Debug functions to validate the input API from user
Only enabled in DEBUG mode at build time

Signed-off-by: Nicolas Chautru <>
Acked-by: Liu Tianjiao <>
Reviewed-by: Tom Rix <>
 drivers/baseband/acc100/rte_acc100_pmd.c | 436 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 436 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc100/rte_acc100_pmd.c 
index 408548e..8447540 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc100/rte_acc100_pmd.c
+++ b/drivers/baseband/acc100/rte_acc100_pmd.c
@@ -1994,6 +1994,243 @@
+/* Validates turbo encoder parameters */
+static inline int
+validate_enc_op(struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op)
+       struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_enc *turbo_enc = &op->turbo_enc;
+       struct rte_bbdev_op_enc_turbo_cb_params *cb = NULL;
+       struct rte_bbdev_op_enc_turbo_tb_params *tb = NULL;
+       uint16_t kw, kw_neg, kw_pos;
+       if (op->mempool == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid mempool pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_enc-> == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid input pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_enc-> == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid output pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_enc->rv_index > 3) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "rv_index (%u) is out of range 0 <= value <= 3",
+                               turbo_enc->rv_index);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_enc->code_block_mode != 0 &&
+                       turbo_enc->code_block_mode != 1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "code_block_mode (%u) is out of range 0 <= 
value <= 1",
+                               turbo_enc->code_block_mode);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_enc->code_block_mode == 0) {
+               tb = &turbo_enc->tb_params;
+               if ((tb->k_neg < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE
+                               || tb->k_neg > RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE)
+                               && tb->c_neg > 0) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "k_neg (%u) is out of range %u <= value 
<= %u",
+                                       tb->k_neg, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if (tb->k_pos < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE
+                               || tb->k_pos > RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "k_pos (%u) is out of range %u <= value 
<= %u",
+                                       tb->k_pos, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if (tb->c_neg > (RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS - 1))
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "c_neg (%u) is out of range 0 <= value 
<= %u",
+                                       tb->c_neg,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS - 1);
+               if (tb->c < 1 || tb->c > RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "c (%u) is out of range 1 <= value <= 
+                                       tb->c, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if (tb->cab > tb->c) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "cab (%u) is greater than c (%u)",
+                                       tb->cab, tb->c);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if ((tb->ea < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE || (tb->ea % 2))
+                               && tb->r < tb->cab) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "ea (%u) is less than %u or it is not 
+                                       tb->ea, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if ((tb->eb < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE || (tb->eb % 2))
+                               && tb->c > tb->cab) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "eb (%u) is less than %u or it is not 
+                                       tb->eb, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               kw_neg = 3 * RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(tb->k_neg + 4,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_C_SUBBLOCK);
+               if (tb->ncb_neg < tb->k_neg || tb->ncb_neg > kw_neg) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "ncb_neg (%u) is out of range (%u) 
k_neg <= value <= (%u) kw_neg",
+                                       tb->ncb_neg, tb->k_neg, kw_neg);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               kw_pos = 3 * RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(tb->k_pos + 4,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_C_SUBBLOCK);
+               if (tb->ncb_pos < tb->k_pos || tb->ncb_pos > kw_pos) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "ncb_pos (%u) is out of range (%u) 
k_pos <= value <= (%u) kw_pos",
+                                       tb->ncb_pos, tb->k_pos, kw_pos);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if (tb->r > (tb->c - 1)) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "r (%u) is greater than c - 1 (%u)",
+                                       tb->r, tb->c - 1);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+       } else {
+               cb = &turbo_enc->cb_params;
+               if (cb->k < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE
+                               || cb->k > RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "k (%u) is out of range %u <= value <= 
+                                       cb->k, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if (cb->e < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE || (cb->e % 2)) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "e (%u) is less than %u or it is not 
+                                       cb->e, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               kw = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(cb->k + 4, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_C_SUBBLOCK) * 3;
+               if (cb->ncb < cb->k || cb->ncb > kw) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "ncb (%u) is out of range (%u) k <= 
value <= (%u) kw",
+                                       cb->ncb, cb->k, kw);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
+/* Validates LDPC encoder parameters */
+static inline int
+validate_ldpc_enc_op(struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op)
+       struct rte_bbdev_op_ldpc_enc *ldpc_enc = &op->ldpc_enc;
+       if (op->mempool == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid mempool pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (ldpc_enc-> == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid input pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (ldpc_enc-> == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid output pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (ldpc_enc->input.length >
