On 2020/6/5 0:56, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
On 6/3/2020 10:32 AM, Wei Hu (Xavier) wrote:
From: Hongbo Zheng <zhenghong...@huawei.com>

Base on hns3 network engine, when the rte_eth_tx_burst API is called
by Upper Level Process, if PKT_TX_TCP_SEG flag is set and tso_segsz
is 0 in the input parameter structure rte_mbuf, hns3 PMD driver will
process this packet as an non-TSO packet, otherwise hardware will enter
an abnormal state.
What is ULP (Upper Level Process)?

And OK to have this fix but why 'tso_segsz' is zero when 'PKT_TX_TCP_SEG' is
set, shouldn't this needs to fixed in app level?
ULP is our own test application.
The process is added to the driver to ensure If the upper application called the API in the wrong way, it will still not cause serious abnormalities in network engine.
Thanks, Xavier
Fixes: 6dca716c9e1d ("net/hns3: support TSO")
Cc: sta...@dpdk.org

Signed-off-by: Hongbo Zheng <zhenghong...@huawei.com>
Signed-off-by: Wei Hu (Xavier) <xavier.hu...@huawei.com>

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