Hi Zhihong,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Zhihong Wang
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:39 AM
> To: dev at dpdk.org
> Subject: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v2 4/4] lib/librte_eal: Optimized memcpy in 
> arch/x86/rte_memcpy.h for both SSE and AVX platforms
> Main code changes:
> 1. Differentiate architectural features based on CPU flags
>     a. Implement separated move functions for SSE/AVX/AVX2 to make full 
> utilization of cache bandwidth
>     b. Implement separated copy flow specifically optimized for target 
> architecture
> 2. Rewrite the memcpy function "rte_memcpy"
>     a. Add store aligning
>     b. Add load aligning based on architectural features
>     c. Put block copy loop into inline move functions for better control of 
> instruction order
>     d. Eliminate unnecessary MOVs
> 3. Rewrite the inline move functions
>     a. Add move functions for unaligned load cases
>     b. Change instruction order in copy loops for better pipeline utilization
>     c. Use intrinsics instead of assembly code
> 4. Remove slow glibc call for constant copies
> Signed-off-by: Zhihong Wang <zhihong.wang at intel.com>
> ---
>  .../common/include/arch/x86/rte_memcpy.h           | 680 
> +++++++++++++++------
>  1 file changed, 509 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/common/include/arch/x86/rte_memcpy.h 
> b/lib/librte_eal/common/include/arch/x86/rte_memcpy.h
> index fb9eba8..7b2d382 100644
> --- a/lib/librte_eal/common/include/arch/x86/rte_memcpy.h
> +++ b/lib/librte_eal/common/include/arch/x86/rte_memcpy.h
> @@ -34,166 +34,189 @@
>  #ifndef _RTE_MEMCPY_X86_64_H_
>  #define _RTE_MEMCPY_X86_64_H_
> +/**
> + * @file
> + *
> + * Functions for SSE/AVX/AVX2 implementation of memcpy().
> + */
> +
> +#include <stdio.h>
>  #include <stdint.h>
>  #include <string.h>
> -#include <emmintrin.h>
> +#include <x86intrin.h>
>  #ifdef __cplusplus
>  extern "C" {
>  #endif
> -#include "generic/rte_memcpy.h"
> +/**
> + * Copy bytes from one location to another. The locations must not overlap.
> + *
> + * @note This is implemented as a macro, so it's address should not be taken
> + * and care is needed as parameter expressions may be evaluated multiple 
> times.
> + *
> + * @param dst
> + *   Pointer to the destination of the data.
> + * @param src
> + *   Pointer to the source data.
> + * @param n
> + *   Number of bytes to copy.
> + * @return
> + *   Pointer to the destination data.
> + */
> +static inline void *
> +rte_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n) 
> __attribute__((always_inline));
> -#ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER
> -#pragma warning(disable:593) /* Stop unused variable warning (reg_a etc). */
> -#endif
> +/**
> + * AVX2 implementation below
> + */
> +
> +/**
> + * Copy 16 bytes from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
>  static inline void
>  rte_mov16(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
>  {
> -     __m128i reg_a;
> -     asm volatile (
> -             "movdqu (%[src]), %[reg_a]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_a], (%[dst])\n\t"
> -             : [reg_a] "=x" (reg_a)
> -             : [src] "r" (src),
> -               [dst] "r"(dst)
> -             : "memory"
> -     );
> +     __m128i xmm0;
> +
> +     xmm0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)src);
> +     _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)dst, xmm0);
>  }
> +/**
> + * Copy 32 bytes from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
>  static inline void
>  rte_mov32(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
>  {
> -     __m128i reg_a, reg_b;
> -     asm volatile (
> -             "movdqu (%[src]), %[reg_a]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 16(%[src]), %[reg_b]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_a], (%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_b], 16(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             : [reg_a] "=x" (reg_a),
> -               [reg_b] "=x" (reg_b)
> -             : [src] "r" (src),
> -               [dst] "r"(dst)
> -             : "memory"
> -     );
> -}
> +     __m256i ymm0;
> -static inline void
> -rte_mov48(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
> -{
> -     __m128i reg_a, reg_b, reg_c;
> -     asm volatile (
> -             "movdqu (%[src]), %[reg_a]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 16(%[src]), %[reg_b]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 32(%[src]), %[reg_c]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_a], (%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_b], 16(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_c], 32(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             : [reg_a] "=x" (reg_a),
> -               [reg_b] "=x" (reg_b),
> -               [reg_c] "=x" (reg_c)
> -             : [src] "r" (src),
> -               [dst] "r"(dst)
> -             : "memory"
> -     );
> +     ymm0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)src);
> +     _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)dst, ymm0);
>  }
> +/**
> + * Copy 64 bytes from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
>  static inline void
>  rte_mov64(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
>  {
> -     __m128i reg_a, reg_b, reg_c, reg_d;
> -     asm volatile (
