Add multispeed fiber setup link and laser control.

Signed-off-by: Jiawen Wu <>
 drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.c | 398 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.h |  11 +
 2 files changed, 408 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.c 
index 5b346746e..55309b791 100644
--- a/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.c
+++ b/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.c
@@ -250,6 +250,151 @@ void txgbe_clear_tx_pending(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
        wr32(hw, TXGBE_PSRCTL, hlreg0);
+ *  txgbe_setup_mac_link_multispeed_fiber - Set MAC link speed
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *  @speed: new link speed
+ *  @autoneg_wait_to_complete: true when waiting for completion is needed
+ *
+ *  Set the link speed in the MAC and/or PHY register and restarts link.
+ **/
+s32 txgbe_setup_mac_link_multispeed_fiber(struct txgbe_hw *hw,
+                                         u32 speed,
+                                         bool autoneg_wait_to_complete)
+       u32 link_speed = TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_UNKNOWN;
+       u32 highest_link_speed = TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_UNKNOWN;
+       s32 status = 0;
+       u32 speedcnt = 0;
+       u32 i = 0;
+       bool autoneg, link_up = false;
+       DEBUGFUNC("txgbe_setup_mac_link_multispeed_fiber");
+       /* Mask off requested but non-supported speeds */
+       status = hw->mac.get_link_capabilities(hw, &link_speed, &autoneg);
+       if (status != 0)
+               return status;
+       speed &= link_speed;
+       /* Try each speed one by one, highest priority first.  We do this in
+        * software because 10Gb fiber doesn't support speed autonegotiation.
+        */
+       if (speed & TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_10GB_FULL) {
+               speedcnt++;
+               highest_link_speed = TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_10GB_FULL;
+               /* Set the module link speed */
+               switch (hw->phy.media_type) {
+               case txgbe_media_type_fiber:
+                       hw->mac.set_rate_select_speed(hw,
+                               TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_10GB_FULL);
+                       break;
+               case txgbe_media_type_fiber_qsfp:
+                       /* QSFP module automatically detects MAC link speed */
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       DEBUGOUT("Unexpected media type.\n");
+                       break;
+               }
+               /* Allow module to change analog characteristics (1G->10G) */
+               msec_delay(40);
+               status = hw->mac.setup_mac_link(hw,
+                               TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_10GB_FULL,
+                               autoneg_wait_to_complete);
+               if (status != 0)
+                       return status;
+               /* Flap the Tx laser if it has not already been done */
+               hw->mac.flap_tx_laser(hw);
+               /* Wait for the controller to acquire link.  Per IEEE 802.3ap,
+                * Section 73.10.2, we may have to wait up to 500ms if KR is
+                * attempted.  uses the same timing for 10g SFI.
+                */
+               for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+                       /* Wait for the link partner to also set speed */
+                       msec_delay(100);
+                       /* If we have link, just jump out */
+                       status = hw->mac.check_link(hw, &link_speed,
+                               &link_up, false);
+                       if (status != 0)
+                               return status;
+                       if (link_up)
+                               goto out;
+               }
+       }
+       if (speed & TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL) {
+               speedcnt++;
+               if (highest_link_speed == TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_UNKNOWN)
+                       highest_link_speed = TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL;
+               /* Set the module link speed */
+               switch (hw->phy.media_type) {
+               case txgbe_media_type_fiber:
+                       hw->mac.set_rate_select_speed(hw,
+                               TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL);
+                       break;
+               case txgbe_media_type_fiber_qsfp:
+                       /* QSFP module automatically detects link speed */
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       DEBUGOUT("Unexpected media type.\n");
+                       break;
+               }
+               /* Allow module to change analog characteristics (10G->1G) */
+               msec_delay(40);
+               status = hw->mac.setup_mac_link(hw,
+                               TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL,
+                               autoneg_wait_to_complete);
+               if (status != 0)
+                       return status;
+               /* Flap the Tx laser if it has not already been done */
+               hw->mac.flap_tx_laser(hw);
+               /* Wait for the link partner to also set speed */
+               msec_delay(100);
+               /* If we have link, just jump out */
+               status = hw->mac.check_link(hw, &link_speed, &link_up, false);
+               if (status != 0)
+                       return status;
+               if (link_up)
+                       goto out;
+       }
+       /* We didn't get link.  Configure back to the highest speed we tried,
+        * (if there was more than one).  We call ourselves back with just the
+        * single highest speed that the user requested.
