r6.field.compress_code = 3;
+               break;
+       case 512:
+               r6.field.compress_code = 4;
+               break;
+       case 1024:
+               r6.field.compress_code = 5;
+               break;
+       case 2048:
+               r6.field.compress_code = 6;
+               break;
+       case 4096:
+               r6.field.compress_code = 7;
+               break;
+       case 0:
+       case 65536:
+               r6.field.compress_code = 0;
+       }
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_AQED_PIPE_QID_HID_WIDTH(queue->id.phys_id),
+                   r6.val);
+       /* Don't timestamp QEs that pass through this queue */
+       r7.field.qid_its = 0;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_SYS_LDB_QID_ITS(queue->id.phys_id),
+                   r7.val);
+       r8.field.thresh = args->depth_threshold;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_LSP_QID_ATM_DEPTH_THRSH(queue->id.phys_id),
+                   r8.val);
+       r9.field.thresh = args->depth_threshold;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_LSP_QID_NALDB_DEPTH_THRSH(queue->id.phys_id),
+                   r9.val);
+       /*
+        * This register limits the number of inflight flows a queue can have
+        * at one time.  It has an upper bound of 2048, but can be
+        * over-subscribed. 512 is chosen so that a single queue doesn't use
+        * the entire atomic storage, but can use a substantial portion if
+        * needed.
+        */
+       r10.field.qid_fid_limit = 512;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_AQED_PIPE_QID_FID_LIM(queue->id.phys_id),
+                   r10.val);
+       /* Configure SNs */
+       sn_group = &hw->rsrcs.sn_groups[queue->sn_group];
+       r11.field.mode = sn_group->mode;
+       r11.field.slot = queue->sn_slot;
+       r11.field.grp  = sn_group->id;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_CHP_ORD_QID_SN_MAP(queue->id.phys_id), r11.val);
+       r12.field.sn_cfg_v = (args->num_sequence_numbers != 0);
+       r12.field.fid_cfg_v = (args->num_atomic_inflights != 0);
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_LDB_QID_CFG_V(queue->id.phys_id), r12.val);
+       if (vdev_req) {
+               offs = vdev_id * DLB2_MAX_NUM_LDB_QUEUES + queue->id.virt_id;
+               r0.field.vqid_v = 1;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_VF_LDB_VQID_V(offs), r0.val);
+               r1.field.qid = queue->id.phys_id;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_VF_LDB_VQID2QID(offs), r1.val);
+               r2.field.vqid = queue->id.virt_id;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                           DLB2_SYS_LDB_QID2VQID(queue->id.phys_id),
+                           r2.val);
+       }
+       r13.field.qid_v = 1;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_LDB_QID_V(queue->id.phys_id), r13.val);
+static int
+dlb2_ldb_queue_attach_to_sn_group(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                 struct dlb2_ldb_queue *queue,
+                                 struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args *args)
+       int slot = -1;
+       int i;
+       queue->sn_cfg_valid = false;
+       if (args->num_sequence_numbers == 0)
+               return 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < DLB2_MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_GROUPS; i++) {
+               struct dlb2_sn_group *group = &hw->rsrcs.sn_groups[i];
+               if (group->sequence_numbers_per_queue ==
+                   args->num_sequence_numbers &&
+                   !dlb2_sn_group_full(group)) {
+                       slot = dlb2_sn_group_alloc_slot(group);
+                       if (slot >= 0)
+                               break;
+               }
+       }
+       if (slot == -1) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: no sequence number slots 
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       queue->sn_cfg_valid = true;
+       queue->sn_group = i;
+       queue->sn_slot = slot;
+       return 0;
+static int
+dlb2_ldb_queue_attach_resources(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                               struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain,
+                               struct dlb2_ldb_queue *queue,
+                               struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args *args)
+       int ret;
+       ret = dlb2_ldb_queue_attach_to_sn_group(hw, queue, args);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       /* Attach QID inflights */
+       queue->num_qid_inflights = args->num_qid_inflights;
+       /* Attach atomic inflights */
+       queue->aqed_limit = args->num_atomic_inflights;
+       domain->num_avail_aqed_entries -= args->num_atomic_inflights;
+       domain->num_used_aqed_entries += args->num_atomic_inflights;
+       return 0;
+static int
+dlb2_verify_create_ldb_queue_args(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                 u32 domain_id,
+                                 struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args *args,
+                                 struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp,
+                                 bool vdev_req,
+                                 unsigned int vdev_id)
+       struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain;
+       int i;
+       domain = dlb2_get_domain_from_id(hw, domain_id, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       if (domain == NULL) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_DOMAIN_ID;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (!domain->configured) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DOMAIN_NOT_CONFIGURED;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (domain->started) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DOMAIN_STARTED;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (dlb2_list_empty(&domain->avail_ldb_queues)) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_LDB_QUEUES_UNAVAILABLE;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (args->num_sequence_numbers) {
+               for (i = 0; i < DLB2_MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_GROUPS; i++) {
+                       struct dlb2_sn_group *group = &hw->rsrcs.sn_groups[i];
+                       if (group->sequence_numbers_per_queue ==
+                           args->num_sequence_numbers &&
+                           !dlb2_sn_group_full(group))
+                               break;
+               }
+               if (i == DLB2_MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_GROUPS) {
+                       resp->status = DLB2_ST_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS_UNAVAILABLE;
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+       }