> -             "movdqu (%[src]), %[reg_a]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 16(%[src]), %[reg_b]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 32(%[src]), %[reg_c]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 48(%[src]), %[reg_d]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_a], (%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_b], 16(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_c], 32(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_d], 48(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             : [reg_a] "=x" (reg_a),
> -               [reg_b] "=x" (reg_b),
> -               [reg_c] "=x" (reg_c),
> -               [reg_d] "=x" (reg_d)
> -             : [src] "r" (src),
> -               [dst] "r"(dst)
> -             : "memory"
> -     );
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 0 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 1 * 32);
>  }
> +/**
> + * Copy 128 bytes from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
>  static inline void
>  rte_mov128(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
>  {
> -     __m128i reg_a, reg_b, reg_c, reg_d, reg_e, reg_f, reg_g, reg_h;
> -     asm volatile (
> -             "movdqu (%[src]), %[reg_a]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 16(%[src]), %[reg_b]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 32(%[src]), %[reg_c]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 48(%[src]), %[reg_d]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 64(%[src]), %[reg_e]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 80(%[src]), %[reg_f]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 96(%[src]), %[reg_g]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu 112(%[src]), %[reg_h]\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_a], (%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_b], 16(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_c], 32(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_d], 48(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_e], 64(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_f], 80(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_g], 96(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             "movdqu %[reg_h], 112(%[dst])\n\t"
> -             : [reg_a] "=x" (reg_a),
> -               [reg_b] "=x" (reg_b),
> -               [reg_c] "=x" (reg_c),
> -               [reg_d] "=x" (reg_d),
> -               [reg_e] "=x" (reg_e),
> -               [reg_f] "=x" (reg_f),
> -               [reg_g] "=x" (reg_g),
> -               [reg_h] "=x" (reg_h)
> -             : [src] "r" (src),
> -               [dst] "r"(dst)
> -             : "memory"
> -     );
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 0 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 1 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 2 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 2 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 3 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 3 * 32);
>  }
> -#ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER
> -#pragma warning(enable:593)
> -#endif
> -
> +/**
> + * Copy 256 bytes from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
>  static inline void
>  rte_mov256(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
>  {
> -     rte_mov128(dst, src);
> -     rte_mov128(dst + 128, src + 128);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 0 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 1 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 2 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 2 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 3 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 3 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 4 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 4 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 5 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 5 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 6 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 6 * 32);
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst + 7 * 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 7 * 32);
>  }
> -#define rte_memcpy(dst, src, n)              \
> -     ({ (__builtin_constant_p(n)) ?       \
> -     memcpy((dst), (src), (n)) :          \
> -     rte_memcpy_func((dst), (src), (n)); })
> +/**
> + * Copy 64-byte blocks from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
> +static inline void
> +rte_mov64blocks(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, size_t n)
> +{
> +     __m256i ymm0, ymm1;
> +
> +     while (n >= 64) {
> +             ymm0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)((const uint8_t 
> *)src + 0 * 32));
> +             n -= 64;
> +             ymm1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)((const uint8_t 
> *)src + 1 * 32));
> +             src = (const uint8_t *)src + 64;
> +             _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 32), ymm0);
> +             _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 32), ymm1);
> +             dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 64;
> +     }
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * Copy 256-byte blocks from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
> +static inline void
> +rte_mov256blocks(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, size_t n)
> +{
> +     __m256i ymm0, ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4, ymm5, ymm6, ymm7;
> +
> +     while (n >= 256) {
> +             ymm0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)((const uint8_t 
> *)src + 0 * 32));
