From: Ivan Malov <>

Add an API for setting mask-value pairs in a match specification structure
and add support for MAE field INGRESS_PORT of type PPORT.

Signed-off-by: Ivan Malov <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Rybchenko <>
Reviewed-by: Andy Moreton <>
 drivers/common/sfc_efx/base/efx.h             |  48 +++++
 drivers/common/sfc_efx/base/efx_mae.c         | 170 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../sfc_efx/    |   3 +
 3 files changed, 221 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/common/sfc_efx/base/efx.h 
index cd0b22d43a..4fb3b02aa8 100644
--- a/drivers/common/sfc_efx/base/efx.h
+++ b/drivers/common/sfc_efx/base/efx.h
@@ -4081,9 +4081,57 @@ efx_mae_match_spec_fini(
        __in                            efx_mae_match_spec_t *spec);
 typedef enum efx_mae_field_id_e {
 } efx_mae_field_id_t;
+/* MPORT selector. Used to refer to MPORTs in match/action rules. */
+typedef struct efx_mport_sel_s {
+       uint32_t sel;
+} efx_mport_sel_t;
+ * Get MPORT selector of a physical port.
+ *
+ * The resulting MPORT selector is opaque to the caller and can be
+ * passed as an argument to efx_mae_match_spec_mport_set().
+ */
+extern __checkReturn                   efx_rc_t
+       __in                            uint32_t phy_port,
+       __out                           efx_mport_sel_t *mportp);
+ * Fields which have BE postfix in their named constants are expected
+ * to be passed by callers in big-endian byte order. They will appear
+ * in the MCDI buffer, which is a part of the match specification, in
+ * the very same byte order, that is, no conversion will be performed.
+ *
+ * Fields which don't have BE postfix in their named constants are in
+ * host byte order. MCDI expects them to be little-endian, so the API
+ * will take care to carry out conversion to little-endian byte order.
+ * At the moment, the only field in host byte order is MPORT selector.
+ */
+extern __checkReturn                   efx_rc_t
+       __in                            efx_mae_match_spec_t *spec,
+       __in                            efx_mae_field_id_t field_id,
+       __in                            size_t value_size,
+       __in_bcount(value_size)         const uint8_t *value,
+       __in                            size_t mask_size,
+       __in_bcount(mask_size)          const uint8_t *mask);
+/* If the mask argument is NULL, the API will use full mask by default. */
+extern __checkReturn                   efx_rc_t
+       __in                            efx_mae_match_spec_t *spec,
+       __in                            const efx_mport_sel_t *valuep,
+       __in_opt                        const efx_mport_sel_t *maskp);
  * Make sure that match fields known by EFX have proper masks set
  * in the match specification as per requirements of SF-122526-TC.
diff --git a/drivers/common/sfc_efx/base/efx_mae.c 
index 81c586dfe8..4e6ae2227d 100644
--- a/drivers/common/sfc_efx/base/efx_mae.c
+++ b/drivers/common/sfc_efx/base/efx_mae.c
@@ -282,6 +282,8 @@ efx_mae_match_spec_fini(
 /* Named identifiers which are valid indices to efx_mae_field_cap_t */
 typedef enum efx_mae_field_cap_id_e {
 } efx_mae_field_cap_id_t;
@@ -311,8 +313,176 @@ typedef struct efx_mae_mv_desc_s {
 /* Indices to this array are provided by efx_mae_field_id_t */
 static const efx_mae_mv_desc_t __efx_mae_action_rule_mv_desc_set[] = {
+#define        EFX_MAE_MV_DESC(_name, _endianness)                             
+       [EFX_MAE_FIELD_##_name] =                                       \
+       {                                                               \
+               EFX_MAE_FIELD_ID_##_name,                               \
+               MAE_FIELD_MASK_VALUE_PAIRS_##_name##_LEN,               \
+               MAE_FIELD_MASK_VALUE_PAIRS_##_name##_OFST,              \
+               MAE_FIELD_MASK_VALUE_PAIRS_##_name##_MASK_LEN,          \
+               MAE_FIELD_MASK_VALUE_PAIRS_##_name##_MASK_OFST,         \
+               _endianness                                             \
+       }
+       __checkReturn                   efx_rc_t
+       __in                            uint32_t phy_port,
+       __out                           efx_mport_sel_t *mportp)
+       efx_dword_t dword;
+       efx_rc_t rc;
+       if (phy_port > EFX_MASK32(MAE_MPORT_SELECTOR_PPORT_ID)) {
+               rc = EINVAL;
+               goto fail1;
+       }
+       EFX_POPULATE_DWORD_2(dword,
