On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 12:26:56 +0000
Tal Shnaiderman <tal...@mellanox.com> wrote:

> In clang build the .map file is converted into Module-Definition (.Def) File.

If you create a .def manually, it will override the generation from .map. Of
cause, this adds manual work and ideally all .def files should be generated.

> Is there a way to instruct the linker to ignore missing functions in the def 
> file?

There is /FORCE:UNRESOLVED, but it will ignore *any* unresolved reference,
that's why I'm against using it---this can lead to hard-to-diagnose errors.


The only proper way I see is forgenertor script to analyze both names .map and
symbols .lib to filter out undefined functions. Dumpbin.exe should be able to
list symbols and it comes with MS Windows SDK, IIRC.

Dmitry Kozlyuk

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