> +             n -= 256;
> +             ymm1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)((const uint8_t 
> *)src + 1 * 32));
> +             ymm2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)((const uint8_t 
> *)src + 2 * 32));
> +             ymm3 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)((const uint8_t 
> *)src + 3 * 32));
> +             ymm4 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)((const uint8_t 
> *)src + 4 * 32));
> +             ymm5 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)((const uint8_t 
> *)src + 5 * 32));
> +             ymm6 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)((const uint8_t 
> *)src + 6 * 32));
> +             ymm7 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)((const uint8_t 
> *)src + 7 * 32));
> +             src = (const uint8_t *)src + 256;
> +             _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 32), ymm0);
> +             _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 32), ymm1);
> +             _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 2 * 32), ymm2);
> +             _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 3 * 32), ymm3);
> +             _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 4 * 32), ymm4);
> +             _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 5 * 32), ymm5);
> +             _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 6 * 32), ymm6);
> +             _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 7 * 32), ymm7);
> +             dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 256;
> +     }
> +}
>  static inline void *
> -rte_memcpy_func(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n)
> +rte_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n)
>  {
>       void *ret = dst;
> +     int dstofss;
> +     int bits;
> -     /* We can't copy < 16 bytes using XMM registers so do it manually. */
> +     /**
> +      * Copy less than 16 bytes
> +      */
>       if (n < 16) {
>               if (n & 0x01) {
>                       *(uint8_t *)dst = *(const uint8_t *)src;
> -                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 1;
>                       src = (const uint8_t *)src + 1;
> +                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 1;
>               }
>               if (n & 0x02) {
>                       *(uint16_t *)dst = *(const uint16_t *)src;
> -                     dst = (uint16_t *)dst + 1;
>                       src = (const uint16_t *)src + 1;
> +                     dst = (uint16_t *)dst + 1;
>               }
>               if (n & 0x04) {
>                       *(uint32_t *)dst = *(const uint32_t *)src;
> -                     dst = (uint32_t *)dst + 1;
>                       src = (const uint32_t *)src + 1;
> +                     dst = (uint32_t *)dst + 1;
>               }
>               if (n & 0x08) {
>                       *(uint64_t *)dst = *(const uint64_t *)src;
> @@ -201,95 +224,410 @@ rte_memcpy_func(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n)
>               return ret;
>       }
> -     /* Special fast cases for <= 128 bytes */
> +     /**
> +      * Fast way when copy size doesn't exceed 512 bytes
> +      */
>       if (n <= 32) {
>               rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
>               rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst - 16 + n, (const uint8_t *)src - 16 + 
> n);
>               return ret;
>       }
> -
>       if (n <= 64) {
>               rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
>               rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst - 32 + n, (const uint8_t *)src - 32 + 
> n);
>               return ret;
>       }
> -
> -     if (n <= 128) {
> -             rte_mov64((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> -             rte_mov64((uint8_t *)dst - 64 + n, (const uint8_t *)src - 64 + 
> n);
> +     if (n <= 512) {
> +             if (n >= 256) {
> +                     n -= 256;
> +                     rte_mov256((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +                     src = (const uint8_t *)src + 256;
> +                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 256;
> +             }
> +             if (n >= 128) {
> +                     n -= 128;
> +                     rte_mov128((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +                     src = (const uint8_t *)src + 128;
> +                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 128;
> +             }
> +             if (n >= 64) {
> +                     n -= 64;
> +                     rte_mov64((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +                     src = (const uint8_t *)src + 64;
> +                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 64;
> +             }
> +             if (n > 32) {
> +                     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +                     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst - 32 + n, (const uint8_t *)src 
> - 32 + n);
> +                     return ret;
> +             }
> +             if (n > 0) {
> +                     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst - 32 + n, (const uint8_t *)src 
> - 32 + n);
> +             }
>               return ret;
>       }
> -     /*
> -      * For large copies > 128 bytes. This combination of 256, 64 and 16 byte
> -      * copies was found to be faster than doing 128 and 32 byte copies as
> -      * well.
