This patch adds data-path service APIs for enqueue and dequeue
operations to cryptodev. The APIs support flexible user-define
enqueue and dequeue behaviors and operation mode.

Signed-off-by: Fan Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Piotr Bronowski <>
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto.h             |   9 +
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto_sym.h         |  49 ++-
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c          |  98 ++++++
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h          | 332 +++++++++++++++++-
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev_pmd.h      |  48 ++-
 .../                 |  10 +
 6 files changed, 537 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto.h 
index fd5ef3a87..f009be9af 100644
--- a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto.h
+++ b/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto.h
@@ -438,6 +438,15 @@ rte_crypto_op_attach_asym_session(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
        return 0;
+/** Crypto data-path service types */
+enum rte_crypto_dp_service {
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto_sym.h 
index f29c98051..376412e94 100644
--- a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto_sym.h
+++ b/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto_sym.h
@@ -50,6 +50,30 @@ struct rte_crypto_sgl {
        uint32_t num;
+ * Symmetri Crypto Addtional Data other than src and destination data.
+ * Supposed to be used to pass IV/digest/aad data buffers with lengths
+ * defined when creating crypto session.
+ */
+union rte_crypto_sym_additional_data {
+       struct {
+               void *cipher_iv_ptr;
+               rte_iova_t cipher_iv_iova;
+               void *auth_iv_ptr;
+               rte_iova_t auth_iv_iova;
+               void *digest_ptr;
+               rte_iova_t digest_iova;
+       } cipher_auth;
+       struct {
+               void *iv_ptr;
+               rte_iova_t iv_iova;
+               void *digest_ptr;
+               rte_iova_t digest_iova;
+               void *aad_ptr;
+               rte_iova_t aad_iova;
+       } aead;
  * Synchronous operation descriptor.
  * Supposed to be used with CPU crypto API call.
@@ -57,12 +81,25 @@ struct rte_crypto_sgl {
 struct rte_crypto_sym_vec {
        /** array of SGL vectors */
        struct rte_crypto_sgl *sgl;
-       /** array of pointers to IV */
-       void **iv;
-       /** array of pointers to AAD */
-       void **aad;
-       /** array of pointers to digest */
-       void **digest;
+       union {
+               /* Supposed to be used with CPU crypto API call. */
+               struct {
+                       /** array of pointers to IV */
+                       void **iv;
+                       /** array of pointers to AAD */
+                       void **aad;
+                       /** array of pointers to digest */
+                       void **digest;
+               };
+               /* Supposed to be used with rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_vec()
+                * call.
+                */
+               union rte_crypto_sym_additional_data *additional_data;
+       };
         * array of statuses for each operation:
         *  - 0 on success
diff --git a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c 
index 1dd795bcb..5b670e83e 100644
--- a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c
+++ b/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c
@@ -1914,6 +1914,104 @@ rte_cryptodev_sym_cpu_crypto_process(uint8_t dev_id,
        return dev->dev_ops->sym_cpu_process(dev, sess, ofs, vec);
+rte_cryptodev_dp_get_service_ctx_data_size(uint8_t dev_id)
+       struct rte_cryptodev *dev;
+       int32_t size = sizeof(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx);
+       int32_t priv_size;
+       if (!rte_cryptodev_pmd_is_valid_dev(dev_id))
+               return -1;
+       dev = rte_cryptodev_pmd_get_dev(dev_id);
+       if (*dev->dev_ops->get_drv_ctx_size == NULL ||
+               !(dev->feature_flags & RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_DATA_PATH_SERVICE)) {
+               return -1;
+       }
+       priv_size = (*dev->dev_ops->get_drv_ctx_size)(dev);
+       if (priv_size < 0)
+               return -1;
+       return RTE_ALIGN_CEIL((size + priv_size), 8);
+rte_cryptodev_dp_configure_service(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id,
+       enum rte_crypto_dp_service service_type,
+       enum rte_crypto_op_sess_type sess_type,
+       union rte_cryptodev_session_ctx session_ctx,
+       struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx, uint8_t is_update)
+       struct rte_cryptodev *dev;
+       if (!rte_cryptodev_get_qp_status(dev_id, qp_id))
+               return -1;
+       dev = rte_cryptodev_pmd_get_dev(dev_id);
+       if (!(dev->feature_flags & RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_DATA_PATH_SERVICE)
+                       || dev->dev_ops->configure_service == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       return (*dev->dev_ops->configure_service)(dev, qp_id, service_type,
+                       sess_type, session_ctx, ctx, is_update);
