Remove rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set() and corresponding
ethdev driver operation.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Rybchenko <>
 app/test-pmd/cmdline.c                      | 455 --------------------
 doc/guides/nics/features.rst                |   2 -
 doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst        |   6 -
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_11.rst      |   3 +-
 doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst |   7 -
 drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c            | 333 --------------
 lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev.c              |  32 --
 lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev.h              |  30 --
 lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev_driver.h       |   9 -
 lib/librte_ethdev/               |   1 -
 10 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 876 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c b/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
index 8e76ec62a2..84db81cf31 100644
--- a/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
+++ b/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
@@ -650,20 +650,6 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result,
                        "set link-down port (port_id)\n"
                        "       Set link down for a port.\n\n"
-                       "E-tag set insertion on port-tag-id (value)"
-                       " port (port_id) vf (vf_id)\n"
-                       "    Enable E-tag insertion for a VF on a port\n\n"
-                       "E-tag set insertion off port (port_id) vf (vf_id)\n"
-                       "    Disable E-tag insertion for a VF on a port\n\n"
-                       "E-tag set stripping (on|off) port (port_id)\n"
-                       "    Enable/disable E-tag stripping on a port\n\n"
-                       "E-tag set forwarding (on|off) port (port_id)\n"
-                       "    Enable/disable E-tag based forwarding"
-                       " on a port\n\n"
                        "ddp add (port_id) 
                        "    Load a profile package on a port\n\n"
@@ -843,10 +829,6 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result,
                        "port (port_id) (rxq|txq) (queue_id) setup\n"
                        "    Setup a rx/tx queue of port X.\n\n"
-                       "port config (port_id|all) l2-tunnel E-tag"
-                       " (enable|disable)\n"
-                       "    Enable/disable the E-tag support.\n\n"
                        "port config (port_id) pctype mapping reset\n"
                        "    Reset flow type to pctype mapping on a port\n\n"
@@ -10671,437 +10653,6 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_mcast_addr = {
-/* l2 tunnel config
- * only support E-tag now.
- */
-static enum rte_eth_tunnel_type
-str2fdir_l2_tunnel_type(char *string)
-       uint32_t i = 0;
-       static const struct {
-               char str[32];
-               enum rte_eth_tunnel_type type;
-       } l2_tunnel_type_str[] = {
-               {"E-tag", RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG},
-       };
-       for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(l2_tunnel_type_str); i++) {
-               if (!strcmp(l2_tunnel_type_str[i].str, string))
-                       return l2_tunnel_type_str[i].type;
-       }
-       return RTE_TUNNEL_TYPE_NONE;
-/* Enable/disable l2 tunnel */
-struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result {
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t port;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t config;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t all;
-       portid_t id;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t l2_tunnel;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t l2_tunnel_type;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t en_dis;
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_port =
-               (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result,
-                port, "port");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_config =
-               (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result,
-                config, "config");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_all_str =
-               (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result,
-                all, "all");
-cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_id =
-               (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result,
-                id, UINT16);
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_l2_tunnel =
-               (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result,
-                l2_tunnel, "l2-tunnel");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_l2_tunnel_type =
-               (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result,
-                l2_tunnel_type, "E-tag");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_en_dis =
-               (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result,
-                en_dis, "enable#disable");
-/* enable/disable l2 tunnel for all ports */
-static void
-       void *parsed_result,
-       __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl,
-       __rte_unused void *data)
-       struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result *res = parsed_result;
-       struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf entry;
-       portid_t pid;
-       uint8_t en;
-       entry.l2_tunnel_type = str2fdir_l2_tunnel_type(res->l2_tunnel_type);
-       if (!strcmp("enable", res->en_dis))
-               en = 1;
-       else
-               en = 0;
-       RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(pid) {
-               rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set(pid,
-                                                 &entry,
-                                                 ETH_L2_TUNNEL_ENABLE_MASK,
-                                                 en);
-       }
-cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_all = {
-       .f = cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_all_parsed,
-       .data = NULL,
-       .help_str = "port config all l2-tunnel E-tag enable|disable",
-       .tokens = {
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_port,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_config,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_all_str,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_l2_tunnel,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_l2_tunnel_type,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_en_dis,
-               NULL,
-       },
-/* enable/disable l2 tunnel for a port */
-static void
-       void *parsed_result,
-       __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl,
-       __rte_unused void *data)
-       struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result *res =
-               parsed_result;
-       struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf entry;