> +     /**
> +      * Make store aligned when copy size exceeds 512 bytes
>        */
> -     for ( ; n >= 256; n -= 256) {
> -             rte_mov256((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> -             dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 256;
> -             src = (const uint8_t *)src + 256;
> +     dstofss = 32 - (int)((long long)(void *)dst & 0x1F);
> +     n -= dstofss;
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +     src = (const uint8_t *)src + dstofss;
> +     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + dstofss;
> +
> +     /**
> +      * Copy 256-byte blocks.
> +      * Use copy block function for better instruction order control,
> +      * which is important when load is unaligned.
> +      */
> +     rte_mov256blocks((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src, n);
> +     bits = n;
> +     n = n & 255;
> +     bits -= n;
> +     src = (const uint8_t *)src + bits;
> +     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + bits;
> +
> +     /**
> +      * Copy 64-byte blocks.
> +      * Use copy block function for better instruction order control,
> +      * which is important when load is unaligned.
> +      */
> +     if (n >= 64) {
> +             rte_mov64blocks((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src, n);
> +             bits = n;
> +             n = n & 63;
> +             bits -= n;
> +             src = (const uint8_t *)src + bits;
> +             dst = (uint8_t *)dst + bits;
>       }
> -     /*
> -      * We split the remaining bytes (which will be less than 256) into
> -      * 64byte (2^6) chunks.
> -      * Using incrementing integers in the case labels of a switch statement
> -      * enourages the compiler to use a jump table. To get incrementing
> -      * integers, we shift the 2 relevant bits to the LSB position to first
> -      * get decrementing integers, and then subtract.
> +     /**
> +      * Copy whatever left
>        */
> -     switch (3 - (n >> 6)) {
> -     case 0x00:
> -             rte_mov64((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> -             n -= 64;
> -             dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 64;
> -             src = (const uint8_t *)src + 64;      /* fallthrough */
> -     case 0x01:
> -             rte_mov64((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> -             n -= 64;
> -             dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 64;
> -             src = (const uint8_t *)src + 64;      /* fallthrough */
> -     case 0x02:
> -             rte_mov64((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> -             n -= 64;
> -             dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 64;
> -             src = (const uint8_t *)src + 64;      /* fallthrough */
> -     default:
> -             ;
> +     goto COPY_BLOCK_64_BACK31;
> +}
> +
> +
> +/**
> + * SSE & AVX implementation below
> + */
> +
> +/**
> + * Copy 16 bytes from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
> +static inline void
> +rte_mov16(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
> +{
> +     __m128i xmm0;
> +
> +     xmm0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(const __m128i *)src);
> +     _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)dst, xmm0);
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * Copy 32 bytes from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
> +static inline void
> +rte_mov32(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
> +{
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 0 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 1 * 16);
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * Copy 64 bytes from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
> +static inline void
> +rte_mov64(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
> +{
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 0 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 1 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 2 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 2 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 3 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 3 * 16);
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * Copy 128 bytes from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
> +static inline void
> +rte_mov128(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
> +{
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 0 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 1 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 2 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 2 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 3 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 3 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 4 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 4 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 5 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 5 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 6 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 6 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 7 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 7 * 16);
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * Copy 256 bytes from one location to another,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + */
> +static inline void
> +rte_mov256(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
> +{
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 0 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 1 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 2 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 2 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 3 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 3 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 4 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 4 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 5 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 5 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 6 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 6 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 7 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 7 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 8 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 8 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 9 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 9 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 10 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 10 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 11 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 11 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 12 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 12 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 13 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 13 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 14 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 14 * 16);