+        */
+       if (speedcnt > 1)
+               status = txgbe_setup_mac_link_multispeed_fiber(hw,
+                                                     highest_link_speed,
+                                                     autoneg_wait_to_complete);
+       /* Set autoneg_advertised value based on input link speed */
+       hw->phy.autoneg_advertised = 0;
+       if (speed & TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_10GB_FULL)
+               hw->phy.autoneg_advertised |= TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_10GB_FULL;
+       if (speed & TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL)
+               hw->phy.autoneg_advertised |= TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL;
+       return status;
  *  txgbe_init_shared_code - Initialize the shared code
  *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
@@ -348,7 +493,35 @@ void txgbe_init_mac_link_ops(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
-       mac->setup_link = txgbe_setup_mac_link;
+       /*
+        * enable the laser control functions for SFP+ fiber
+        * and MNG not enabled
+        */
+       if (hw->phy.media_type == txgbe_media_type_fiber &&
+           !txgbe_mng_enabled(hw)) {
+               mac->disable_tx_laser =
+                       txgbe_disable_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber;
+               mac->enable_tx_laser =
+                       txgbe_enable_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber;
+               mac->flap_tx_laser =
+                       txgbe_flap_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber;
+       }
+       if ((hw->phy.media_type == txgbe_media_type_fiber ||
+            hw->phy.media_type == txgbe_media_type_fiber_qsfp) &&
+           hw->phy.multispeed_fiber) {
+               /* Set up dual speed SFP+ support */
+               mac->setup_link = txgbe_setup_mac_link_multispeed_fiber;
+               mac->setup_mac_link = txgbe_setup_mac_link;
+               mac->set_rate_select_speed = txgbe_set_hard_rate_select_speed;
+       } else if ((hw->phy.media_type == txgbe_media_type_backplane) &&
+                   (hw->phy.smart_speed == txgbe_smart_speed_auto ||
+                    hw->phy.smart_speed == txgbe_smart_speed_on) &&
+                    !txgbe_verify_lesm_fw_enabled_raptor(hw)) {
+               mac->setup_link = txgbe_setup_mac_link_smartspeed;
+       } else {
+               mac->setup_link = txgbe_setup_mac_link;
+       }
@@ -562,6 +735,19 @@ s32 txgbe_get_link_capabilities_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw,
                return TXGBE_ERR_LINK_SETUP;
+       if (hw->phy.multispeed_fiber) {
+               *speed |= TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_10GB_FULL |
+                         TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL;
+               /* QSFP must not enable full auto-negotiation
+                * Limited autoneg is enabled at 1G
+                */
+               if (hw->phy.media_type == txgbe_media_type_fiber_qsfp)
+                       *autoneg = false;
+               else
+                       *autoneg = true;
+       }
        return status;
@@ -607,6 +793,216 @@ s32 txgbe_start_mac_link_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw,
        return status;
+ *  txgbe_disable_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber - Disable Tx laser
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  The base drivers may require better control over SFP+ module
+ *  PHY states.  This includes selectively shutting down the Tx
+ *  laser on the PHY, effectively halting physical link.
+ **/
+void txgbe_disable_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
+       u32 esdp_reg = rd32(hw, TXGBE_GPIODATA);
+       /* Blocked by MNG FW so bail */
+       if (txgbe_check_reset_blocked(hw))
+               return;
+       /* Disable Tx laser; allow 100us to go dark per spec */
+       esdp_reg |= (TXGBE_GPIOBIT_0 | TXGBE_GPIOBIT_1);
+       wr32(hw, TXGBE_GPIODATA, esdp_reg);
+       txgbe_flush(hw);
+       usec_delay(100);
+ *  txgbe_enable_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber - Enable Tx laser
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  The base drivers may require better control over SFP+ module
+ *  PHY states.  This includes selectively turning on the Tx
+ *  laser on the PHY, effectively starting physical link.
