Hi Thomas,

One comment inline.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>
>Sent: Monday 7 September 2020 11:21
>To: Power, Ciara <ciara.po...@intel.com>; dev@dpdk.org
>Cc: Kilheeney, Louise <louise.kilhee...@intel.com>; Mcnamara, John
><john.mcnam...@intel.com>; Kovacevic, Marko
>Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v3 22/37] doc: remove references to make in
>contributing guides


>> -Library Statistics
>> -------------------
>> -
>> -Description
>> -~~~~~~~~~~~
>> -
>> -This document describes the guidelines for DPDK library-level
>> statistics counter -support. This includes guidelines for turning
>> library statistics on and off and -requirements for preventing ABI
>> changes when implementing statistics.
>I think the ABI part is still relevant.

Looking for some clarification on this. Which parts (if any) of the library 
statistics section should be
added back in for the ABI section below to make sense being included? Or what 
do you suggest doing here?

>> -Prevention of ABI changes due to library statistics support
>> -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> -
>> -The layout of data structures and prototype of functions that are
>> part of the -library API should not be affected by whether the
>> collection of statistics -counters is turned on or off for the current
>> library. In practical terms, this -means that space should always be
>> allocated in the API data structures for -statistics counters and the
>> statistics related API functions are always built -into the code,
>> regardless of whether the statistics counter collection is turned -on
>> or off for the current library.
>> -
>> -When the collection of statistics counters for the current library is
>> turned -off, the counters retrieved through the statistics related API
>> functions should -have a default value of zero.

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