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_single_job(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+               struct rte_crypto_vec *data, uint16_t n_data_vecs,
+               union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs,
+               union rte_crypto_sym_additional_data *additional_data,
+               void *opaque)
+       return _cryptodev_dp_submit_single_job(ctx, data, n_data_vecs, ofs,
+                       additional_data, opaque);
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_vec(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+       struct rte_crypto_sym_vec *vec, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs,
+       void **opaque)
+       return (*ctx->submit_vec)(ctx->qp_data, ctx->drv_service_data, vec,
+                       ofs, opaque);
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_single_job(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+               void **out_opaque)
+       return _cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_single_job(ctx, out_opaque);
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_done(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+               uint32_t n)
+       (*ctx->submit_done)(ctx->qp_data, ctx->drv_service_data, n);
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_done(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+               uint32_t n)
+       (*ctx->dequeue_done)(ctx->qp_data, ctx->drv_service_data, n);
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+       rte_cryptodev_get_dequeue_count_t get_dequeue_count,
+       rte_cryptodev_post_dequeue_t post_dequeue,
+       void **out_opaque, uint8_t is_opaque_array,
+       uint32_t *n_success_jobs)
+       return (*ctx->dequeue_opaque)(ctx->qp_data, ctx->drv_service_data,
+               get_dequeue_count, post_dequeue, out_opaque, is_opaque_array,
+               n_success_jobs);
 /** Initialise rte_crypto_op mempool element */
 static void
 rte_crypto_op_init(struct rte_mempool *mempool,
diff --git a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h 
index 7b3ebc20f..5072b3a40 100644
--- a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h
+++ b/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h
@@ -466,7 +466,8 @@ rte_cryptodev_asym_get_xform_enum(enum 
rte_crypto_asym_xform_type *xform_enum,
 /**< Support symmetric session-less operations */
 /**< Support operations on data which is not byte aligned */
+#define RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_DATA_PATH_SERVICE             (1ULL << 24)
+/**< Support accelerated specific raw data as input */
  * Get the name of a crypto device feature flag
@@ -1351,6 +1352,335 @@ rte_cryptodev_sym_cpu_crypto_process(uint8_t dev_id,
        struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session *sess, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs,
        struct rte_crypto_sym_vec *vec);
+ * Get the size of the data-path service context for all registered drivers.
+ *
+ * @param      dev_id          The device identifier.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - If the device supports data-path service, return the context size.
+ *   - If the device does not support the data-dath service, return -1.
+ */
+rte_cryptodev_dp_get_service_ctx_data_size(uint8_t dev_id);
+ * Union of different crypto session types, including session-less xform
+ * pointer.
+ */
+union rte_cryptodev_session_ctx {
+       struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session *crypto_sess;
+       struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xform;
+       struct rte_security_session *sec_sess;
+ * Submit a data vector into device queue but the driver will not start
+ * processing until rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_vec() is called.
+ *
+ * @param      qp              Driver specific queue pair data.
+ * @param      service_data    Driver specific service data.
+ * @param      vec             The array of job vectors.
+ * @param      ofs             Start and stop offsets for auth and cipher
+ *                             operations.
+ * @param      opaque          The array of opaque data for dequeue.
+ * @return
+ *   - The number of jobs successfully submitted.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_vec_t)(
+       void *qp, uint8_t *service_data, struct rte_crypto_sym_vec *vec,
+       union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, void **opaque);
+ * Submit single job into device queue but the driver will not start
+ * processing until rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_vec() is called.
+ *
+ * @param      qp              Driver specific queue pair data.
+ * @param      service_data    Driver specific service data.
+ * @param      data            The buffer vector.
+ * @param      n_data_vecs     Number of buffer vectors.
+ * @param      ofs             Start and stop offsets for auth and cipher
+ *                             operations.
+ * @param      additional_data IV, digest, and aad data.
+ * @param      opaque          The opaque data for dequeue.
+ * @return
+ *   - On success return 0.
+ *   - On failure return negative integer.
