Hi David,
        Checkpatch CI is showing "WARNING" on a lot of the patches in this 
series, but it does not list any real warnings.  Any idea what is happening?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Honnappa Nagarahalli <honnappa.nagaraha...@arm.com>
> Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2020 11:11 AM
> To: dev@dpdk.org; Honnappa Nagarahalli
> <honnappa.nagaraha...@arm.com>; konstantin.anan...@intel.com;
> step...@networkplumber.org
> Cc: Dharmik Thakkar <dharmik.thak...@arm.com>; Ruifeng Wang
> <ruifeng.w...@arm.com>; olivier.m...@6wind.com;
> david.march...@redhat.com; nd <n...@arm.com>
> Subject: [PATCH v4 0/8] lib/ring: add zero copy APIs
> It is pretty common for the DPDK applications to be deployed in semi-
> pipeline model. In these models, a small number of cores (typically 1) are
> designated as I/O cores. The I/O cores work on receiving and transmitting
> packets from the NIC and several packet processing cores. The IO core and
> the packet processing cores exchange the packets over a ring. Typically, such
> applications receive the mbufs in a temporary array and copy the mbufs on
> to the ring. Depending on the requirements the packets could be copied in
> batches of 32, 64 etc resulting in 256B, 512B etc memory copy.
> The zero copy APIs help avoid intermediate copies by exposing the space on
> the ring directly to the application.
> v4:
> 1) Fixed multiple pointer issues
> 2) Added documentation
> v3:
> 1) Changed the name of the APIs to 'zero-copy (zc)'
> 2) Made the address calculation simpler
> 3) Structure to return the data to the user is aligned on
>    cache line boundary.
> 4) Added functional and stress test cases
> v2: changed the patch to use the SP-SC and HTS modes
> v1: Initial version
> Honnappa Nagarahalli (8):
>   lib/ring: add zero copy APIs
>   test/ring: move common function to header file
>   test/ring: add functional tests for zero copy APIs
>   test/ring: add stress tests for zero copy APIs
>   doc/ring: add zero copy peek APIs
>   test/ring: fix the memory dump size
>   test/ring: remove unnecessary braces
>   test/ring: user uintptr_t instead of unsigned long
>  app/test/meson.build                   |   2 +
>  app/test/test_ring.c                   | 209 +++++++++-
>  app/test/test_ring.h                   |  67 ++-
>  app/test/test_ring_mt_peek_stress_zc.c |  56 +++
> app/test/test_ring_st_peek_stress_zc.c |  65 +++
>  app/test/test_ring_stress.c            |   6 +
>  app/test/test_ring_stress.h            |   2 +
>  app/test/test_ring_stress_impl.h       |   2 +-
>  doc/guides/prog_guide/ring_lib.rst     |  41 ++
>  doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_11.rst |   9 +
>  lib/librte_ring/meson.build            |   1 +
>  lib/librte_ring/rte_ring_elem.h        |   1 +
>  lib/librte_ring/rte_ring_peek_zc.h     | 546 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  13 files changed, 988 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)  create mode 100644
> app/test/test_ring_mt_peek_stress_zc.c
>  create mode 100644 app/test/test_ring_st_peek_stress_zc.c
>  create mode 100644 lib/librte_ring/rte_ring_peek_zc.h
> --
> 2.17.1

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