+       if (args->num_qid_inflights > 4096) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_QID_INFLIGHT_ALLOCATION;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* Inflights must be <= number of sequence numbers if ordered */
+       if (args->num_sequence_numbers != 0 &&
+           args->num_qid_inflights > args->num_sequence_numbers) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_QID_INFLIGHT_ALLOCATION;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (domain->num_avail_aqed_entries < args->num_atomic_inflights) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_ATOMIC_INFLIGHTS_UNAVAILABLE;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (args->num_atomic_inflights &&
+           args->lock_id_comp_level != 0 &&
+           args->lock_id_comp_level != 64 &&
+           args->lock_id_comp_level != 128 &&
+           args->lock_id_comp_level != 256 &&
+           args->lock_id_comp_level != 512 &&
+           args->lock_id_comp_level != 1024 &&
+           args->lock_id_comp_level != 2048 &&
+           args->lock_id_comp_level != 4096 &&
+           args->lock_id_comp_level != 65536) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_LOCK_ID_COMP_LEVEL;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static void
+dlb2_log_create_ldb_queue_args(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                              u32 domain_id,
+                              struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args *args,
+                              bool vdev_req,
+                              unsigned int vdev_id)
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 create load-balanced queue arguments:\n");
+       if (vdev_req)
+               DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "(Request from vdev %d)\n", vdev_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tDomain ID:                  %d\n",
+                   domain_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tNumber of sequence numbers: %d\n",
+                   args->num_sequence_numbers);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tNumber of QID inflights:    %d\n",
+                   args->num_qid_inflights);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tNumber of ATM inflights:    %d\n",
+                   args->num_atomic_inflights);
+ * dlb2_hw_create_ldb_queue() - Allocate and initialize a DLB LDB queue.
+ * @hw:        Contains the current state of the DLB2 hardware.
+ * @domain_id: Domain ID
+ * @args: User-provided arguments.
+ * @resp: Response to user.
+ * @vdev_req: Request came from a virtual device.
+ * @vdev_id: If vdev_req is true, this contains the virtual device's ID.
+ *
+ * Return: returns < 0 on error, 0 otherwise. If the driver is unable to
+ * satisfy a request, resp->status will be set accordingly.
+ */
+int dlb2_hw_create_ldb_queue(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                            u32 domain_id,
+                            struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args *args,
+                            struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp,
+                            bool vdev_req,
+                            unsigned int vdev_id)
+       struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain;
+       struct dlb2_ldb_queue *queue;
+       int ret;
+       dlb2_log_create_ldb_queue_args(hw, domain_id, args, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       /*
+        * Verify that hardware resources are available before attempting to
+        * satisfy the request. This simplifies the error unwinding code.
+        */
+       ret = dlb2_verify_create_ldb_queue_args(hw,
+                                               domain_id,
+                                               args,
+                                               resp,
+                                               vdev_req,
+                                               vdev_id);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       domain = dlb2_get_domain_from_id(hw, domain_id, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       if (domain == NULL) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: domain not found\n",
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       queue = DLB2_DOM_LIST_HEAD(domain->avail_ldb_queues, typeof(*queue));
+       if (queue == NULL) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: no available ldb 
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       ret = dlb2_ldb_queue_attach_resources(hw, domain, queue, args);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: failed to attach the ldb 
queue resources\n",
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       dlb2_configure_ldb_queue(hw, domain, queue, args, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       queue->num_mappings = 0;
+       queue->configured = true;
+       /*
+        * Configuration succeeded, so move the resource from the 'avail' to
+        * the 'used' list.
+        */
+       dlb2_list_del(&domain->avail_ldb_queues, &queue->domain_list);
+       dlb2_list_add(&domain->used_ldb_queues, &queue->domain_list);
+       resp->status = 0;
+       resp->id = (vdev_req) ? queue->id.virt_id : queue->id.phys_id;
+       return 0;
+int dlb2_get_group_sequence_numbers(struct dlb2_hw *hw, unsigned int group_id)
+       if (group_id >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_GROUPS)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       return hw->rsrcs.sn_groups[group_id].sequence_numbers_per_queue;
+int dlb2_get_group_sequence_number_occupancy(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                            unsigned int group_id)
+       if (group_id >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_GROUPS)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       return dlb2_sn_group_used_slots(&hw->rsrcs.sn_groups[group_id]);
+static void dlb2_log_set_group_sequence_numbers(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                               unsigned int group_id,
+                                               unsigned long val)
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 set group sequence numbers:\n");
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tGroup ID: %u\n", group_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tValue:    %lu\n", val);
+int dlb2_set_group_sequence_numbers(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                   unsigned int group_id,
+                                   unsigned long val)
+       u32 valid_allocations[] = {64, 128, 256, 512, 1024};
+       union dlb2_ro_pipe_grp_sn_mode r0 = { {0} };
+       struct dlb2_sn_group *group;
+       int mode;
+       if (group_id >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_GROUPS)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       group = &hw->rsrcs.sn_groups[group_id];
+       /*
+        * Once the first load-balanced queue using an SN group is configured,
+        * the group cannot be changed.
