09/06/2020 17:37, Dan Gora:
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 2:10 AM Dan Gora <d...@adax.com> wrote:
> >
> > Can these patches be considered again for 20.08?
> >
> > I thought that I addressed all of the issues or at least provided
> > reasonable responses to all of the concerns.
> So I guess I'll take that as a "no"...
> I have to admit that I just laughed when I read the recent thread
> about "why or why cannot we not expand our community?"
> This is a big part of it.

It seems there is a communication issue in this thread.
Some maintainers look to be against the solution,
and you seem frustrated because of a blocked usage issue.

Please could you explain what is the initial user problem?
It seems you want to run a recent DPDK with an old glibc. Am I right?

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