Hello, the g++ complains the following problems when rte_xxxx.h header files are included: ....x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/include/rte_common.h:95:59: warning: invalid conversion from ?void*? to ?rte_mempool_objhdr*?.... this appears in multiple flavours -as a workaround the '-fpermissive' option of the g++ may be used but that's not nice. ....x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/include/generic/rte_cpuflags.h:50:6: error: use of enum ?rte_cpu_flag_t? without previous declaration enum rte_cpu_flag_t; ....x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/include/generic/rte_cpuflags.h:55:6: error: use of enum ?cpu_register_t? without previous declaration enum cpu_register_t; ....x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/include/generic/rte_cpuflags.h:104:31: error: use of enum ?rte_cpu_flag_t? without previous declaration rte_cpu_get_flag_enabled(enum rte_cpu_flag_t feature); -as a workaround the file 'lib/librte_eal/common/include/generic/rte_cpuflags.h' may be modified: remove or uncomment the following lines: line 50: //enum rte_cpu_flag_t; line 55: //enum cpu_register_t; lines 103/104: //static inline int //rte_cpu_get_flag_enabled(enum rte_cpu_flag_t feature);
Best regards Dirk -- Dirk-Holger Lenz +49 157 848 09099 dirk.lenz at ng4t.com ng 4 T Telecommunication Technology Testing Tools ng4T GmbH Siemensdamm 50 13629 Berlin Germany www.ng4t.com <http://www.ng4t.com/> +49 30 65218530 Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 123546 CEO Dr. Andreas Kallmann