+ */
+typedef int (*cryptodev_dp_submit_single_job_t)(
+       void *qp, uint8_t *service_data, struct rte_crypto_vec *data,
+       uint16_t n_data_vecs, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs,
+       union rte_crypto_sym_additional_data *additional_data,
+       void *opaque);
+ * Inform the queue pair to start processing or finish dequeuing all
+ * submitted/dequeued jobs.
+ *
+ * @param      qp              Driver specific queue pair data.
+ * @param      service_data    Driver specific service data.
+ * @param      n               The total number of submitted jobs.
+ */
+typedef void (*cryptodev_dp_sym_operation_done_t)(void *qp,
+               uint8_t *service_data, uint32_t n);
+ * Typedef that the user provided for the driver to get the dequeue count.
+ * The function may return a fixed number or the number parsed from the opaque
+ * data stored in the first processed job.
+ *
+ * @param      opaque          Dequeued opaque data.
+ **/
+typedef uint32_t (*rte_cryptodev_get_dequeue_count_t)(void *opaque);
+ * Typedef that the user provided to deal with post dequeue operation, such
+ * as filling status.
+ *
+ * @param      opaque          Dequeued opaque data. In case
+ *                             RTE_CRYPTO_HW_DP_FF_GET_OPAQUE_ARRAY bit is
+ *                             set, this value will be the opaque data stored
+ *                             in the specific processed jobs referenced by
+ *                             index, otherwise it will be the opaque data
+ *                             stored in the first processed job in the burst.
+ * @param      index           Index number of the processed job.
+ * @param      is_op_success   Driver filled operation status.
+ **/
+typedef void (*rte_cryptodev_post_dequeue_t)(void *opaque, uint32_t index,
+               uint8_t is_op_success);
+ * Dequeue symmetric crypto processing of user provided data.
+ *
+ * @param      qp                      Driver specific queue pair data.
+ * @param      service_data            Driver specific service data.
+ * @param      get_dequeue_count       User provided callback function to
+ *                                     obtain dequeue count.
+ * @param      post_dequeue            User provided callback function to
+ *                                     post-process a dequeued operation.
+ * @param      out_opaque              Opaque pointer array to be retrieve from
+ *                                     device queue. In case of
+ *                                     *is_opaque_array* is set there should
+ *                                     be enough room to store all opaque data.
+ * @param      is_opaque_array         Set 1 if every dequeued job will be
+ *                                     written the opaque data into
+ *                                     *out_opaque* array.
+ * @param      n_success_jobs          Driver written value to specific the
+ *                                     total successful operations count.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *  - Returns number of dequeued packets.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_t)(void *qp, uint8_t *service_data,
+       rte_cryptodev_get_dequeue_count_t get_dequeue_count,
+       rte_cryptodev_post_dequeue_t post_dequeue,
+       void **out_opaque, uint8_t is_opaque_array,
+       uint32_t *n_success_jobs);
+ * Dequeue symmetric crypto processing of user provided data.
+ *
+ * @param      qp                      Driver specific queue pair data.
+ * @param      service_data            Driver specific service data.
+ * @param      out_opaque              Opaque pointer to be retrieve from
+ *                                     device queue.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - 1 if the job is dequeued and the operation is a success.
+ *   - 0 if the job is dequeued but the operation is failed.
+ *   - -1 if no job is dequeued.
+ */
+typedef int (*cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_single_job_t)(
+               void *qp, uint8_t *service_data, void **out_opaque);
+ * Context data for asynchronous crypto process.
+ */
+struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx {
+       void *qp_data;
+       struct {
+               cryptodev_dp_submit_single_job_t submit_single_job;
+               cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_vec_t submit_vec;
+               cryptodev_dp_sym_operation_done_t submit_done;
+               cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_t dequeue_opaque;
+               cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_single_job_t dequeue_single;
+               cryptodev_dp_sym_operation_done_t dequeue_done;
+       };
+       /* Driver specific service data */
+       __extension__ uint8_t drv_service_data[];
+ * Configure one DP service context data. Calling this function for the first
+ * time the user should unset the *is_update* parameter and the driver will
+ * fill necessary operation data into ctx buffer. Only when
+ * rte_cryptodev_dp_submit_done() is called the data stored in the ctx buffer
+ * will not be effective.