+                       RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CB_SIZE >> 3) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "CB size (%u) is too big, max: %d",
+                               ldpc_enc->input.length,
+                               RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CB_SIZE);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if ((ldpc_enc->basegraph > 2) || (ldpc_enc->basegraph == 0)) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "BG (%u) is out of range 1 <= value <= 2",
+                               ldpc_enc->basegraph);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (ldpc_enc->rv_index > 3) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "rv_index (%u) is out of range 0 <= value <= 3",
+                               ldpc_enc->rv_index);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (ldpc_enc->code_block_mode > 1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "code_block_mode (%u) is out of range 0 <= 
value <= 1",
+                               ldpc_enc->code_block_mode);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       int K = (ldpc_enc->basegraph == 1 ? 22 : 10) * ldpc_enc->z_c;
+       if (ldpc_enc->n_filler >= K) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "K and F are not compatible %u %u",
+                               K, ldpc_enc->n_filler);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+/* Validates LDPC decoder parameters */
+static inline int
+validate_ldpc_dec_op(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op)
+       struct rte_bbdev_op_ldpc_dec *ldpc_dec = &op->ldpc_dec;
+       if (op->mempool == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid mempool pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if ((ldpc_dec->basegraph > 2) || (ldpc_dec->basegraph == 0)) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "BG (%u) is out of range 1 <= value <= 2",
+                               ldpc_dec->basegraph);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (ldpc_dec->iter_max == 0) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "iter_max (%u) is equal to 0",
+                               ldpc_dec->iter_max);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (ldpc_dec->rv_index > 3) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "rv_index (%u) is out of range 0 <= value <= 3",
+                               ldpc_dec->rv_index);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (ldpc_dec->code_block_mode > 1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "code_block_mode (%u) is out of range 0 <= 
value <= 1",
+                               ldpc_dec->code_block_mode);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       int K = (ldpc_dec->basegraph == 1 ? 22 : 10) * ldpc_dec->z_c;
+       if (ldpc_dec->n_filler >= K) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "K and F are not compatible %u %u",
+                               K, ldpc_dec->n_filler);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       return 0;
 /* Enqueue one encode operations for ACC100 device in CB mode */
 static inline int
 enqueue_enc_one_op_cb(struct acc100_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op,
@@ -2005,6 +2242,14 @@
        struct rte_mbuf *input, *output_head, *output;
+       /* Validate op structure */
+       if (validate_enc_op(op) == -1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Turbo encoder validation failed");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
        uint16_t desc_idx = ((q->sw_ring_head + total_enqueued_cbs)
                        & q->sw_ring_wrap_mask);
        desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx;
@@ -2051,6 +2296,14 @@
        uint16_t  in_length_in_bytes;
        struct rte_bbdev_op_ldpc_enc *enc = &ops[0]->ldpc_enc;
+       /* Validate op structure */
+       if (validate_ldpc_enc_op(ops[0]) == -1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "LDPC encoder validation failed");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
        uint16_t desc_idx = ((q->sw_ring_head + total_enqueued_cbs)
                        & q->sw_ring_wrap_mask);
        desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx;
@@ -2105,6 +2358,14 @@
        struct rte_mbuf *input, *output_head, *output;
+       /* Validate op structure */
+       if (validate_ldpc_enc_op(op) == -1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "LDPC encoder validation failed");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
        uint16_t desc_idx = ((q->sw_ring_head + total_enqueued_cbs)
                        & q->sw_ring_wrap_mask);
        desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx;
@@ -2154,6 +2415,14 @@
        struct rte_mbuf *input, *output_head, *output;
        uint16_t current_enqueued_cbs = 0;
+       /* Validate op structure */
+       if (validate_enc_op(op) == -1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Turbo encoder validation failed");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
        uint16_t desc_idx = ((q->sw_ring_head + total_enqueued_cbs)
                        & q->sw_ring_wrap_mask);
        desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx;
@@ -2221,6 +2490,142 @@
        return current_enqueued_cbs;
+/* Validates turbo decoder parameters */
+static inline int
+validate_dec_op(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op)
+       struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_dec *turbo_dec = &op->turbo_dec;
+       struct rte_bbdev_op_dec_turbo_cb_params *cb = NULL;
+       struct rte_bbdev_op_dec_turbo_tb_params *tb = NULL;
+       if (op->mempool == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid mempool pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_dec-> == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid input pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_dec-> == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid hard_output pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (check_bit(turbo_dec->op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT) &&
+                       turbo_dec-> == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid soft_output pointer");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_dec->rv_index > 3) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "rv_index (%u) is out of range 0 <= value <= 3",
+                               turbo_dec->rv_index);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_dec->iter_min < 1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "iter_min (%u) is less than 1",