-       if (port_id_is_invalid(res->id, ENABLED_WARN))
-               return;
-       entry.l2_tunnel_type = str2fdir_l2_tunnel_type(res->l2_tunnel_type);
-       if (!strcmp("enable", res->en_dis))
-               rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set(res->id,
-                                                 &entry,
-                                                 ETH_L2_TUNNEL_ENABLE_MASK,
-                                                 1);
-       else
-               rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set(res->id,
-                                                 &entry,
-                                                 ETH_L2_TUNNEL_ENABLE_MASK,
-                                                 0);
-cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_specific = {
-       .f = cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_specific_parsed,
-       .data = NULL,
-       .help_str = "port config <port_id> l2-tunnel E-tag enable|disable",
-       .tokens = {
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_port,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_config,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_id,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_l2_tunnel,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_l2_tunnel_type,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_en_dis,
-               NULL,
-       },
-/* E-tag configuration */
-/* Common result structure for all E-tag configuration */
-struct cmd_config_e_tag_result {
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t e_tag;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t set;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t insertion;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t stripping;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t forwarding;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t filter;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t add;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t del;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t on;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t off;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t on_off;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t port_tag_id;
-       uint32_t port_tag_id_val;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t e_tag_id;
-       uint16_t e_tag_id_val;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t dst_pool;
-       uint8_t dst_pool_val;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t port;
-       portid_t port_id;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t vf;
-       uint8_t vf_id;
-/* Common CLI fields for all E-tag configuration */
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_e_tag =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                e_tag, "E-tag");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_set =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                set, "set");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_insertion =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                insertion, "insertion");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_stripping =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                stripping, "stripping");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_forwarding =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                forwarding, "forwarding");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_filter =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                filter, "filter");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_add =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                add, "add");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_del =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                del, "del");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_on =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                on, "on");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_off =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                off, "off");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_on_off =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                on_off, "on#off");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_port_tag_id =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                port_tag_id, "port-tag-id");
-cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_e_tag_port_tag_id_val =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                port_tag_id_val, UINT32);
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_e_tag_id =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                e_tag_id, "e-tag-id");
-cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_e_tag_e_tag_id_val =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                e_tag_id_val, UINT16);
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_dst_pool =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                dst_pool, "dst-pool");
-cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_e_tag_dst_pool_val =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                dst_pool_val, UINT8);
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_port =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                port, "port");
-cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_e_tag_port_id =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                port_id, UINT16);
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_e_tag_vf =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                vf, "vf");
-cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_e_tag_vf_id =
-               (struct cmd_config_e_tag_result,
-                vf_id, UINT8);
-/* E-tag insertion configuration */
-static void
-       void *parsed_result,
-       __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl,
-       __rte_unused void *data)
-       struct cmd_config_e_tag_result *res =
-               parsed_result;
-       struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf entry;
-       if (port_id_is_invalid(res->port_id, ENABLED_WARN))
-               return;
-       entry.l2_tunnel_type = RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG;
-       entry.tunnel_id = res->port_tag_id_val;
-       entry.vf_id = res->vf_id;
-       rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set(res->port_id,
-                                         &entry,
-                                         ETH_L2_TUNNEL_INSERTION_MASK,
-                                         1);
-static void
-       void *parsed_result,
-       __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl,
-       __rte_unused void *data)
-       struct cmd_config_e_tag_result *res =
-               parsed_result;
-       struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf entry;
-       if (port_id_is_invalid(res->port_id, ENABLED_WARN))
-               return;
-       entry.l2_tunnel_type = RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG;