+ *
+ * @param      dev_id          The device identifier.
+ * @param      qp_id           The index of the queue pair from which to
+ *                             retrieve processed packets. The value must be
+ *                             in the range [0, nb_queue_pair - 1] previously
+ *                             supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure().
+ * @param      service_type    Type of the service requested.
+ * @param      sess_type       session type.
+ * @param      session_ctx     Session context data.
+ * @param      ctx             The data-path service context data.
+ * @param      is_update       Set 1 if ctx is pre-initialized but need
+ *                             update to different service type or session,
+ *                             but the rest driver data remains the same.
+ *                             Since service context data buffer is provided
+ *                             by user, the driver will not check the
+ *                             validity of the buffer nor its content. It is
+ *                             the user's obligation to initialize and
+ *                             uses the buffer properly by setting this field.
+ * @return
+ *   - On success return 0.
+ *   - On failure return negative integer.
+ */
+rte_cryptodev_dp_configure_service(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id,
+       enum rte_crypto_dp_service service_type,
+       enum rte_crypto_op_sess_type sess_type,
+       union rte_cryptodev_session_ctx session_ctx,
+       struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx, uint8_t is_update);
+static __rte_always_inline int
+_cryptodev_dp_submit_single_job(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+               struct rte_crypto_vec *data, uint16_t n_data_vecs,
+               union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs,
+               union rte_crypto_sym_additional_data *additional_data,
+               void *opaque)
+       return (*ctx->submit_single_job)(ctx->qp_data, ctx->drv_service_data,
+               data, n_data_vecs, ofs, additional_data, opaque);
+static __rte_always_inline int
+_cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_single_job(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+               void **out_opaque)
+       return (*ctx->dequeue_single)(ctx->qp_data, ctx->drv_service_data,
+               out_opaque);
+ * Submit single job into device queue but the driver will not start
+ * processing until rte_cryptodev_dp_submit_done() is called. This is a
+ * simplified
+ *
+ * @param      ctx             The initialized data-path service context data.
+ * @param      data            The buffer vector.
+ * @param      n_data_vecs     Number of buffer vectors.
+ * @param      ofs             Start and stop offsets for auth and cipher
+ *                             operations.
+ * @param      additional_data IV, digest, and aad
+ * @param      opaque          The array of opaque data for dequeue.
+ * @return
+ *   - On success return 0.
+ *   - On failure return negative integer.
+ */
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_single_job(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+               struct rte_crypto_vec *data, uint16_t n_data_vecs,
+               union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs,
+               union rte_crypto_sym_additional_data *additional_data,
+               void *opaque);
+ * Submit a data vector into device queue but the driver will not start
+ * processing until rte_cryptodev_dp_submit_done() is called.
+ *
+ * @param      ctx     The initialized data-path service context data.
+ * @param      vec     The array of job vectors.
+ * @param      ofs     Start and stop offsets for auth and cipher operations.
+ * @param      opaque  The array of opaque data for dequeue.
+ * @return
+ *   - The number of jobs successfully submitted.
+ */
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_vec(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+       struct rte_crypto_sym_vec *vec, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs,
+       void **opaque);
+ * Command the queue pair to start processing all submitted jobs from last
+ * rte_cryptodev_init_dp_service() call.
+ *
+ * @param      ctx     The initialized data-path service context data.
+ * @param      n               The total number of submitted jobs.
+ */
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_done(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+               uint32_t n);
+ * Dequeue symmetric crypto processing of user provided data.
+ *
+ * @param      ctx                     The initialized data-path service
+ *                                     context data.
+ * @param      get_dequeue_count       User provided callback function to
+ *                                     obtain dequeue count.
+ * @param      post_dequeue            User provided callback function to
+ *                                     post-process a dequeued operation.
+ * @param      out_opaque              Opaque pointer array to be retrieve from
+ *                                     device queue. In case of
+ *                                     *is_opaque_array* is set there should
+ *                                     be enough room to store all opaque data.
+ * @param      is_opaque_array         Set 1 if every dequeued job will be
+ *                                     written the opaque data into
+ *                                     *out_opaque* array.
+ * @param      n_success_jobs          Driver written value to specific the
+ *                                     total successful operations count.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - Returns number of dequeued packets.
