Many drivers will report per queue info for both rx and tx
as well as how many descriptors are in use.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <>
Acked-by: Hemant Agrawal <>
 app/proc-info/main.c | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/proc-info/main.c b/app/proc-info/main.c
index b2011c448577..4e2e647498ff 100644
--- a/app/proc-info/main.c
+++ b/app/proc-info/main.c
@@ -654,6 +654,25 @@ metrics_display(int port_id)
+/* This could be replaced by an ethdev hook in future */
+static int
+eth_tx_queue_available(uint16_t port_id, uint16_t queue_id, uint16_t n)
+       uint16_t offset;
+       int count = 0;
+       for (offset = 0; offset < n; offset++) {
+               int status;
+               status = rte_eth_tx_descriptor_status(port_id, queue_id, 
+               if (status < 0)
+                       return status;
+               if (status == RTE_ETH_TX_DESC_DONE)
+                       ++count;
+       }
+       return count;
 static void
@@ -667,7 +686,6 @@ show_port(void)
                uint16_t mtu = 0;
                struct rte_eth_link link;
                struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info;
-               struct rte_eth_rxq_info queue_info;
                struct rte_eth_rss_conf rss_conf;
                struct rte_eth_fc_conf fc_conf;
                struct rte_ether_addr mac;
@@ -739,6 +757,7 @@ show_port(void)
                ret = rte_eth_macaddr_get(i, &mac);
                if (ret == 0) {
                        char ebuf[RTE_ETHER_ADDR_FMT_SIZE];
                        rte_ether_format_addr(ebuf, sizeof(ebuf), &mac);
                        printf("\t  -- mac %s\n", ebuf);
@@ -758,20 +777,55 @@ show_port(void)
                if (ret == 0)
                        printf("\t  -- mtu (%d)\n", mtu);
-               printf("  - queue\n");
                for (j = 0; j < dev_info.nb_rx_queues; j++) {
+                       struct rte_eth_rxq_info queue_info;
+                       int count;
                        ret = rte_eth_rx_queue_info_get(i, j, &queue_info);
-                       if (ret == 0) {
-                               printf("\t  -- queue %d rx scatter %d"
-                                               " descriptors %d"
-                                               " offloads 0x%"PRIx64
-                                               " mempool name %s socket %d\n",
-                                      j, queue_info.scattered_rx,
-                                      queue_info.nb_desc,
-                                      queue_info.conf.offloads,
-                            >name,
-                            >socket_id);
-                       }
+                       if (ret != 0)
+                               break;
+                       if (j == 0)
+                               printf("  - rx queue\n");
+                       printf("\t  -- %d descriptors ", j);
+                       count = rte_eth_rx_queue_count(i, j);
+                       if (count >= 0)
+                               printf("%d/", count);
+                       printf("%d", queue_info.nb_desc);
+                       if (queue_info.scattered_rx)
+                               printf(" scattered_rx");
+                       printf(" offloads %#"PRIx64" mempool %s socket %d\n",
+                              queue_info.conf.offloads,
+                    >name,
+                    >socket_id);
+               }
+               for (j = 0; j < dev_info.nb_tx_queues; j++) {
+                       struct rte_eth_txq_info queue_info;
+                       int count;
+                       ret = rte_eth_tx_queue_info_get(i, j, &queue_info);
+                       if (ret != 0)
+                               break;
+                       if (j == 0)
+                               printf("  - tx queue\n");
+                       printf("\t  -- %d descriptors ", j);
+                       count = eth_tx_queue_available(i, j, 
+                       if (count >= 0)
+                               printf("%d/", count);
+                       printf("%d", queue_info.nb_desc);
+                       if (queue_info.conf.tx_deferred_start)
+                               printf(" deferred_start");
+                       printf(" offloads %#"PRIx64"\n",
+                              queue_info.conf.offloads);
                ret = rte_eth_dev_rss_hash_conf_get(i, &rss_conf);

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