Hi Long

From: Long Li <lon...@linuxonhyperv.com>
> If a device probe fails, the alarm is canceled and will no longer work for
> previously probed devices.
> Fix this by checking if alarm is necessary at the end of each device probe.
> Reset the alarm if there are vdev_netvsc_ctx created.
> Change log:
> v2: removed lock and flags, use counter to decide if alarm should be reset
> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> Signed-off-by: Long Li <lon...@microsoft.com>

I suggest the next title:
net/vdev_netvsc: fix device probing error flow

and the next fixes line:
Fixes: e7dc5d7becc5 ("net/vdev_netvsc: implement core functionality")

Acked-by: Matan Azrad <ma...@nvidia.com>

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