On 6/9/2020 12:59 PM, Qi Zhang wrote:
> The commit ef92cee94cdb ("ice-shared: Fix remaining minor casting
> issues") changed the idx variable within ice_acl_add_entry() from
> a u16 to a u8. 

Where is this commit, I guess it is not in the DPDK repo, and the DPDK repo one
is already listed in the 'Fixes' line, is there a benefit to have it, what do
you think to remove this reference?

> This causes the code to truncate the values greater
> than 255 to 255 or less when calling ice_aq_program_acl_entry()
> resulting in the wrong TCAM index being programmed for the specified
> rule. The result is that the rule action doesn't work correctly
> (packets don't get routed to the correct queue or dropped if that
> is the action). Fix the issue by changing the variable to be a u16
> again.
> Fixes: f3202a097f12 ("net/ice/base: add ACL module")
> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> Signed-off-by: Paul M Stillwell Jr <paul.m.stillwell...@intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Qi Zhang <qi.z.zh...@intel.com>


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