On 15/01/15 19:51, Neil Horman wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 06:25:33PM +0100, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
>> 2015-01-15 08:06, Neil Horman:
>>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 10:51:38AM +0100, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
>>>> 2015-01-15 04:27, Ouyang, Changchun:
>>>>> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Zhang, Helin
>>>>>> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Neil Horman
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 12:23:52PM -0800, Stephen Hemminger wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ok, so 1.8.0 came out almost a month ago and none of the patches
>>>>>>>> that were deferred waiting for the release got merged since then.
>>>>>>>> Last commit in git is the 1.8.0 release.
>>>>>>>> Where is the post-merge window bundle, where are the later commits?
>>>>>>>> Lots of patches are sitting rotting in patchwork...
>>>>>>> +1, I've had the same questions.
>>>>>>> Neil
>>>>>> +1, Some patch set might be ready for being merged.
>>>>> +1,  the earlier some patches are merged into mainline, and the easier 
>>>>> those
>>>>> sequent patch sets can resolve their conflicts.
>>>> +1, there are some patches which are properly reviewed
>>>> Reminder: sub-tree to manage specific part of DPDK can be open on request
>>> Ok, I think what you're saying here is you're too busy to handle all the 
>>> patches
>>> comming in at the moment.  As such I'd like to propose a sub-tree 
>>> encompassing
>>> all the pmds in DPDK.  I would envision that including all the acutal pmd's 
>>> in
>>> the tree, as well as the infrastructure that is used to interface them to 
>>> the
>>> core (i.e. the ethdev/rte_ether library).  I'll gladly maintain the patch 
>>> pool
>>> and send you pull requests.
>> [snip]
>> And that doesn't account for the ~500 patches that come in via pull 
>> request from the wireless subtree. Nor does it account for the merge 
>> window for net-next being 2 months instead of dpdk's 6 months.


I don't want to hinder the discussion but: could you please point me out 
where this wireless subtree is?

Maybe I am too blind, but I cannot see it here:


We are interested in acceleration for wireless NICs.



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