02/06/2020 04:00, Tasnim Bashar:
>  #define pthread_setaffinity_np(thread, size, cpuset) \
> -     eal_set_thread_affinity_mask(thread, (unsigned long *) cpuset)
> +     eal_set_thread_affinity_mask(thread, cpuset)
>  #define pthread_getaffinity_np(thread, size, cpuset) \
> -     eal_get_thread_affinity_mask(thread, (unsigned long *) cpuset)
> +     eal_get_thread_affinity_mask(thread, cpuset)
>  #define pthread_create(threadid, threadattr, threadfunc, args) \
>       eal_create_thread(threadid, threadfunc, args)
>  static inline int
> -eal_set_thread_affinity_mask(pthread_t threadid, unsigned long *cpuset)
> +eal_set_thread_affinity_mask(pthread_t threadid, rte_cpuset_t *cpuset)
>  static inline int
> -eal_get_thread_affinity_mask(pthread_t threadid, unsigned long *cpuset)
> +eal_get_thread_affinity_mask(pthread_t threadid, rte_cpuset_t *cpuset)

I don't understand the need for the #define.
Why not naming the functions with the final pthread standard name?

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