+           MAE_MPORT_SELECTOR_PPORT_ID, phy_port);
+       memset(mportp, 0, sizeof (*mportp));
+       mportp->sel = dword.ed_u32[0];
+       return (0);
+       EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc);
+       return (rc);
+       __checkReturn                   efx_rc_t
+       __in                            efx_mae_match_spec_t *spec,
+       __in                            efx_mae_field_id_t field_id,
+       __in                            size_t value_size,
+       __in_bcount(value_size)         const uint8_t *value,
+       __in                            size_t mask_size,
+       __in_bcount(mask_size)          const uint8_t *mask)
+       const efx_mae_mv_desc_t *descp;
+       uint8_t *mvp;
+       efx_rc_t rc;
+       if (field_id >= EFX_MAE_FIELD_NIDS) {
+               rc = EINVAL;
+               goto fail1;
+       }
+       switch (spec->emms_type) {
+       case EFX_MAE_RULE_ACTION:
+               descp = &__efx_mae_action_rule_mv_desc_set[field_id];
+               mvp = spec->emms_mask_value_pairs.action;
+               break;
+       default:
+               rc = ENOTSUP;
+               goto fail2;
+       }
+       if (value_size != descp->emmd_value_size) {
+               rc = EINVAL;
+               goto fail3;
+       }
+       if (mask_size != descp->emmd_mask_size) {
+               rc = EINVAL;
+               goto fail4;
+       }
+       if (descp->emmd_endianness == EFX_MAE_FIELD_BE) {
+               /*
+                * The mask/value are in network (big endian) order.
+                * The MCDI request field is also big endian.
+                */
+               memcpy(mvp + descp->emmd_value_offset, value, value_size);
+               memcpy(mvp + descp->emmd_mask_offset, mask, mask_size);
+       } else {
+               efx_dword_t dword;
+               /*
+                * The mask/value are in host byte order.
+                * The MCDI request field is little endian.
+                */
+               switch (value_size) {
+               case 4:
+                       EFX_POPULATE_DWORD_1(dword,
+                           EFX_DWORD_0, *(const uint32_t *)value);
+                       memcpy(mvp + descp->emmd_value_offset,
+                           &dword, sizeof (dword));
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       EFSYS_ASSERT(B_FALSE);
+               }
+               switch (mask_size) {
+               case 4:
+                       EFX_POPULATE_DWORD_1(dword,
+                           EFX_DWORD_0, *(const uint32_t *)mask);
+                       memcpy(mvp + descp->emmd_mask_offset,
+                           &dword, sizeof (dword));
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       EFSYS_ASSERT(B_FALSE);
+               }
+       }
+       return (0);
+       EFSYS_PROBE(fail4);
+       EFSYS_PROBE(fail3);
+       EFSYS_PROBE(fail2);
+       EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc);
+       return (rc);
+       __checkReturn                   efx_rc_t
+       __in                            efx_mae_match_spec_t *spec,
+       __in                            const efx_mport_sel_t *valuep,
+       __in_opt                        const efx_mport_sel_t *maskp)
+       uint32_t full_mask = UINT32_MAX;
+       const uint8_t *vp;
+       const uint8_t *mp;
+       efx_rc_t rc;
+       if (valuep == NULL) {
+               rc = EINVAL;
+               goto fail1;
+       }
+       vp = (const uint8_t *)&valuep->sel;
+       if (maskp != NULL)
+               mp = (const uint8_t *)&maskp->sel;
+       else
+               mp = (const uint8_t *)&full_mask;
+       rc = efx_mae_match_spec_field_set(spec,
+           sizeof (valuep->sel), vp, sizeof (maskp->sel), mp);
+       if (rc != 0)
+               goto fail2;
+       return (0);
+       EFSYS_PROBE(fail2);
+       EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc);
+       return (rc);
 #define        EFX_MASK_BIT_IS_SET(_mask, _mask_page_nbits, _bit)              
            ((_mask)[(_bit) / (_mask_page_nbits)] &                     \
                    (1ULL << ((_bit) & ((_mask_page_nbits) - 1))))
diff --git a/drivers/common/sfc_efx/ 
index 8a4d2b2fff..86ed437e8d 100644
--- a/drivers/common/sfc_efx/
+++ b/drivers/common/sfc_efx/
@@ -91,10 +91,13 @@ INTERNAL {
+       efx_mae_match_spec_field_set;
+       efx_mae_match_spec_mport_set;
+       efx_mae_mport_by_phy_port;

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