+ **/
+void txgbe_enable_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
+       u32 esdp_reg = rd32(hw, TXGBE_GPIODATA);
+       /* Enable Tx laser; allow 100ms to light up */
+       esdp_reg &= ~(TXGBE_GPIOBIT_0 | TXGBE_GPIOBIT_1);
+       wr32(hw, TXGBE_GPIODATA, esdp_reg);
+       txgbe_flush(hw);
+       msec_delay(100);
+ *  txgbe_flap_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber - Flap Tx laser
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  When the driver changes the link speeds that it can support,
+ *  it sets autotry_restart to true to indicate that we need to
+ *  initiate a new autotry session with the link partner.  To do
+ *  so, we set the speed then disable and re-enable the Tx laser, to
+ *  alert the link partner that it also needs to restart autotry on its
+ *  end.  This is consistent with true clause 37 autoneg, which also
+ *  involves a loss of signal.
+ **/
+void txgbe_flap_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber(struct txgbe_hw *hw)
+       DEBUGFUNC("txgbe_flap_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber");
+       /* Blocked by MNG FW so bail */
+       if (txgbe_check_reset_blocked(hw))
+               return;
+       if (hw->mac.autotry_restart) {
+               txgbe_disable_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber(hw);
+               txgbe_enable_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber(hw);
+               hw->mac.autotry_restart = false;
+       }
+ *  txgbe_set_hard_rate_select_speed - Set module link speed
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *  @speed: link speed to set
+ *
+ *  Set module link speed via RS0/RS1 rate select pins.
+ */
+void txgbe_set_hard_rate_select_speed(struct txgbe_hw *hw,
+                                       u32 speed)
+       u32 esdp_reg = rd32(hw, TXGBE_GPIODATA);
+       switch (speed) {
+       case TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_10GB_FULL:
+               esdp_reg |= (TXGBE_GPIOBIT_4 | TXGBE_GPIOBIT_5);
+               break;
+               esdp_reg &= ~(TXGBE_GPIOBIT_4 | TXGBE_GPIOBIT_5);
+               break;
+       default:
+               DEBUGOUT("Invalid fixed module speed\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       wr32(hw, TXGBE_GPIODATA, esdp_reg);
+       txgbe_flush(hw);
+ *  txgbe_setup_mac_link_smartspeed - Set MAC link speed using SmartSpeed
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *  @speed: new link speed
+ *  @autoneg_wait_to_complete: true when waiting for completion is needed
+ *
+ *  Implements the Intel SmartSpeed algorithm.
+ **/
+s32 txgbe_setup_mac_link_smartspeed(struct txgbe_hw *hw,
+                                   u32 speed,
+                                   bool autoneg_wait_to_complete)
+       s32 status = 0;
+       u32 link_speed = TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_UNKNOWN;
+       s32 i, j;
+       bool link_up = false;
+       u32 autoc_reg = rd32_epcs(hw, SR_AN_MMD_ADV_REG1);
+       DEBUGFUNC("txgbe_setup_mac_link_smartspeed");
+        /* Set autoneg_advertised value based on input link speed */
+       hw->phy.autoneg_advertised = 0;
+       if (speed & TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_10GB_FULL)
+               hw->phy.autoneg_advertised |= TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_10GB_FULL;
+       if (speed & TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL)
+               hw->phy.autoneg_advertised |= TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL;
+       if (speed & TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_100M_FULL)
+               hw->phy.autoneg_advertised |= TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_100M_FULL;
+       /*
+        * Implement Intel SmartSpeed algorithm.  SmartSpeed will reduce the
+        * autoneg advertisement if link is unable to be established at the
+        * highest negotiated rate.  This can sometimes happen due to integrity
+        * issues with the physical media connection.
