2015-01-20 15:49, Neil Horman:
> the vhost library relies on libfuse, and thats included when we do a normal
> shared object build, but when we specify combined libs, its gets left out.  
> Add
> it back in
> Signed-off-by: Neil Horman <nhorman at tuxdriver.com>
> ---
>  mk/rte.app.mk | 4 ++++
>  1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
> --- a/mk/rte.app.mk
> +++ b/mk/rte.app.mk
> +LDLIBS += -lfuse
> +endif

There was already a line for -lfuse below in the file.
You are adding it in a place where it applies to every cases,
so you should remove the old special case.


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