>  > Not sure if they are in DPDK scope, apart from rte_mem_lock, which
> > generalizes rte_mem_lock_page already in rte_memory.h. What may be
> typical
> > use cases for data-plane apps? I can see testpmd using mmap for
> allocating
> > external memory (because of possible use of hugepages), does it need
> these
> > functions exposed?
> There is a chance the application needs such functions
> for another part of its dataplane.

Such reasoning can justify any API. DPDK needs compatibility layers, but
collecting and providing them is not the goal of the kit. I can only think
of using mmap in data plane as a high-performance IPC with non-DPDK
management app.

Please add the @internal tag in doxygen to make the status clear.


> > > > +#include <rte_eal_memory.h>
> > >
> > > I think we should find a better file name for these wrappers.
> > > "EAL memory" means DPDK memory allocator in my mind.
> > > We need a file name which is about OS-independent wrappers,
> > > or libc wrappers.
> > > What about rte_libc_mem.h? rte_mem_os.h? something else?
> >
> > See above, but anyway, "libc" is non-generic.
> Why libc is not generic?

It means nothing on Windows. Also, mmap has little to do with libc.

Which file name can it be?

Your rte_mem_os.h sounds good, except internal header better be
rte_eal_mem_os.h. Alternative: rte_eal_paging.h.


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