02/06/2020 12:27, Neil Horman:
> On Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 09:46:18PM +0000, Omar Cardona wrote:
> > >> Do we know if we have future plans of supporting dlls on windows in the 
> > >> future?
> >     - Hi Neil, yes this is of interest to us (Windows).  
> >     - Specifically to aid in non-disruptive granular servicing/updating.
> >     - Our primary scenario Userspace VMSwitch is biased towards shared 
> > libraries for production servicing
> > 
> Ok, do you have recommendations on how to provide backwards compatibility
> between dpdk versions?  From what I read the most direct solution would be
> per-application dll bundling (which seems to me to defeat the purpose of
> creating a dll, but if its the only solution, perhaps thats all we have to 
> work
> with).  Is there a better solution?
> If not, then I would suggest that, instead of disabling shared libraries on
> Windows, as we do below, we allow it, and redefine 
> to do nothing, and implement BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL to act like MAP_STATIC_SYMBOL
> by aliasing the supplied symbol name to the provided export name.  I think 
> msvc
> supports aliasing, correct?

We don't use msvc, but clang and MinGW.

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