-       entry.vf_id = res->vf_id;
-       rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set(res->port_id,
-                                         &entry,
-                                         ETH_L2_TUNNEL_INSERTION_MASK,
-                                         0);
-cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_e_tag_insertion_en = {
-       .f = cmd_config_e_tag_insertion_en_parsed,
-       .data = NULL,
-       .help_str = "E-tag ... : E-tag insertion enable",
-       .tokens = {
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_e_tag,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_set,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_insertion,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_on,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_port_tag_id,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_port_tag_id_val,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_port,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_port_id,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_vf,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_vf_id,
-               NULL,
-       },
-cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_e_tag_insertion_dis = {
-       .f = cmd_config_e_tag_insertion_dis_parsed,
-       .data = NULL,
-       .help_str = "E-tag ... : E-tag insertion disable",
-       .tokens = {
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_e_tag,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_set,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_insertion,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_off,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_port,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_port_id,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_vf,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_vf_id,
-               NULL,
-       },
-/* E-tag stripping configuration */
-static void
-       void *parsed_result,
-       __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl,
-       __rte_unused void *data)
-       struct cmd_config_e_tag_result *res =
-               parsed_result;
-       struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf entry;
-       if (port_id_is_invalid(res->port_id, ENABLED_WARN))
-               return;
-       entry.l2_tunnel_type = RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG;
-       if (!strcmp(res->on_off, "on"))
-               rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set
-                       (res->port_id,
-                        &entry,
-                        ETH_L2_TUNNEL_STRIPPING_MASK,
-                        1);
-       else
-               rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set
-                       (res->port_id,
-                        &entry,
-                        ETH_L2_TUNNEL_STRIPPING_MASK,
-                        0);
-cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_e_tag_stripping_en_dis = {
-       .f = cmd_config_e_tag_stripping_parsed,
-       .data = NULL,
-       .help_str = "E-tag ... : E-tag stripping enable/disable",
-       .tokens = {
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_e_tag,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_set,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_stripping,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_on_off,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_port,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_port_id,
-               NULL,
-       },
-/* E-tag forwarding configuration */
-static void
-       void *parsed_result,
-       __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl,
-       __rte_unused void *data)
-       struct cmd_config_e_tag_result *res = parsed_result;
-       struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf entry;
-       if (port_id_is_invalid(res->port_id, ENABLED_WARN))
-               return;
-       entry.l2_tunnel_type = RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG;
-       if (!strcmp(res->on_off, "on"))
-               rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set
-                       (res->port_id,
-                        &entry,
-                        ETH_L2_TUNNEL_FORWARDING_MASK,
-                        1);
-       else
-               rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set
-                       (res->port_id,
-                        &entry,
-                        ETH_L2_TUNNEL_FORWARDING_MASK,
-                        0);
-cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_e_tag_forwarding_en_dis = {
-       .f = cmd_config_e_tag_forwarding_parsed,
-       .data = NULL,
-       .help_str = "E-tag ... : E-tag forwarding enable/disable",
-       .tokens = {
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_e_tag,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_set,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_forwarding,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_on_off,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_port,
-               (void *)&cmd_config_e_tag_port_id,
-               NULL,
-       },
 /* vf vlan anti spoof configuration */
 /* Common result structure for vf vlan anti spoof */
@@ -17394,12 +16945,6 @@ cmdline_parse_ctx_t main_ctx[] = {
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_set_port_meter_stats_mask,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_show_port_meter_stats,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_mcast_addr,
-       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_all,
-       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_specific,
-       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_config_e_tag_insertion_en,
-       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_config_e_tag_insertion_dis,
-       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_config_e_tag_stripping_en_dis,
-       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_config_e_tag_forwarding_en_dis,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_set_vf_vlan_anti_spoof,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_set_vf_mac_anti_spoof,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_set_vf_vlan_stripq,
diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/features.rst b/doc/guides/nics/features.rst
index 37cd26d84a..98ad7d0822 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/features.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/features.rst
@@ -938,10 +938,8 @@ Other dev ops not represented by a Feature
 * ``vlan_strip_queue_set``
 * ``vlan_pvid_set``
 * ``rx_queue_count``
-* ``l2_tunnel_offload_set``
 * ``uc_hash_table_set``
 * ``uc_all_hash_table_set``
 * ``udp_tunnel_port_add``
 * ``udp_tunnel_port_del``
-* ``l2_tunnel_offload_set``
 * ``tx_pkt_prepare``
diff --git a/doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst 
index 38706775f5..a348138757 100644
--- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst
@@ -98,12 +98,6 @@ Deprecation Notices
   and the related structures (``rte_fdir_*`` and ``rte_eth_fdir_*``),
   will be removed in DPDK 20.11.