> +     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 15 * 16, (const uint8_t *)src + 15 * 16);
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * Macro for copying unaligned block from one location to another with 
> constant load offset,
> + * 47 bytes leftover maximum,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + * Requirements:
> + * - Store is aligned
> + * - Load offset is <offset>, which must be immediate value within [1, 15]
> + * - For <src>, make sure <offset> bit backwards & <16 - offset> bit 
> forwards are available for loading
> + * - <dst>, <src>, <len> must be variables
> + * - __m128i <xmm0> ~ <xmm8> must be pre-defined
> + */
> +#define MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, len, offset)                      
>                                \
> +({                                                                           
>                                \
> +    int tmp;                                                                 
>                                \
> +    while (len >= 128 + 16 - offset) {                                       
>                                \
> +        xmm0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 0 * 16));                  \
> +        len -= 128;                                                          
>                                \
> +        xmm1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 1 * 16));                  \
> +        xmm2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 2 * 16));                  \
> +        xmm3 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 3 * 16));                  \
> +        xmm4 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 4 * 16));                  \
> +        xmm5 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 5 * 16));                  \
> +        xmm6 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 6 * 16));                  \
> +        xmm7 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 7 * 16));                  \
> +        xmm8 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 8 * 16));                  \
> +        src = (const uint8_t *)src + 128;                                    
>                                \
> +        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 16), 
> _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm1, xmm0, offset));        \
> +        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 16), 
> _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm2, xmm1, offset));        \
> +        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 2 * 16), 
> _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm3, xmm2, offset));        \
> +        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 3 * 16), 
> _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm4, xmm3, offset));        \
> +        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 4 * 16), 
> _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm5, xmm4, offset));        \
> +        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 5 * 16), 
> _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm6, xmm5, offset));        \
> +        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 6 * 16), 
> _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm7, xmm6, offset));        \
> +        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 7 * 16), 
> _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm8, xmm7, offset));        \
> +        dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 128;                                          
>                                \
> +    }                                                                        
>                                \
> +    tmp = len;                                                               
>                                \
> +    len = ((len - 16 + offset) & 127) + 16 - offset;                         
>                                \
> +    tmp -= len;                                                              
>                                \
> +    src = (const uint8_t *)src + tmp;                                        
>                                \
> +    dst = (uint8_t *)dst + tmp;                                              
>                                \
> +    if (len >= 32 + 16 - offset) {                                           
>                                \
> +        while (len >= 32 + 16 - offset) {                                    
>                                \
> +            xmm0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 0 * 16));              \
> +            len -= 32;                                                       
>                                \
> +            xmm1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 1 * 16));              \
> +            xmm2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - 
> offset + 2 * 16));              \
> +            src = (const uint8_t *)src + 32;                                 
>                                \
> +            _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 16), 
> _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm1, xmm0, offset));    \
> +            _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 16), 
> _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm2, xmm1, offset));    \
> +            dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 32;                                       
>                                \
> +        }                                                                    
>                                \
> +        tmp = len;                                                           
>                                \
> +        len = ((len - 16 + offset) & 31) + 16 - offset;                      
>                                \
> +        tmp -= len;                                                          
>                                \
> +        src = (const uint8_t *)src + tmp;                                    
>                                \
> +        dst = (uint8_t *)dst + tmp;                                          
>                                \
> +    }                                                                        
>                                \
> +})
> +
> +/**
> + * Macro for copying unaligned block from one location to another,
> + * 47 bytes leftover maximum,
> + * locations should not overlap.
> + * Use switch here because the aligning instruction requires immediate value 
> for shift count.