+ */
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+       rte_cryptodev_get_dequeue_count_t get_dequeue_count,
+       rte_cryptodev_post_dequeue_t post_dequeue,
+       void **out_opaque, uint8_t is_opaque_array,
+       uint32_t *n_success_jobs);
+ * Dequeue Single symmetric crypto processing of user provided data.
+ *
+ * @param      ctx                     The initialized data-path service
+ *                                     context data.
+ * @param      out_opaque              Opaque pointer to be retrieve from
+ *                                     device queue. The driver shall support
+ *                                     NULL input of this parameter.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - 1 if the job is dequeued and the operation is a success.
+ *   - 0 if the job is dequeued but the operation is failed.
+ *   - -1 if no job is dequeued.
+ */
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_single_job(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+               void **out_opaque);
+ * Inform the queue pair dequeue jobs finished.
+ *
+ * @param      ctx     The initialized data-path service context data.
+ * @param      n       The total number of jobs already dequeued.
+ */
+rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_done(struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+               uint32_t n);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev_pmd.h 
index 81975d72b..e19de458c 100644
--- a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev_pmd.h
+++ b/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev_pmd.h
@@ -316,6 +316,42 @@ typedef uint32_t (*cryptodev_sym_cpu_crypto_process_t)
        (struct rte_cryptodev *dev, struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session *sess,
        union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, struct rte_crypto_sym_vec *vec);
+ * Typedef that the driver provided to get service context private date size.
+ *
+ * @param      dev     Crypto device pointer.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - On success return the size of the device's service context private data.
+ *   - On failure return negative integer.
+ */
+typedef int (*cryptodev_dp_get_service_ctx_size_t)(
+       struct rte_cryptodev *dev);
+ * Typedef that the driver provided to configure data-path service.
+ *
+ * @param      dev             Crypto device pointer.
+ * @param      qp_id           Crypto device queue pair index.
+ * @param      service_type    Type of the service requested.
+ * @param      sess_type       session type.
+ * @param      session_ctx     Session context data.
+ * @param      ctx             The data-path service context data.
+ * @param      is_update       Set 1 if ctx is pre-initialized but need
+ *                             update to different service type or session,
+ *                             but the rest driver data remains the same.
+ *                             buffer will always be one.
+ * @return
+ *   - On success return 0.
+ *   - On failure return negative integer.
+ */
+typedef int (*cryptodev_dp_configure_service_t)(
+       struct rte_cryptodev *dev, uint16_t qp_id,
+       enum rte_crypto_dp_service service_type,
+       enum rte_crypto_op_sess_type sess_type,
+       union rte_cryptodev_session_ctx session_ctx,
+       struct rte_crypto_dp_service_ctx *ctx,
+       uint8_t is_update);
 /** Crypto device operations function pointer table */
 struct rte_cryptodev_ops {
@@ -348,8 +384,16 @@ struct rte_cryptodev_ops {
        /**< Clear a Crypto sessions private data. */
        cryptodev_asym_free_session_t asym_session_clear;
        /**< Clear a Crypto sessions private data. */
-       cryptodev_sym_cpu_crypto_process_t sym_cpu_process;
-       /**< process input data synchronously (cpu-crypto). */
+       union {
+               cryptodev_sym_cpu_crypto_process_t sym_cpu_process;
+               /**< process input data synchronously (cpu-crypto). */
+               struct {
+                       cryptodev_dp_get_service_ctx_size_t get_drv_ctx_size;
+                       /**< Get data path service context data size. */
+                       cryptodev_dp_configure_service_t configure_service;
+                       /**< Initialize crypto service ctx data. */
+               };
+       };
diff --git a/lib/librte_cryptodev/ 
index 02f6dcf72..10388ae90 100644
--- a/lib/librte_cryptodev/
+++ b/lib/librte_cryptodev/
@@ -105,4 +105,14 @@ EXPERIMENTAL {
        # added in 20.08
+       # added in 20.11
+       rte_cryptodev_dp_configure_service;
+       rte_cryptodev_dp_get_service_ctx_data_size;
+       rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue;
+       rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_done;
+       rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_dequeue_single_job;
+       rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_done;
+       rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_single_job;
+       rte_cryptodev_dp_sym_submit_vec;

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