-* ethdev: The legacy L2 tunnel filtering API is deprecated as the rest of
-  the legacy filtering API.
-  The function
-  ``rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set`` which were not marked as deprecated,
-  will be removed in DPDK 20.11.
 * ethdev: New offload flags ``DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_FLOW_MARK`` will be added in 
   This will allow application to enable or disable PMDs from updating
diff --git a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_11.rst 
index 3165307de9..82d392dec8 100644
--- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_11.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_11.rst
@@ -472,7 +472,8 @@ API Changes
   ``rte_eth_dev_filter_supported()`` and ``rte_eth_dev_filter_ctrl()``.
 * ethdev: Removed the legacy L2 tunnel configuration API, including
-  ``rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_eth_type_conf()``.
+  ``rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_eth_type_conf()`` and
+  ``rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set()``..
 * vhost: Moved vDPA APIs from experimental to stable.
diff --git a/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst 
index e6439719d1..edcb4d2d17 100644
--- a/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst
@@ -2339,13 +2339,6 @@ Where the threshold type can be:
 These threshold options are also available from the command-line.
-port config - E-tag
-Enable/disable the E-tag support::
-   testpmd> port config (port_id|all) l2-tunnel E-tag (enable|disable)
 port config pctype mapping
diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
index 4918517b92..9c91b8cde8 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
@@ -348,12 +348,6 @@ static int ixgbe_timesync_write_time(struct rte_eth_dev 
                                   const struct timespec *timestamp);
 static void ixgbevf_dev_interrupt_handler(void *param);
-static int ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set
-       (struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-        struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf *l2_tunnel,
-        uint32_t mask,
-        uint8_t en);
 static int ixgbe_dev_udp_tunnel_port_add(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                                         struct rte_eth_udp_tunnel *udp_tunnel);
 static int ixgbe_dev_udp_tunnel_port_del(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
@@ -562,7 +556,6 @@ static const struct eth_dev_ops ixgbe_eth_dev_ops = {
        .timesync_adjust_time = ixgbe_timesync_adjust_time,
        .timesync_read_time   = ixgbe_timesync_read_time,
        .timesync_write_time  = ixgbe_timesync_write_time,
-       .l2_tunnel_offload_set   = ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set,
        .udp_tunnel_port_add  = ixgbe_dev_udp_tunnel_port_add,
        .udp_tunnel_port_del  = ixgbe_dev_udp_tunnel_port_del,
        .tm_ops_get           = ixgbe_tm_ops_get,
@@ -7555,74 +7548,6 @@ ixgbe_e_tag_enable(struct ixgbe_hw *hw)
        return 0;
-/* Enable l2 tunnel */
-static int
-ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_enable(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                          enum rte_eth_tunnel_type l2_tunnel_type)
-       int ret = 0;
-       struct ixgbe_hw *hw = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
-       struct ixgbe_l2_tn_info *l2_tn_info =
-               IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_L2_TN_INFO(dev->data->dev_private);
-       switch (l2_tunnel_type) {
-       case RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG:
-               l2_tn_info->e_tag_en = TRUE;
-               ret = ixgbe_e_tag_enable(hw);
-               break;
-       default:
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid tunnel type");
-               ret = -EINVAL;
-               break;
-       }
-       return ret;
-/* Disable e-tag tunnel */
-static int
-ixgbe_e_tag_disable(struct ixgbe_hw *hw)
-       uint32_t etag_etype;
-       if (hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_X550 &&
-           hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_X550EM_x &&
-           hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_X550EM_a) {
-               return -ENOTSUP;
-       }
-       etag_etype = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_ETAG_ETYPE);
-       etag_etype &= ~IXGBE_ETAG_ETYPE_VALID;
-       IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_ETAG_ETYPE, etag_etype);
-       IXGBE_WRITE_FLUSH(hw);
-       return 0;
-/* Disable l2 tunnel */
-static int
-ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_disable(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                           enum rte_eth_tunnel_type l2_tunnel_type)
