Following commands of ethertype filter are removed:
  - add_ethertype_filter (port_id) ethertype (eth_value)
  - remove_ethertype_filter (port_id) index (idx)
  - get_ethertype_filter (port_id) index (idx)
New command is added for ethertype filter by using filter_ctrl API and new
ethertype filter structure:
  - ethertype_filter (port_id) (add|del) (mac_addr|mac_ignr)
    (mac_address) ethertype (ether_type) (drop|fwd) queue (queue_id)

Signed-off-by: Jingjing Wu <jingjing.wu at>
 app/test-pmd/cmdline.c | 253 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 app/test-pmd/config.c  |  27 ------
 2 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c b/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
index 882a5a2..f0c7d5f 100644
--- a/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
+++ b/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
@@ -654,15 +654,10 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result,

-                       "add_ethertype_filter (port_id) ethertype (eth_value)"
-                       " priority (enable|disable)(pri_value) queue (queue_id) 
index (idx)\n"
-                       "    add an ethertype filter.\n\n"
-                       "remove_ethertype_filter (port_id) index (idx)\n"
-                       "    remove an ethertype filter.\n\n"
-                       "get_ethertype_filter (port_id) index (idx)\n"
-                       "    get info of a ethertype filter.\n\n"
+                       "ethertype_filter (port_id) (add|del)"
+                       " (mac_addr|mac_ignr) (mac_address) ethertype"
+                       " (ether_type) (drop|fwd) queue (queue_id)\n"
+                       "    Add/Del an ethertype filter.\n\n"

                        "add_2tuple_filter (port_id) protocol (pro_value) 
                        " dst_port (port_value) (port_mask) flags (flg_value) 
priority (prio_value)"
@@ -7264,135 +7259,6 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_dump_one = {

-/* *** ADD/REMOVE an ethertype FILTER *** */
-struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result {
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t filter;
-       uint8_t port_id;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t ethertype;
-       uint16_t ethertype_value;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t priority;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t priority_en;
-       uint8_t priority_value;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t queue;
-       uint16_t queue_id;
-       cmdline_fixed_string_t index;
-       uint16_t index_value;
-static void
-cmd_ethertype_filter_parsed(void *parsed_result,
-                       __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl,
-                       __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
-       int ret = 0;
-       struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result *res = parsed_result;
-       struct rte_ethertype_filter filter;
-       memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(struct rte_ethertype_filter));
-       filter.ethertype = rte_cpu_to_le_16(res->ethertype_value);
-       filter.priority = res->priority_value;
-       if (!strcmp(res->priority_en, "enable"))
-               filter.priority_en = 1;
-       if (!strcmp(res->filter, "add_ethertype_filter"))
-               ret = rte_eth_dev_add_ethertype_filter(res->port_id,
-                               res->index_value,
-                               &filter, res->queue_id);
-       else if (!strcmp(res->filter, "remove_ethertype_filter"))
-               ret = rte_eth_dev_remove_ethertype_filter(res->port_id,
-                               res->index_value);
-       else if (!strcmp(res->filter, "get_ethertype_filter"))
-               get_ethertype_filter(res->port_id, res->index_value);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               printf("ethertype filter setting error: (%s)\n",
-                       strerror(-ret));
-cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_ethertype_filter_port_id =
-       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               port_id, UINT8);
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_ethertype =
-       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               ethertype, "ethertype");
-cmdline_parse_token_ipaddr_t cmd_ethertype_filter_ethertype_value =
-       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               ethertype_value, UINT16);
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_priority =
-       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               priority, "priority");
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_priority_en =
-       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               priority_en, "enable#disable");
-cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_ethertype_filter_priority_value =
-       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               priority_value, UINT8);
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_queue =
-       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               queue, "queue");
-cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_ethertype_filter_queue_id =
-       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               queue_id, UINT16);
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_index =
-       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               index, "index");
-cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_ethertype_filter_index_value =
-       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               index_value, UINT16);
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_add_filter =
-       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                               filter, "add_ethertype_filter");
-cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_add_ethertype_filter = {
-       .f = cmd_ethertype_filter_parsed,
-       .data = NULL,
-       .help_str = "add an ethertype filter",
-       .tokens = {
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_add_filter,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_port_id,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_ethertype,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_ethertype_value,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_priority,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_priority_en,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_priority_value,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_queue,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_queue_id,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_index,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_index_value,
-               NULL,
-       },
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_remove_filter =
-       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                                filter, "remove_ethertype_filter");
-cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_remove_ethertype_filter = {
-       .f = cmd_ethertype_filter_parsed,
-       .data = NULL,
-       .help_str = "remove an ethertype filter",
-       .tokens = {
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_remove_filter,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_port_id,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_index,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_index_value,
-               NULL,
-       },
-cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_get_filter =
-       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
-                                filter, "get_ethertype_filter");
-cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_get_ethertype_filter = {
-       .f = cmd_ethertype_filter_parsed,
-       .data = NULL,
-       .help_str = "get an ethertype filter",
-       .tokens = {
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_get_filter,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_port_id,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_index,
-               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_index_value,
-               NULL,
-       },
 /* *** set SYN filter *** */
 struct cmd_set_syn_filter_result {
        cmdline_fixed_string_t filter;
@@ -8096,6 +7962,113 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_get_flex_filter = {

