> > > If the final users finally hit the situation you describe, it means
> > > that the multiprocess had been in use so far and was known to be in
> > > use (*hopefully*).
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> > > So is it not a problem of design/non-regression testing when
> > > integrating the new API in the first place?
> >
> > Not sure I understand you here...
> > If you saying that for SP benchmarking/testing current approach
> > is sufficient, then - yes it is.
> > Or are you saying it would be hard to create a test-case to
> > reproduce such problematic scenario?
> I am saying that getting to a problematic scenario that only the final
> users get, would be a failure in the development, documentation and
> validation of the application.
> When the developer integrates this new API, the developer will read
> the API description.
> - If the limitation on mp is understood and accepted, the application
> documentation will be updated to reflect this.
> Users can then know mp is not available.
> If the users still try to use it, it can be a support issue.
> The users will then report to support people who should be aware this
> is not supported (the documentation says so).
> - If the application needs mp support because of X, Y reasons, the
> developer integrating the new API, should complain upstream that the
> new API requires mp support.
> If the developer does not complain but still uses the API.. well too
> bad (or it falls through to the following point).
> - The application needs mp support, the developer did not catch the
> warning in the API (the kids are home, hard to concentrate)...
> The new API will be used for datapath processing threads, so non
> regression perf tests will be run.
> On the other hand, the application uses mp for X, Y reasons, so there
> will be associated test cases.
> I can't tell for sure, but I find it hard to believe a validation team
> would never do tests that combine both.

If there is one team(/organization) doing everything:
development, deployment and support - then yes things
are more or less straightforward.   
Though it is not always a case - one app(/lib) can be used in
dozen different deployments by various organizations and
development team might not always be aware about all
possible deployment and usage scenarios.
Let say, right now dpdk app/proc-info can be used with any
primary dpdk proc, even if it was designed as a standalone app.    
With this patch, it will not be the case anymore.
It might be ok by itself, but what looks like a problem to me -
there is no a clear and easy way for the user to determine 
when he can use proc-info on the given dpdk proc
without causing problems for this app, and when he can't.  
Actually, sort of an opposite question -
what are the advantages of current approach (forbid MP support on the fly)
over explicit start-up parameters (either --proc-type=single or 
Why do you think it is a better one?

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