-       int ret = 0;
-       struct ixgbe_hw *hw = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
-       struct ixgbe_l2_tn_info *l2_tn_info =
-               IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_L2_TN_INFO(dev->data->dev_private);
-       switch (l2_tunnel_type) {
-       case RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG:
-               l2_tn_info->e_tag_en = FALSE;
-               ret = ixgbe_e_tag_disable(hw);
-               break;
-       default:
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid tunnel type");
-               ret = -EINVAL;
-               break;
-       }
-       return ret;
 static int
 ixgbe_e_tag_filter_del(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                       struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf *l2_tunnel)
@@ -7870,264 +7795,6 @@ ixgbe_e_tag_forwarding_en_dis(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, 
bool en)
        return ret;
-/* Enable l2 tunnel forwarding */
-static int
-       (struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-        enum rte_eth_tunnel_type l2_tunnel_type)
-       struct ixgbe_l2_tn_info *l2_tn_info =
-               IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_L2_TN_INFO(dev->data->dev_private);
-       int ret = 0;
-       switch (l2_tunnel_type) {
-       case RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG:
-               l2_tn_info->e_tag_fwd_en = TRUE;
-               ret = ixgbe_e_tag_forwarding_en_dis(dev, 1);
-               break;
-       default:
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid tunnel type");
-               ret = -EINVAL;
-               break;
-       }
-       return ret;
-/* Disable l2 tunnel forwarding */
-static int
-       (struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-        enum rte_eth_tunnel_type l2_tunnel_type)
-       struct ixgbe_l2_tn_info *l2_tn_info =
-               IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_L2_TN_INFO(dev->data->dev_private);
-       int ret = 0;
-       switch (l2_tunnel_type) {
-       case RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG:
-               l2_tn_info->e_tag_fwd_en = FALSE;
-               ret = ixgbe_e_tag_forwarding_en_dis(dev, 0);
-               break;
-       default:
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid tunnel type");
-               ret = -EINVAL;
-               break;
-       }
-       return ret;
-static int
-ixgbe_e_tag_insertion_en_dis(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                            struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf *l2_tunnel,
-                            bool en)
-       struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_ETH_DEV_TO_PCI(dev);
-       int ret = 0;
-       uint32_t vmtir, vmvir;
-       struct ixgbe_hw *hw = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
-       if (l2_tunnel->vf_id >= pci_dev->max_vfs) {
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
-                           "VF id %u should be less than %u",
-                           l2_tunnel->vf_id,
-                           pci_dev->max_vfs);
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       if (hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_X550 &&
-           hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_X550EM_x &&
-           hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_X550EM_a) {
-               return -ENOTSUP;
-       }
-       if (en)
-               vmtir = l2_tunnel->tunnel_id;
-       else
-               vmtir = 0;
-       IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_VMTIR(l2_tunnel->vf_id), vmtir);
-       vmvir = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_VMVIR(l2_tunnel->vf_id));
-       vmvir &= ~IXGBE_VMVIR_TAGA_MASK;
-       if (en)
-               vmvir |= IXGBE_VMVIR_TAGA_ETAG_INSERT;
-       IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_VMVIR(l2_tunnel->vf_id), vmvir);
-       return ret;
-/* Enable l2 tunnel tag insertion */
-static int
-ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_insertion_enable(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                                    struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf *l2_tunnel)
-       int ret = 0;
-       switch (l2_tunnel->l2_tunnel_type) {
-       case RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG:
-               ret = ixgbe_e_tag_insertion_en_dis(dev, l2_tunnel, 1);
-               break;
-       default:
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid tunnel type");
-               ret = -EINVAL;
-               break;
-       }
-       return ret;
-/* Disable l2 tunnel tag insertion */
-static int