+        */
+       if (group->slot_use_bitmap != 0)
+               return -EPERM;
+       for (mode = 0; mode < DLB2_MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MODES; mode++)
+               if (val == valid_allocations[mode])
+                       break;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       group->mode = mode;
+       group->sequence_numbers_per_queue = val;
+       r0.field.sn_mode_0 = hw->rsrcs.sn_groups[0].mode;
+       r0.field.sn_mode_1 = hw->rsrcs.sn_groups[1].mode;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_RO_PIPE_GRP_SN_MODE, r0.val);
+       dlb2_log_set_group_sequence_numbers(hw, group_id, val);
+       return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c 
index 285ad2c..14bb04b 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c
@@ -613,3 +613,13 @@ dlb2_pf_reset_domain(struct dlb2_hw *hw, u32 id)
        return dlb2_reset_domain(hw, id, NOT_VF_REQ, PF_ID_ZERO);
+dlb2_pf_create_ldb_queue(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                        u32 id,
+                        struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args *args,
+                        struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp)
+       return dlb2_hw_create_ldb_queue(hw, id, args, resp, NOT_VF_REQ,
+                                       PF_ID_ZERO);
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c
index 9310f72..a6cd178 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c
@@ -150,6 +150,84 @@ dlb2_pf_domain_reset(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2)
                DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2_pf_reset_domain err %d", ret);
+static int
+dlb2_pf_ldb_queue_create(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                        struct dlb2_create_ldb_queue_args *cfg)
+       struct dlb2_dev *dlb2_dev = (struct dlb2_dev *)handle->pf_dev;
+       struct dlb2_cmd_response response = {0};
+       int ret;
+       DLB2_INFO(dev->dlb2_device, "Entering %s()\n", __func__);
+       ret = dlb2_pf_create_ldb_queue(&dlb2_dev->hw,
+                                      handle->domain_id,
+                                      cfg,
+                                      &response);
+       cfg->response = response;
+       DLB2_INFO(dev->dlb2_device, "Exiting %s() with ret=%d\n",
+                 __func__, ret);
+       return ret;
+static int
+dlb2_pf_get_sn_occupancy(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                        struct dlb2_get_sn_occupancy_args *args)
+       struct dlb2_dev *dlb2_dev = (struct dlb2_dev *)handle->pf_dev;
+       struct dlb2_cmd_response response = {0};
+       int ret;
+       ret = dlb2_get_group_sequence_number_occupancy(&dlb2_dev->hw,
+                                                      args->group);
+       response.id = ret;
+       response.status = 0;
+       args->response = response;
+       return ret;
+static int
+dlb2_pf_get_sn_allocation(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                         struct dlb2_get_sn_allocation_args *args)
+       struct dlb2_dev *dlb2_dev = (struct dlb2_dev *)handle->pf_dev;
+       struct dlb2_cmd_response response = {0};
+       int ret;
+       ret = dlb2_get_group_sequence_numbers(&dlb2_dev->hw, args->group);
+       response.id = ret;
+       response.status = 0;
+       args->response = response;
+       return ret;
+static int
+dlb2_pf_set_sn_allocation(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                         struct dlb2_set_sn_allocation_args *args)
+       struct dlb2_dev *dlb2_dev = (struct dlb2_dev *)handle->pf_dev;
+       struct dlb2_cmd_response response = {0};
+       int ret;
+       ret = dlb2_set_group_sequence_numbers(&dlb2_dev->hw, args->group,
+                                             args->num);
+       response.status = 0;
+       args->response = response;
+       return ret;
 static void
@@ -161,6 +239,10 @@ dlb2_pf_iface_fn_ptrs_init(void)
        dlb2_iface_get_num_resources = dlb2_pf_get_num_resources;
        dlb2_iface_get_cq_poll_mode = dlb2_pf_get_cq_poll_mode;
        dlb2_iface_sched_domain_create = dlb2_pf_sched_domain_create;
+       dlb2_iface_ldb_queue_create = dlb2_pf_ldb_queue_create;
+       dlb2_iface_get_sn_allocation = dlb2_pf_get_sn_allocation;
+       dlb2_iface_set_sn_allocation = dlb2_pf_set_sn_allocation;
+       dlb2_iface_get_sn_occupancy = dlb2_pf_get_sn_occupancy;

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