+                               turbo_dec->iter_min);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_dec->iter_max <= 2) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "iter_max (%u) is less than or equal to 2",
+                               turbo_dec->iter_max);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_dec->iter_min > turbo_dec->iter_max) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "iter_min (%u) is greater than iter_max (%u)",
+                               turbo_dec->iter_min, turbo_dec->iter_max);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_dec->code_block_mode != 0 &&
+                       turbo_dec->code_block_mode != 1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "code_block_mode (%u) is out of range 0 <= 
value <= 1",
+                               turbo_dec->code_block_mode);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (turbo_dec->code_block_mode == 0) {
+               tb = &turbo_dec->tb_params;
+               if ((tb->k_neg < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE
+                               || tb->k_neg > RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE)
+                               && tb->c_neg > 0) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "k_neg (%u) is out of range %u <= value 
<= %u",
+                                       tb->k_neg, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if ((tb->k_pos < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE
+                               || tb->k_pos > RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE)
+                               && tb->c > tb->c_neg) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "k_pos (%u) is out of range %u <= value 
<= %u",
+                                       tb->k_pos, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if (tb->c_neg > (RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS - 1))
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "c_neg (%u) is out of range 0 <= value 
<= %u",
+                                       tb->c_neg,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS - 1);
+               if (tb->c < 1 || tb->c > RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "c (%u) is out of range 1 <= value <= 
+                                       tb->c, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if (tb->cab > tb->c) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "cab (%u) is greater than c (%u)",
+                                       tb->cab, tb->c);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if (check_bit(turbo_dec->op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EQUALIZER) &&
+                               (tb->ea < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE
+                                               || (tb->ea % 2))
+                               && tb->cab > 0) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "ea (%u) is less than %u or it is not 
+                                       tb->ea, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if (check_bit(turbo_dec->op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EQUALIZER) &&
+                               (tb->eb < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE
+                                               || (tb->eb % 2))
+                               && tb->c > tb->cab) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "eb (%u) is less than %u or it is not 
+                                       tb->eb, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE);
+               }
+       } else {
+               cb = &turbo_dec->cb_params;
+               if (cb->k < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE
+                               || cb->k > RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "k (%u) is out of range %u <= value <= 
+                                       cb->k, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               if (check_bit(turbo_dec->op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EQUALIZER) &&
+                               (cb->e < RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE ||
+                               (cb->e % 2))) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "e (%u) is less than %u or it is not 
+                                       cb->e, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MIN_CB_SIZE);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
 /** Enqueue one decode operations for ACC100 device in CB mode */
 static inline int
 enqueue_dec_one_op_cb(struct acc100_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op,
@@ -2233,6 +2638,14 @@
        struct rte_mbuf *input, *h_output_head, *h_output,
                *s_output_head, *s_output;
+       /* Validate op structure */
+       if (validate_dec_op(op) == -1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Turbo decoder validation failed");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
        uint16_t desc_idx = ((q->sw_ring_head + total_enqueued_cbs)
                        & q->sw_ring_wrap_mask);
        desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx;
@@ -2450,6 +2863,13 @@
                return ret;
+       /* Validate op structure */
+       if (validate_ldpc_dec_op(op) == -1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "LDPC decoder validation failed");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
        union acc100_dma_desc *desc;
        uint16_t desc_idx = ((q->sw_ring_head + total_enqueued_cbs)
                        & q->sw_ring_wrap_mask);
@@ -2547,6 +2967,14 @@
        struct rte_mbuf *input, *h_output_head, *h_output;
        uint16_t current_enqueued_cbs = 0;
+       /* Validate op structure */
+       if (validate_ldpc_dec_op(op) == -1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "LDPC decoder validation failed");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
        uint16_t desc_idx = ((q->sw_ring_head + total_enqueued_cbs)
                        & q->sw_ring_wrap_mask);
        desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx;
@@ -2632,6 +3060,14 @@
                *s_output_head, *s_output;
        uint16_t current_enqueued_cbs = 0;
+       /* Validate op structure */
+       if (validate_dec_op(op) == -1) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Turbo decoder validation failed");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
        uint16_t desc_idx = ((q->sw_ring_head + total_enqueued_cbs)
                        & q->sw_ring_wrap_mask);
        desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx;

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