-       (struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-        struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf *l2_tunnel)
-       int ret = 0;
-       switch (l2_tunnel->l2_tunnel_type) {
-       case RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG:
-               ret = ixgbe_e_tag_insertion_en_dis(dev, l2_tunnel, 0);
-               break;
-       default:
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid tunnel type");
-               ret = -EINVAL;
-               break;
-       }
-       return ret;
-static int
-ixgbe_e_tag_stripping_en_dis(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                            bool en)
-       int ret = 0;
-       uint32_t qde;
-       struct ixgbe_hw *hw = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
-       if (hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_X550 &&
-           hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_X550EM_x &&
-           hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_X550EM_a) {
-               return -ENOTSUP;
-       }
-       qde = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_QDE);
-       if (en)
-               qde |= IXGBE_QDE_STRIP_TAG;
-       else
-               qde &= ~IXGBE_QDE_STRIP_TAG;
-       qde &= ~IXGBE_QDE_READ;
-       qde |= IXGBE_QDE_WRITE;
-       IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_QDE, qde);
-       return ret;
-/* Enable l2 tunnel tag stripping */
-static int
-       (struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-        enum rte_eth_tunnel_type l2_tunnel_type)
-       int ret = 0;
-       switch (l2_tunnel_type) {
-       case RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG:
-               ret = ixgbe_e_tag_stripping_en_dis(dev, 1);
-               break;
-       default:
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid tunnel type");
-               ret = -EINVAL;
-               break;
-       }
-       return ret;
-/* Disable l2 tunnel tag stripping */
-static int
-       (struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-        enum rte_eth_tunnel_type l2_tunnel_type)
-       int ret = 0;
-       switch (l2_tunnel_type) {
-       case RTE_L2_TUNNEL_TYPE_E_TAG:
-               ret = ixgbe_e_tag_stripping_en_dis(dev, 0);
-               break;
-       default:
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid tunnel type");
-               ret = -EINVAL;
-               break;
-       }
-       return ret;
-/* Enable/disable l2 tunnel offload functions */
-static int
-       (struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-        struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf *l2_tunnel,
-        uint32_t mask,
-        uint8_t en)
-       int ret = 0;
-       if (l2_tunnel == NULL)
-               return -EINVAL;
-       ret = -EINVAL;
-       if (mask & ETH_L2_TUNNEL_ENABLE_MASK) {
-               if (en)
-                       ret = ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_enable(
-                               dev,
-                               l2_tunnel->l2_tunnel_type);
-               else
-                       ret = ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_disable(
-                               dev,
-                               l2_tunnel->l2_tunnel_type);
-       }
-       if (mask & ETH_L2_TUNNEL_INSERTION_MASK) {
-               if (en)
-                       ret = ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_insertion_enable(
-                               dev,
-                               l2_tunnel);
-               else
-                       ret = ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_insertion_disable(
-                               dev,
-                               l2_tunnel);
-       }
-       if (mask & ETH_L2_TUNNEL_STRIPPING_MASK) {
-               if (en)
-                       ret = ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_stripping_enable(
-                               dev,
-                               l2_tunnel->l2_tunnel_type);
-               else
-                       ret = ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_stripping_disable(
-                               dev,
-                               l2_tunnel->l2_tunnel_type);
-       }
-       if (mask & ETH_L2_TUNNEL_FORWARDING_MASK) {
-               if (en)
-                       ret = ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_forwarding_enable(
-                               dev,
-                               l2_tunnel->l2_tunnel_type);
-               else
-                       ret = ixgbe_dev_l2_tunnel_forwarding_disable(
-                               dev,
-                               l2_tunnel->l2_tunnel_type);
-       }
-       return ret;
 static int
