06/08/2020 12:45, Dekel Peled:
> Structs rte_flow_item_eth and rte_flow_item_vlan will be modified,
> to include an additional value, indicating existence or absence of VLAN
> headers following the current header, as proposed in RFC
> https://mails.dpdk.org/archives/dev/2020-August/177536.html.
> Because of ABI break this change is proposed for 20.11.
> Signed-off-by: Dekel Peled <dek...@mellanox.com>
> ---
> +* ethdev: The ``struct rte_flow_item_eth`` and ``struct rte_flow_item_vlan``
> +  structs will be modified, to include an additional value, indicating 
> existence
> +  or absence of a VLAN header following the current header, as proposed in 
> +  https://mails.dpdk.org/archives/dev/2020-August/177536.html.

Specifying match patterns on none or multiple extensions
is difficult to manage with rte_flow.
It seems this approach of adding explicit fields in the items
can work well.

Acked-by: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>

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