Hi Zhou,

Although, I see that a few of the configuration options are checking for 
’test_done’, I am wondering if it is truly required.
Since, as per the documentation guidelines:
'Configuration changes only become active when forwarding is started/restarted.’

> On Oct 27, 2020, at 1:42 AM, Zhou Zhenghua <zhenghuax.z...@intel.com> wrote:
> When changing the number of forwarding cores in runtime, two issues may be
> encountered:
>  - If the setting nbcore little than current nbcore, the forwarding
>    thread will still running on the extra cores. Therefore, trying to
>    stop forwarding will hang testpmd, since it will wait for the extra
>    cores to stop.
>  - If the setting nbcore greate than actual nbcore, the newly added
>    cores are not allocated resources.
> This will face the problem of dynamic resource allocation, so it's not
> allow to changes nbcore number when forwarding is running.
> Fixes: 0c0db76f42ed ("app/testpmd: separate forward config setup from 
> display")
> Cc: bernard.iremon...@intel.com
> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> Signed-off-by: Zhou Zhenghua <zhenghuax.z...@intel.com>

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