On 01/05/15 12:38, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 01:46:54AM +0000, Ouyang, Changchun wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Vlad Zolotarov [mailto:vladz at cloudius-systems.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 5:59 PM
>>> To: Ouyang, Changchun; dev at dpdk.org
>>> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v3 0/6] Enable VF RSS for Niantic
>   >
>>> On the contrary - it's a very good idea! We use DPDK on Amazon's guests
>>> with enhanced networking and we have no access to the PF. We still need to
>>> know the RSS redirection rules for our VF pool. From the 82599 spec, chapter
>>> "redirection table is common to all the pools and only 
>>> indicates the
>>> queue inside the pool to use once the pool is chosen". In that case we need
>>> to get the whole 128 entries of the RETA. Is there a reason why we can't 
>>> have
>>> it?
>> Due to hardware limitation, VF could not query its own reta table, because 
>> there is not its own reta,
>> The reta table shared by pf and all vfs.
>> If you need know it, query them on pf is feasible way to do it.
> It's not feasible if you only have access to a guest. :-)
> IMHO since the guest is seeing the results of the RSS redirection table,
> it should be able to query the table, if it wants. It should not, however,
> be able to modify the table, as it is owned by the PF.

This is exactly what I meant! ;)
The problem at the moment is that upstream PF driver has no VF-PF 
command for that and I'm in the process of pushing the patch for it. 
Then it's accepted (and pushed into the Amazon's HV ;))
then DPDK's VF driver may proceed with what u and me are suggesting.

Not related question to Intel guys: I can't find a x550 spec in the net. 
Can anybody tell me where it may be found? ;)

> Regards,
> /Bruce

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