+        */
+       /* First, try to get link with full advertisement */
+       hw->phy.smart_speed_active = false;
+       for (j = 0; j < TXGBE_SMARTSPEED_MAX_RETRIES; j++) {
+               status = txgbe_setup_mac_link(hw, speed,
+                                                   autoneg_wait_to_complete);
+               if (status != 0)
+                       goto out;
+               /*
+                * Wait for the controller to acquire link.  Per IEEE 802.3ap,
+                * Section 73.10.2, we may have to wait up to 500ms if KR is
+                * attempted, or 200ms if KX/KX4/BX/BX4 is attempted, per
+                * Table 9 in the AN MAS.
+                */
+               for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+                       msec_delay(100);
+                       /* If we have link, just jump out */
+                       status = hw->mac.check_link(hw, &link_speed, &link_up,
+                                                 false);
+                       if (status != 0)
+                               goto out;
+                       if (link_up)
+                               goto out;
+               }
+       }
+       /*
+        * We didn't get link.  If we advertised KR plus one of KX4/KX
+        * (or BX4/BX), then disable KR and try again.
+        */
+       if (((autoc_reg & TXGBE_AUTOC_KR_SUPP) == 0) ||
+           ((autoc_reg & TXGBE_AUTOC_KX_SUPP) == 0 &&
+            (autoc_reg & TXGBE_AUTOC_KX4_SUPP) == 0))
+               goto out;
+       /* Turn SmartSpeed on to disable KR support */
+       hw->phy.smart_speed_active = true;
+       status = txgbe_setup_mac_link(hw, speed,
+                                           autoneg_wait_to_complete);
+       if (status != 0)
+               goto out;
+       /*
+        * Wait for the controller to acquire link.  600ms will allow for
+        * the AN link_fail_inhibit_timer as well for multiple cycles of
+        * parallel detect, both 10g and 1g. This allows for the maximum
+        * connect attempts as defined in the AN MAS table 73-7.
+        */
+       for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+               msec_delay(100);
+               /* If we have link, just jump out */
+               status = hw->mac.check_link(hw, &link_speed, &link_up, false);
+               if (status != 0)
+                       goto out;
+               if (link_up)
+                       goto out;
+       }
+       /* We didn't get link.  Turn SmartSpeed back off. */
+       hw->phy.smart_speed_active = false;
+       status = txgbe_setup_mac_link(hw, speed,
+                                           autoneg_wait_to_complete);
+       if (link_up && link_speed == TXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL)
+               DEBUGOUT("Smartspeed has downgraded the link speed "
+               "from the maximum advertised\n");
+       return status;
  *  txgbe_setup_mac_link - Set MAC link speed
  *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
diff --git a/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.h 
index 506e4b13a..5a64bceeb 100644
--- a/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.h
+++ b/drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_hw.h
@@ -21,11 +21,22 @@ void txgbe_clear_tx_pending(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
 s32 txgbe_reset_pipeline_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
+s32 txgbe_setup_mac_link_multispeed_fiber(struct txgbe_hw *hw,
+                                         u32 speed,
+                                         bool autoneg_wait_to_complete);
 s32 txgbe_init_shared_code(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
 s32 txgbe_set_mac_type(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
 s32 txgbe_init_ops_pf(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
 s32 txgbe_get_link_capabilities_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw,
                                      u32 *speed, bool *autoneg);
+void txgbe_disable_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
+void txgbe_enable_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
+void txgbe_flap_tx_laser_multispeed_fiber(struct txgbe_hw *hw);
+void txgbe_set_hard_rate_select_speed(struct txgbe_hw *hw,
+                                       u32 speed);
+s32 txgbe_setup_mac_link_smartspeed(struct txgbe_hw *hw,
+                                   u32 speed,
+                                   bool autoneg_wait_to_complete);
 s32 txgbe_start_mac_link_raptor(struct txgbe_hw *hw,
                               bool autoneg_wait_to_complete);
 s32 txgbe_setup_mac_link(struct txgbe_hw *hw, u32 speed,

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