 ixgbe_update_vxlan_port(struct ixgbe_hw *hw,
                        uint16_t port)
diff --git a/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev.c b/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
index e5d0a18feb..c8f25f7c89 100644
--- a/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
+++ b/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
@@ -5317,38 +5317,6 @@ rte_eth_dev_get_dcb_info(uint16_t port_id,
        return eth_err(port_id, (*dev->dev_ops->get_dcb_info)(dev, dcb_info));
-rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set(uint16_t port_id,
-                                 struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf *l2_tunnel,
-                                 uint32_t mask,
-                                 uint8_t en)
-       struct rte_eth_dev *dev;
-       if (l2_tunnel == NULL) {
-               RTE_ETHDEV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid l2_tunnel parameter\n");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       if (l2_tunnel->l2_tunnel_type >= RTE_TUNNEL_TYPE_MAX) {
-               RTE_ETHDEV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid tunnel type\n");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       if (mask == 0) {
-               RTE_ETHDEV_LOG(ERR, "Mask should have a value\n");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       dev = &rte_eth_devices[port_id];
-       RTE_FUNC_PTR_OR_ERR_RET(*dev->dev_ops->l2_tunnel_offload_set,
-                               -ENOTSUP);
-       return eth_err(port_id, (*dev->dev_ops->l2_tunnel_offload_set)(dev,
-                                                       l2_tunnel, mask, en));
 static void
 eth_dev_adjust_nb_desc(uint16_t *nb_desc,
                const struct rte_eth_desc_lim *desc_lim)
diff --git a/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev.h b/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev.h
index dda75a82b3..ca694b793e 100644
--- a/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev.h
+++ b/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev.h
@@ -4627,36 +4627,6 @@ __rte_experimental
 rte_eth_read_clock(uint16_t port_id, uint64_t *clock);
- * Enable/disable l2 tunnel offload functions. Include,
- * 1, The ability of parsing a type of l2 tunnel of an Ethernet device.
- *    Filtering, forwarding and offloading this type of tunnel packets depend 
- *    this ability.
- * 2, Stripping the l2 tunnel tag.
- * 3, Insertion of the l2 tunnel tag.
- * 4, Forwarding the packets based on the l2 tunnel tag.
- *
- * @param port_id
- *   The port identifier of the Ethernet device.
- * @param l2_tunnel
- *   l2 tunnel parameters.
- * @param mask
- *   Indicate the offload function.
- * @param en
- *   Enable or disable this function.
- *
- * @return
- *   - (0) if successful.
- *   - (-ENODEV) if port identifier is invalid.
- *   - (-EIO) if device is removed.
- *   - (-ENOTSUP) if hardware doesn't support tunnel type.
- */
-rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set(uint16_t port_id,
-                                 struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf *l2_tunnel,
-                                 uint32_t mask,
-                                 uint8_t en);
 * Get the port id from device name. The device name should be specified
 * as below:
diff --git a/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev_driver.h 
index a69793dcb1..0eacfd8425 100644
--- a/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev_driver.h
+++ b/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_ethdev_driver.h
@@ -465,13 +465,6 @@ typedef int (*eth_get_module_eeprom_t)(struct rte_eth_dev 
                                       struct rte_dev_eeprom_info *info);
 /**< @internal Retrieve plugin module eeprom data */
-typedef int (*eth_l2_tunnel_offload_set_t)
-       (struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-        struct rte_eth_l2_tunnel_conf *l2_tunnel,
-        uint32_t mask,
-        uint8_t en);
-/**< @internal enable/disable the l2 tunnel offload functions */
  * Feature filter types
@@ -849,8 +842,6 @@ struct eth_dev_ops {
        eth_udp_tunnel_port_add_t  udp_tunnel_port_add; /** Add UDP tunnel 
port. */
        eth_udp_tunnel_port_del_t  udp_tunnel_port_del; /** Del UDP tunnel 
port. */
-       eth_l2_tunnel_offload_set_t   l2_tunnel_offload_set;
-       /** Enable/disable l2 tunnel offload functions. */
        eth_set_queue_rate_limit_t set_queue_rate_limit; /**< Set queue rate 
limit. */
diff --git a/lib/librte_ethdev/ b/lib/librte_ethdev/
index 63f077a3eb..d3f5410806 100644
--- a/lib/librte_ethdev/
+++ b/lib/librte_ethdev/
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ DPDK_21 {
-       rte_eth_dev_l2_tunnel_offload_set;

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