> Subject: [PATCH v8 0/3] eal timer split and implementation for Windows
> This patchset splits OS dependent EAL timer functions and implements them
> for windows.
> v2:
>     * fixing styles and correctness errors.
> v3:
>     * fixing correctness, get_tsc_freq was reimplemented.
> v4:
>     * rebasing to the new version of "Windows basic memory management"
> series.
>     * fixing styles and correctness errors.
> v5:
>     * breaking the dependency on "Windows basic memory management"
> series.
>     * fixing correctness errors and warnings.
> v6:
>     * fixing styles and correctness errors.
> v7:
>     * fixing make errors.
> v8:
>     * fixing error handling issue.
>     * removed unneded headers.
> Fady Bader (3):
>   timer: move from common to Unix directory
>   eal: proc type function for Windows
>   timer: support EAL functions on Windows
>  lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_timer.c | 22 --------
>  lib/librte_eal/common/meson.build        |  1 +
>  lib/librte_eal/freebsd/Makefile          |  4 ++
>  lib/librte_eal/linux/Makefile            |  4 ++
>  lib/librte_eal/meson.build               |  4 ++
>  lib/librte_eal/unix/eal_unix_timer.c     | 29 ++++++++++
>  lib/librte_eal/unix/meson.build          |  6 +++
>  lib/librte_eal/windows/eal.c             | 12 +++++
>  lib/librte_eal/windows/eal_timer.c       | 90
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  lib/librte_eal/windows/include/rte_os.h  |  2 +
>  lib/librte_eal/windows/meson.build       |  1 +
>  11 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)  create mode 100644
> lib/librte_eal/unix/eal_unix_timer.c
>  create mode 100644 lib/librte_eal/unix/meson.build  create mode 100644
> lib/librte_eal/windows/eal_timer.c
> --
> 2.16.1.windows.4

Tested-by: Tal Shnaiderman <tal...@mellanox.com>
Reviewed-by: Tal Shnaiderman <tal...@mellanox.com>

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