document of new commands:
 - 2tuple_filter (port_id) (add|del)
   dst_port (dst_port_value) protocol (protocol_value)
   mask (mask_value) tcp_flags (tcp_flags_value)
   priority (prio_value) queue (queue_id)
 - 5tuple_filter (port_id) (add|del)
   dst_ip (dst_address) src_ip (src_address)
   dst_port (dst_port_value) src_port (src_port_value)
   protocol (protocol_value)
   mask (mask_value) tcp_flags (tcp_flags_value)
   priority (prio_value) queue (queue_id)

Signed-off-by: Jingjing Wu <jingjing.wu at>
 doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst | 99 ++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst 
index be935c2..56d7c82 100644
--- a/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst
@@ -1448,76 +1448,48 @@ Example:
         priority: disable, 0
         queue: 3


-Add a 2-tuple filter,
+Add or delete a 2-tuple filter,
 which identify packets by specific protocol and destination TCP/UDP port
 and forwards packets into one of the receive queues.

-add_2tuple_filter (port_id) protocol (pro_value) (pro_mask) dst_port 
(port_value) (port_mask)
-flags (flg_value) priority (prio_value) queue (queue_id) index (idx)
+2tuple_filter (port_id) (add|del) dst_port (dst_port_value) protocol 
+mask (mask_value) tcp_flags (tcp_flags_value) priority (prio_value) queue 

 The available information parameters are:

 *   port_id: the port which the 2-tuple filter assigned on.

-*   pro_value: IP L4 protocol
+*   dst_port_value: destination port in L4.

-*   pro_mask: protocol participates in the match or not, 1 means participate
+*   protocol_value: IP L4 protocol.

-*   port_value: destination port in L4.
+*   mask_value: participates in the match or not by bit for field above, 1b 
means participate.

-*   port_mask: destination port participates in the match or not, 1 means 
+*   tcp_flags_value: TCP control bits. The non-zero value is invalid, when the 
pro_value is not set to 0x06 (TCP).

-*   flg_value: TCP control bits. The non-zero value is invalid, when the 
pro_value is not set to 0x06 (TCP).
+*   prio_value: priority of this filter.

-*   prio_value: the priority of this filter.
-*   queue_id: The receive queue associated with this 2-tuple filter
+*   queue_id: The receive queue associated with this 2-tuple filter.

-*   index: the index of this 2-tuple filter
+Example, to add/remove an 2tuple filter rule:

 .. code-block:: console

-    testpmd> add_2tuple_filter 0 protocol 0x06 1 dst_port 32 1 flags 0x02 
priority 3 queue 3 index 0
-Remove a 2-tuple filter
-remove_2tuple_filter (port_id) index (idx)
+    testpmd> 2tuple_filter 0 add dst_port 32 protocol 0x06 mask 0x03 tcp_flags 
0x02 priority 3 queue 3
+    testpmd> 2tuple_filter 0 del dst_port 32 protocol 0x06 mask 0x03 tcp_flags 
0x02 priority 3 queue 3


-Get and display a 2-tuple filter
-get_2tuple_filter (port_id) index (idx)
-.. code-block:: console
-    testpmd> get_2tuple_filter 0 index 0
-    filter[0]:
-        Destination Port: 0x0020 mask: 1
-        protocol: 0x06 mask:1 tcp_flags: 0x02
-        priority: 3   queue: 3
-Add a 5-tuple filter,
+Add or delete a 5-tuple filter,
 which consists of a 5-tuple (protocol, source and destination IP addresses, 
source and destination TCP/UDP/SCTP port)
 and routes packets into one of the receive queues.

-add_5tuple_filter (port_id) dst_ip (dst_address) src_ip (src_address) dst_port 
(dst_port_value) src_port (src_port_value)
-protocol (protocol_value) mask (mask_value) flags (flags_value) priority 
(prio_value) queue (queue_id) index (idx)
+5tuple_filter (port_id) (add|del) dst_ip (dst_address) src_ip (src_address) 
dst_port (dst_port_value) src_port (src_port_value)
+protocol (protocol_value) mask (mask_value) tcp_flags (tcp_flags_value) 
priority (prio_value) queue (queue_id)

 The available information parameters are:

@@ -1535,47 +1507,18 @@ The available information parameters are:

 *   mask_value: participates in the match or not by bit for field above, 1b 
means participate

-*   flags_value: TCP control bits. The non-zero value is invalid, when the 
protocol_value is not set to 0x06 (TCP).
+*   tcp_flags_value: TCP control bits. The non-zero value is invalid, when the 
protocol_value is not set to 0x06 (TCP).

 *   prio_value: the priority of this filter.

 *   queue_id: The receive queue associated with this 5-tuple filter.

-*   index: the index of this 5-tuple filter
-.. code-block:: console
-    testpmd> add_5tuple_filter 1 dst_ip src_ip dst_port 64 
src_port 32 protocol 0x06 mask 0x1F flags 0x0 priority 3 queue 3 index 0
-Remove a 5-tuple filter
-remove_5tuple_filter (port_id) index (idx)
-Get and display a 5-tuple filter
-get_5tuple_filter (port_id) index (idx)
+Example, to add/remove an 5tuple filter rule:

 .. code-block:: console

-    testpmd> get_5tuple_filter 1 index 0
-    filter[0]:
-        Destination IP: 0x02020205 mask: 1
-        Source IP: 0x02020204 mask: 1
-        Destination Port: 0x0040 mask: 1
-        Source Port: 0x0020 mask: 1
-        protocol: 0x06 mask: 1
-        priority: 3 flags: 0x00 queue: 3
+    testpmd> 5tuple_filter 0 add dst_ip src_ip dst_port 64 
src_port 32 protocol 0x06 mask 0x1F flags 0x0 priority 3 queue 3
+    testpmd> 5tuple_filter 0 del dst_ip src_ip dst_port 64 
src_port 32 protocol 0x06 mask 0x1F flags 0x0 priority 3 queue 3


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