> Subject: [PATCH v5] bus/pci: netuio interface for windows
> This patch adds implementations to probe PCI devices bound to netuio with
> the help of "netuio" class device changes.
> Now Windows will support both "netuio" and "net" device class and can set
> kernel driver type based on the device class selection.
> Note: Few definitions and structures have been copied from
> netuio_interface.h file from ("[v4] windows/netuio: add Windows NetUIO
> kernel driver") series and this will be fixed once the exact path for netuio
> source code is known.
> v5 changes:
>         Changed when netuio driver handle is closed
> v4 changes:
>         Removed 'reserved' member as it is not used
> v3 changes:
>         Removed the casts
> v2 changes:
>         - Moved all netuio specific definitions and functions to
>           pci_netuio.c and pci_netuio.h files
>         - Added a single function call to scan all the devices
> Signed-off-by: John Alexander <john.alexan...@datapath.co.uk>
> Signed-off-by: Pallavi Kadam <pallavi.ka...@intel.com>
> Reviewed-by: Ranjit Menon <ranjit.me...@intel.com>
> ---


> +/*
> + * get device resource information by sending ioctl to netuio driver
> +*/ int get_netuio_device_info(HDEVINFO dev_info, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA
> +dev_info_data,
> +       struct rte_pci_device *dev)
> +{


> +       /* get NUMA node using DEVPKEY_Device_Numa_Node */
> +       res = SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW(dev_info, dev_info_data,
> +               &DEVPKEY_Device_Numa_Node, &property_type,
> +               (BYTE *)&numa_node, sizeof(numa_node), NULL, 0);
> +       if (!res) {
> +               RTE_LOG_WIN32_ERR(
> +
> "SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW(DEVPKEY_Device_Numa_Node)");
> +               goto end;
> +       }
> +       dev->device.numa_node = numa_node;

The is the same code RTE_PCI_KDRV_NONE devices are using to get numa node id, I 
suggest removing it and changing the original code in get_device_resource_info 

In general:

Regarding the issue Ranjit mentioned in the last community call on duplicated 
detection of netuio devices both as GUID_DEVCLASS_NETUIO and GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, 
in pci_scan_one there is actually code that take cares of duplicated detection 
by leaving only one in the device list, up until nor I saw it in action only in 
virtualization where BDF of several devices was equal.

Assuming this is resolved with the addition of segment id as domain id the 
change we need is to give precedence to GUID_DEVCLASS_NETUIO, something like:

@@ -372,11 +372,15 @@ pci_scan_one(HDEVINFO dev_info, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA 
        } else if (ret < 0) {
                rte_pci_insert_device(dev2, dev);
        } else { /* already registered */
+               if (IsEqualGUID(&(device_info_data.ClassGuid),
+                       &GUID_DEVCLASS_NETUIO) {
                dev2->kdrv = dev->kdrv;
                dev2->max_vfs = dev->max_vfs;
                memmove(dev2->mem_resource, dev->mem_resource,
+               }
        return 0;

The other pci.c changes of the patch LGTM, I'd prefer someone from MSFT to 
review in depth the pci_netuio.c/.h, the only other comment I have on it is a 
suggestion to break down the get_netuio_device_info function into several 
helper functions (get_netuio_device_information_set, 
allocate_netuio_interface_detail, etc)

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