Currently only 6 bits which are stored in ol_flags are used to indicate the
packet types. This is not enough, as some NIC hardware can recognize quite
a lot of packet types, e.g i40e hardware can recognize more than 150 packet
types. Hiding those packet types hides hardware offload capabilities which
could be quite useful for improving performance and for end users.
So an unified packet types are needed to support all possible PMDs. A 16 bits
packet_type in mbuf structure can be changed to 32 bits and used for this
purpose. In addition, all packet types stored in ol_flag field should be
deleted at all, and 6 bits of ol_flags can be save as the benifit.

Initially, 32 bits of packet_type can be divided into several sub fields to
indicate different packet type information of a packet. The initial design
is to divide those bits into fields for L2 types, L3 types, L4 types, tunnel
types, inner L2 types, inner L3 types and inner L4 types. All PMDs should
translate the offloaded packet types into these 7 fields of information, for
user applications.

To avoid breaking ABI compatibility, currently all the code changes for
unified packet type are disabled at compile time by default. Users can enable
it manually by defining the macro of RTE_NEXT_ABI. The code changes will be
valid by default in a future release, and the old version will be deleted
accordingly, after the ABI change process is done.

Note that this patch set should be integrated after another patch set for
'[PATCH v3 0/7] support i40e QinQ stripping and insertion', to clearly solve
the conflict during integration. As both patch sets modified 'struct rte_mbuf',
and the final layout of the 'struct rte_mbuf' is key to vectorized ixgbe PMD.

Its v8 version was acked by Konstantin Ananyev <konstantin.ananyev at>

v2 changes:
* Enlarged the packet_type field from 16 bits to 32 bits.
* Redefined the packet type sub-fields.
* Updated the 'struct rte_kni_mbuf' for KNI according to the mbuf changes.
* Used redefined packet types and enlarged packet_type field for all PMDs
  and corresponding applications.
* Removed changes in bond and its relevant application, as there is no need
  at all according to the recent bond changes.

v3 changes:
* Put the mbuf layout changes into a single patch.
* Put vector ixgbe changes right after mbuf changes.
* Disabled vector ixgbe PMD by default, as mbuf layout changed, and then
  re-enabled it after vector ixgbe PMD updated.
* Put the definitions of unified packet type into a single patch.
* Minor bug fixes and enhancements in l3fwd example.

v4 changes:
* Added detailed description of each packet types.
* Supported unified packet type of fm10k.
* Added printing logs of packet types of each received packet for rxonly
  mode in testpmd.
* Removed several useless code lines which block packet type unification from

v5 changes:
* Added more detailed description for each packet types, together with examples.
* Rolled back the macro definitions of RX packet flags, for ABI compitability.

v6 changes:
* Disabled the code changes for unified packet type by default, to
  avoid breaking ABI compatibility.

v7 changes:
* Integrated with patch set for '[PATCH v3 0/7] support i40e QinQ stripping
  and insertion', to clearly solve the conflicts during merging.

v8 changes:
* Moved the field of 'vlan_tci_outer' in 'struct rte_mbuf' to the end of the 1st
  cache line, to avoid breaking any vectorized PMD storing, as fields of
  'packet_type, pkt_len, data_len, vlan_tci, rss' should be in an contiguous 128

v9 changes:
* Put the mbuf changes and vector PMD changes together, as they are
  tightly relevant.
* Renamed MAC to ETHER in packet type names.
* Corrected the packet type explanation of RTE_PTYPE_L2_ETHER.
* Reworked newly added cxgbe driver and tep_termination example application to
  support unified packet type, which is disabled by default.

Helin Zhang (19):
  mbuf: redefine packet_type in rte_mbuf
  mbuf: add definitions of unified packet types
  e1000: replace bit mask based packet type with unified packet type
  ixgbe: replace bit mask based packet type with unified packet type
  i40e: replace bit mask based packet type with unified packet type
  enic: replace bit mask based packet type with unified packet type
  vmxnet3: replace bit mask based packet type with unified packet type
  fm10k: replace bit mask based packet type with unified packet type
  cxgbe: replace bit mask based packet type with unified packet type
  app/test-pipeline: replace bit mask based packet type with unified
    packet type
  app/testpmd: replace bit mask based packet type with unified packet
  app/test: Remove useless code
  examples/ip_fragmentation: replace bit mask based packet type with
    unified packet type
  examples/ip_reassembly: replace bit mask based packet type with
    unified packet type
  examples/l3fwd-acl: replace bit mask based packet type with unified
    packet type
  examples/l3fwd-power: replace bit mask based packet type with unified
    packet type
  examples/l3fwd: replace bit mask based packet type with unified packet
  examples/tep_termination: replace bit mask based packet type with
    unified packet type
  mbuf: remove old packet type bit masks

 app/test-pipeline/pipeline_hash.c                  |  13 +
 app/test-pmd/csumonly.c                            |  14 +
 app/test-pmd/rxonly.c                              | 183 +++++++
 app/test/packet_burst_generator.c                  |   6 +-
 drivers/net/cxgbe/sge.c                            |   8 +
 drivers/net/e1000/igb_rxtx.c                       | 104 ++++
 drivers/net/enic/enic_main.c                       |  26 +
 drivers/net/fm10k/fm10k_rxtx.c                     |  27 +
 drivers/net/i40e/i40e_rxtx.c                       | 554 +++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.c                     | 163 ++++++
 drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx_vec.c                 |  75 ++-
 drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_rxtx.c                 |   8 +
 examples/ip_fragmentation/main.c                   |   9 +
 examples/ip_reassembly/main.c                      |   9 +
 examples/l3fwd-acl/main.c                          |  29 +-
 examples/l3fwd-power/main.c                        |   8 +
 examples/l3fwd/main.c                              | 123 ++++-
 examples/tep_termination/vxlan.c                   |   4 +
 .../linuxapp/eal/include/exec-env/rte_kni_common.h |   6 +
 lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.c                         |   4 +
 lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.h                         | 516 +++++++++++++++++++
 21 files changed, 1876 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)


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