DPDK Community, We are only one week away from DPDK Userspace Summit 2020! It kicks off Tuesday, September 22 at 12:30 CEST.
Check out the full agenda and plan your schedule: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/dpdk-userspace-summit/program/schedule/ And if you have not already, please REGISTER (for free!) today: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/dpdk-userspace-summit/register/ <https://www.cvent.com/events/dpdk-userspace-summit-2020-virtual/registration-8f98c2e460f9437faef5d22f420b26ec.aspx?ct=50221cf5-5496-4c34-9ec0-3b52b1bf1204&_ga=2.131711302.832009497.1600104697-1943177193.1548103697> In addition to our regular programming, we will also be celebrating the community's 10th year and recognizing members of the community for areas of excellence via the Community Awards. We look forward to "seeing" all of you next week! -- *Jill Lovato* Senior PR Manager The Linux Foundation jlov...@linuxfoundation.org Phone: +1.503.703.8268