Add receive and transmit data path start and stop.

Signed-off-by: Jiawen Wu <>
 drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.c | 142 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.h |   5 ++
 2 files changed, 147 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.c 
index 1b40bfa2f..9023ff198 100644
--- a/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.c
+++ b/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.c
@@ -549,6 +549,113 @@ s32 txgbe_update_mc_addr_list(struct txgbe_hw *hw, u8 
        return 0;
+ *  txgbe_disable_sec_rx_path - Stops the receive data path
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  Stops the receive data path and waits for the HW to internally empty
+ *  the Rx security block
+ **/
+s32 txgbe_disable_sec_rx_path(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
+#define TXGBE_MAX_SECRX_POLL 4000
+       int i;
+       u32 secrxreg;
+       DEBUGFUNC("txgbe_disable_sec_rx_path");
+       secrxreg = rd32(hw, TXGBE_SECRXCTL);
+       secrxreg |= TXGBE_SECRXCTL_XDSA;
+       wr32(hw, TXGBE_SECRXCTL, secrxreg);
+       for (i = 0; i < TXGBE_MAX_SECRX_POLL; i++) {
+               secrxreg = rd32(hw, TXGBE_SECRXSTAT);
+               if (!(secrxreg & TXGBE_SECRXSTAT_RDY))
+                       /* Use interrupt-safe sleep just in case */
+                       usec_delay(10);
+               else
+                       break;
+       }
+       /* For informational purposes only */
+       if (i >= TXGBE_MAX_SECRX_POLL)
+               DEBUGOUT("Rx unit being enabled before security "
+                        "path fully disabled.  Continuing with init.\n");
+       return 0;
+ *  txgbe_enable_sec_rx_path - Enables the receive data path
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  Enables the receive data path.
+ **/
+s32 txgbe_enable_sec_rx_path(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
+       u32 secrxreg;
+       DEBUGFUNC("txgbe_enable_sec_rx_path");
+       secrxreg = rd32(hw, TXGBE_SECRXCTL);
+       secrxreg &= ~TXGBE_SECRXCTL_XDSA;
+       wr32(hw, TXGBE_SECRXCTL, secrxreg);
+       txgbe_flush(hw);
+       return 0;
+ *  txgbe_disable_sec_tx_path - Stops the transmit data path
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  Stops the transmit data path and waits for the HW to internally empty
+ *  the Tx security block
+ **/
+int txgbe_disable_sec_tx_path(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
+       int i;
+       u32 sectxreg;
+       sectxreg = rd32(hw, TXGBE_SECTXCTL);
+       sectxreg |= TXGBE_SECTXCTL_XDSA;
+       wr32(hw, TXGBE_SECTXCTL, sectxreg);
+       for (i = 0; i < TXGBE_MAX_SECTX_POLL; i++) {
+               sectxreg = rd32(hw, TXGBE_SECTXSTAT);
+               if (sectxreg & TXGBE_SECTXSTAT_RDY)
+                       break;
+               /* Use interrupt-safe sleep just in case */
+               usec_delay(1000);
+       }
+       /* For informational purposes only */
+       if (i >= TXGBE_MAX_SECTX_POLL)
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Tx unit being enabled before security "
+                        "path fully disabled.  Continuing with init.");
+       return 0;
+ *  txgbe_enable_sec_tx_path - Enables the transmit data path
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  Enables the transmit data path.
+ **/
+int txgbe_enable_sec_tx_path(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
+       uint32_t sectxreg;
+       sectxreg = rd32(hw, TXGBE_SECTXCTL);
+       sectxreg &= ~TXGBE_SECTXCTL_XDSA;
+       wr32(hw, TXGBE_SECTXCTL, sectxreg);
+       txgbe_flush(hw);
+       return 0;
  *  txgbe_get_san_mac_addr_offset - Get SAN MAC address offset from the EEPROM
  *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
@@ -1283,9 +1390,15 @@ s32 txgbe_init_ops_pf(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
        /* MAC */
        mac->init_hw = txgbe_init_hw;
        mac->start_hw = txgbe_start_hw_raptor;
+       mac->enable_rx_dma = txgbe_enable_rx_dma_raptor;
        mac->get_mac_addr = txgbe_get_mac_addr;
        mac->stop_hw = txgbe_stop_hw;
        mac->reset_hw = txgbe_reset_hw;
+       mac->disable_sec_rx_path = txgbe_disable_sec_rx_path;
+       mac->enable_sec_rx_path = txgbe_enable_sec_rx_path;
+       mac->disable_sec_tx_path = txgbe_disable_sec_tx_path;
+       mac->enable_sec_tx_path = txgbe_enable_sec_tx_path;
        mac->get_san_mac_addr = txgbe_get_san_mac_addr;
        mac->set_san_mac_addr = txgbe_set_san_mac_addr;
        mac->get_device_caps = txgbe_get_device_caps;
@@ -2123,6 +2236,35 @@ s32 txgbe_start_hw_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
        return err;
+ *  txgbe_enable_rx_dma_raptor - Enable the Rx DMA unit
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *  @regval: register value to write to RXCTRL
+ *
+ *  Enables the Rx DMA unit
+ **/
+s32 txgbe_enable_rx_dma_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw, u32 regval)
+       DEBUGFUNC("txgbe_enable_rx_dma_raptor");
+       /*
+        * Workaround silicon errata when enabling the Rx datapath.
+        * If traffic is incoming before we enable the Rx unit, it could hang
+        * the Rx DMA unit.  Therefore, make sure the security engine is
+        * completely disabled prior to enabling the Rx unit.
+        */
+       hw->mac.disable_sec_rx_path(hw);
+       if (regval & TXGBE_PBRXCTL_ENA)
+               txgbe_enable_rx(hw);
+       else
+               txgbe_disable_rx(hw);
+       hw->mac.enable_sec_rx_path(hw);
+       return 0;
  *  txgbe_verify_lesm_fw_enabled_raptor - Checks LESM FW module state.
diff --git a/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.h 
index f0d3d5b97..78b4dd2b5 100644
--- a/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.h
+++ b/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.h
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ s32 txgbe_init_rx_addrs(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
 s32 txgbe_update_mc_addr_list(struct txgbe_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr_list,
                                      u32 mc_addr_count,
                                      txgbe_mc_addr_itr func, bool clear);
+s32 txgbe_disable_sec_rx_path(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
+s32 txgbe_enable_sec_rx_path(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
+s32 txgbe_disable_sec_tx_path(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
+s32 txgbe_enable_sec_tx_path(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
 s32 txgbe_validate_mac_addr(u8 *mac_addr);
@@ -67,5 +71,6 @@ void txgbe_init_mac_link_ops(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
 s32 txgbe_reset_hw(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
 s32 txgbe_start_hw_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
 s32 txgbe_init_phy_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
+s32 txgbe_enable_rx_dma_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw, u32 regval);
 bool txgbe_verify_lesm_fw_enabled_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
 #endif /* _TXGBE_HW_H_ */

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