Members Attending:

    Bruce Richardson
    Ferruh Yigit
    Honnappa Nagarahalli
    Jerin Jacob
    Kevin Traynor
    Konstantin Ananyev
    Maxime Coquelin
    Olivier Matz
    Stephen Hemminger
    Thomas Monjalon

The technical board meetings takes place every second Wednesday on IRC channel 
#dpdk-board, at 3pm UTC. Meetings are public and DPDK community members are 
welcome to attend.

NOTE: Technical Board meetings for 2020-08-12 and 2020-08-26 were cancelled due 
to holidays in August.


#1 Reminder to all Techboard members to volunteer as moderators for session in 
the virtual DPDK Userspace event later this month.

#2 Requiring unit tests for contributions to DPDK:
   * Discussion focused mainly on the areas of flow APIs and similar areas of 
DPDK which cannot be tested easily using "dpdk-test" unit test binary
   * Concern was expressed about DTS usability, and lack of widespread use in 
developer community.
   * Concern was also raised about mandating tests for features while DTS is in 
a separate repo from DPDK - and which uses a separate patch mailing list.
   * **Action for all Techboard members**: Evaluate DTS to determine the 
usability pain-points and be able to discuss plan to improve it.

#3 Development of unit tests at UNH:
   * Many of the same concerns raised as in previous discussion
   * Flow APIs would be one area where more work would be needed
   * Improvements to DTS itself was felt to be the highest priority initially
   * Currently lacking specifics of tasks to be undertaken, this needs to be 
prepared before any work can start
   * No volunteer from Techboard right now to take responsibility for directing 
that effort.
   * **Action for all Techboard members**: members to attend the regular CI 
meetings whenever possible
      * **Action**: Kevin to forward invite to all TB members (done)

#4 Request for Technical Writer to help with DPDK documentation:
   * Spec for work was already started over email previously
   * **Action**: Bruce to take existing discussion emails and begin document 
based on that.

Other items deferred for next meeting.

Next meeting will be on 2020-09-23, and will be chaired by Ferruh.

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