> + * Requirements:
> + * - Store is aligned
> + * - Load offset is <offset>, which must be within [1, 15]
> + * - For <src>, make sure <offset> bit backwards & <16 - offset> bit 
> forwards are available for loading
> + * - <dst>, <src>, <len> must be variables
> + * - __m128i <xmm0> ~ <xmm8> used in MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM must be 
> pre-defined
> + */
> +#define MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47(dst, src, len, offset)                   \
> +({                                                                    \
> +    switch (offset) {                                                 \
> +    case 0x01: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x01); break;    \
> +    case 0x02: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x02); break;    \
> +    case 0x03: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x03); break;    \
> +    case 0x04: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x04); break;    \
> +    case 0x05: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x05); break;    \
> +    case 0x06: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x06); break;    \
> +    case 0x07: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x07); break;    \
> +    case 0x08: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x08); break;    \
> +    case 0x09: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x09); break;    \
> +    case 0x0A: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x0A); break;    \
> +    case 0x0B: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x0B); break;    \
> +    case 0x0C: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x0C); break;    \
> +    case 0x0D: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x0D); break;    \
> +    case 0x0E: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x0E); break;    \
> +    case 0x0F: MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM(dst, src, n, 0x0F); break;    \
> +    default:;                                                         \
> +    }                                                                 \
> +})

We probably didn't understand each other properly.
My thought was to do something like:

#define MOVEUNALIGNED_128(offset)       do { \
 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 0 * 16), _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm1, 
xmm0, offset));        \
 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 1 * 16), _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm2, 
xmm1, offset));        \
 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 2 * 16), _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm3, 
xmm2, offset));        \
 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 3 * 16), _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm4, 
xmm3, offset));        \
 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 4 * 16), _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm5, 
xmm4, offset));        \
 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 5 * 16), _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm6, 
xmm5, offset));        \
 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 6 * 16), _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm7, 
xmm6, offset));        \
 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)((uint8_t *)dst + 7 * 16), _mm_alignr_epi8(xmm8, 
xmm7, offset));       \    
} while(0);

xmm7 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - offset + 7 * 
16));                  \
xmm8 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)((const uint8_t *)src - offset + 8 * 
16));                  \
src = (const uint8_t *)src + 128;

switch(offset) {
    case 0x01: MOVEUNALIGNED_128(1); break;  
    case 0x0f: MOVEUNALIGNED_128(f); break;
dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 128

An then in rte_memcpy() you don't need a switch for MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47_IMM 
Thought it might help to generate smaller code for rte_ememcpy() while keeping 
performance reasonably high.


> +
> +static inline void *
> +rte_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n)
> +{
> +     __m128i xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8;
> +     void *ret = dst;
> +     int dstofss;
> +     int srcofs;
> +
> +     /**
> +      * Copy less than 16 bytes
> +      */
> +     if (n < 16) {
> +             if (n & 0x01) {
> +                     *(uint8_t *)dst = *(const uint8_t *)src;
> +                     src = (const uint8_t *)src + 1;
> +                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 1;
> +             }
> +             if (n & 0x02) {
> +                     *(uint16_t *)dst = *(const uint16_t *)src;
> +                     src = (const uint16_t *)src + 1;
> +                     dst = (uint16_t *)dst + 1;
> +             }
> +             if (n & 0x04) {
> +                     *(uint32_t *)dst = *(const uint32_t *)src;
> +                     src = (const uint32_t *)src + 1;
> +                     dst = (uint32_t *)dst + 1;
> +             }
> +             if (n & 0x08) {
> +                     *(uint64_t *)dst = *(const uint64_t *)src;
> +             }
> +             return ret;
>       }
> -     /*
> -      * We split the remaining bytes (which will be less than 64) into
> -      * 16byte (2^4) chunks, using the same switch structure as above.