 /* *** Filters Control *** */

+/* *** deal with ethertype filter *** */
+struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t filter;
+       uint8_t port_id;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t ops;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t mac;
+       struct ether_addr mac_addr;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t ethertype;
+       uint16_t ethertype_value;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t drop;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t queue;
+       uint16_t  queue_id;
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_filter =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
+                                filter, "ethertype_filter");
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_ethertype_filter_port_id =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
+                             port_id, UINT8);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_ops =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
+                                ops, "add#del");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_mac =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
+                                mac, "mac_addr#mac_ignr");
+cmdline_parse_token_etheraddr_t cmd_ethertype_filter_mac_addr =
+       TOKEN_ETHERADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
+                                    mac_addr);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_ethertype =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
+                                ethertype, "ethertype");
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_ethertype_filter_ethertype_value =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
+                             ethertype_value, UINT16);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_drop =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
+                                drop, "drop#fwd");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_ethertype_filter_queue =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
+                                queue, "queue");
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_ethertype_filter_queue_id =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result,
+                             queue_id, UINT16);
+static void
+cmd_ethertype_filter_parsed(void *parsed_result,
+                         __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl,
+                         __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
+       struct cmd_ethertype_filter_result *res = parsed_result;
+       struct rte_eth_ethertype_filter filter;
+       int ret = 0;
+       ret = rte_eth_dev_filter_supported(res->port_id,
+                       RTE_ETH_FILTER_ETHERTYPE);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               printf("ethertype filter is not supported on port %u.\n",
+                       res->port_id);
+               return;
+       }
+       memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(filter));
+       if (!strcmp(res->mac, "mac_addr")) {
+               filter.flags |= RTE_ETHTYPE_FLAGS_MAC;
+               (void)rte_memcpy(&filter.mac_addr, &res->mac_addr,
+                       sizeof(struct ether_addr));
+       }
+       if (!strcmp(res->drop, "drop"))
+               filter.flags |= RTE_ETHTYPE_FLAGS_DROP;
+       filter.ether_type = res->ethertype_value;
+       filter.queue = res->queue_id;
+       if (!strcmp(res->ops, "add"))
+               ret = rte_eth_dev_filter_ctrl(res->port_id,
+                               RTE_ETH_FILTER_ETHERTYPE,
+                               RTE_ETH_FILTER_ADD,
+                               &filter);
+       else
+               ret = rte_eth_dev_filter_ctrl(res->port_id,
+                               RTE_ETH_FILTER_ETHERTYPE,
+                               RTE_ETH_FILTER_DELETE,
+                               &filter);
+       if (ret < 0)
+               printf("ethertype filter programming error: (%s)\n",
+                       strerror(-ret));
+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_ethertype_filter = {
+       .f = cmd_ethertype_filter_parsed,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = "add or delete an ethertype filter entry",
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_filter,
+               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_port_id,
+               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_ops,
+               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_mac,
+               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_mac_addr,
+               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_ethertype,
+               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_ethertype_value,
+               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_drop,
+               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_queue,
+               (void *)&cmd_ethertype_filter_queue_id,
+               NULL,
+       },
 /* *** deal with flow director filter *** */
 struct cmd_flow_director_result {
        cmdline_fixed_string_t flow_director_filter;
@@ -8815,9 +8788,7 @@ cmdline_parse_ctx_t main_ctx[] = {
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_config_rss_hash_key,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_dump,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_dump_one,
-       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_add_ethertype_filter,
-       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_remove_ethertype_filter,
-       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_get_ethertype_filter,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_ethertype_filter,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_add_syn_filter,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_remove_syn_filter,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_get_syn_filter,
diff --git a/app/test-pmd/config.c b/app/test-pmd/config.c
index 97b6525..c40f819 100644
--- a/app/test-pmd/config.c
+++ b/app/test-pmd/config.c
@@ -2166,33 +2166,6 @@ set_vf_rate_limit(portid_t port_id, uint16_t vf, 
uint16_t rate, uint64_t q_msk)

-get_ethertype_filter(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t index)
-       struct rte_ethertype_filter filter;
-       int ret = 0;
-       uint16_t rx_queue;
-       memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(filter));
-       ret = rte_eth_dev_get_ethertype_filter(port_id, index,
-                               &filter, &rx_queue);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               if (ret == (-ENOENT))
-                       printf("filter[%d] is not enabled\n", index);
-               else
-                       printf("get ethertype filter fails(%s)\n", 
-               return;
-       } else {
-               printf("filter[%d]:\n", index);
-               printf("    ethertype:  0x%04x\n",
-                       rte_le_to_cpu_32(filter.ethertype));
-               printf("    priority: %s, %d\n",
-                       filter.priority_en ? "enable" : "disable",
-                       filter.priority);
-               printf("    queue: %d\n", rx_queue);
-       }
 get_syn_filter(uint8_t port_id)
        struct rte_syn_filter filter;

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