> +     /**
> +      * Fast way when copy size doesn't exceed 512 bytes
>        */
> -     switch (3 - (n >> 4)) {
> -     case 0x00:
> -             rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> -             n -= 16;
> -             dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 16;
> -             src = (const uint8_t *)src + 16;      /* fallthrough */
> -     case 0x01:
> -             rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> -             n -= 16;
> -             dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 16;
> -             src = (const uint8_t *)src + 16;      /* fallthrough */
> -     case 0x02:
> +     if (n <= 32) {
>               rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> -             n -= 16;
> -             dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 16;
> -             src = (const uint8_t *)src + 16;      /* fallthrough */
> -     default:
> -             ;
> +             rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst - 16 + n, (const uint8_t *)src - 16 + 
> n);
> +             return ret;
>       }
> -
> -     /* Copy any remaining bytes, without going beyond end of buffers */
> -     if (n != 0) {
> +     if (n <= 48) {
> +             rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +             rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst - 16 + n, (const uint8_t *)src - 16 + 
> n);
> +             return ret;
> +     }
> +     if (n <= 64) {
> +             rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +             rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst + 32, (const uint8_t *)src + 32);
>               rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst - 16 + n, (const uint8_t *)src - 16 + 
> n);
> +             return ret;
> +     }
> +     if (n <= 128) {
> +             goto COPY_BLOCK_128_BACK15;
>       }
> -     return ret;
> +     if (n <= 512) {
> +             if (n >= 256) {
> +                     n -= 256;
> +                     rte_mov128((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +                     rte_mov128((uint8_t *)dst + 128, (const uint8_t *)src + 
> 128);
> +                     src = (const uint8_t *)src + 256;
> +                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 256;
> +             }
> +             if (n >= 128) {
> +                     n -= 128;
> +                     rte_mov128((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +                     src = (const uint8_t *)src + 128;
> +                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 128;
> +             }
> +             if (n >= 64) {
> +                     n -= 64;
> +                     rte_mov64((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +                     src = (const uint8_t *)src + 64;
> +                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 64;
> +             }
> +             if (n >= 32) {
> +                     n -= 32;
> +                     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +                     src = (const uint8_t *)src + 32;
> +                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 32;
> +             }
> +             if (n > 16) {
> +                     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +                     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst - 16 + n, (const uint8_t *)src 
> - 16 + n);
> +                     return ret;
> +             }
> +             if (n > 0) {
> +                     rte_mov16((uint8_t *)dst - 16 + n, (const uint8_t *)src 
> - 16 + n);
> +             }
> +             return ret;
> +     }
> +
> +     /**
> +      * Make store aligned when copy size exceeds 512 bytes,
> +      * and make sure the first 15 bytes are copied, because
> +      * unaligned copy functions require up to 15 bytes
> +      * backwards access.
> +      */
> +     dstofss = 16 - (int)((long long)(void *)dst & 0x0F) + 16;
> +     n -= dstofss;
> +     rte_mov32((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +     src = (const uint8_t *)src + dstofss;
> +     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + dstofss;
> +     srcofs = (int)((long long)(const void *)src & 0x0F);
> +
> +     /**
> +      * For aligned copy
> +      */
> +     if (srcofs == 0) {
> +             /**
> +              * Copy 256-byte blocks
> +              */
> +             for (; n >= 256; n -= 256) {
> +                     rte_mov256((uint8_t *)dst, (const uint8_t *)src);
> +                     dst = (uint8_t *)dst + 256;
> +                     src = (const uint8_t *)src + 256;
> +             }
> +
> +             /**
> +              * Copy whatever left
> +              */
> +             goto COPY_BLOCK_255_BACK15;
> +     }
> +
> +     /**
> +      * For copy with unaligned load
> +      */
> +     MOVEUNALIGNED_LEFT47(dst, src, n, srcofs);
> +
> +     /**
> +      * Copy whatever left
> +      */
> +     goto COPY_BLOCK_64_BACK15;
>  }
> +#endif /* RTE_MACHINE_CPUFLAG_AVX2 */
> +
>  #ifdef __cplusplus
>  }
>  #endif
> --
> 1.9.3

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