On 05/14, Maxime Coquelin wrote:
>This patch adds support to enabling and disabling
>vrings on a per-vring granularity.
>Signed-off-by: Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coque...@redhat.com>
> drivers/vdpa/ifc/base/ifcvf.c |  9 +++++++++
> drivers/vdpa/ifc/base/ifcvf.h |  4 ++++
> drivers/vdpa/ifc/ifcvf_vdpa.c | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
> 3 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>diff --git a/drivers/vdpa/ifc/base/ifcvf.c b/drivers/vdpa/ifc/base/ifcvf.c
>index 3c0b2dff66..dd4e7468ae 100644
>--- a/drivers/vdpa/ifc/base/ifcvf.c
>+++ b/drivers/vdpa/ifc/base/ifcvf.c
>@@ -327,3 +327,12 @@ ifcvf_get_queue_notify_off(struct ifcvf_hw *hw, int qid)
>       return (u8 *)hw->notify_addr[qid] -
>               (u8 *)hw->mem_resource[hw->notify_region].addr;
> }
>+ifcvf_queue_enable(struct ifcvf_hw *hw, u16 qid,  u16 enable)
>+      struct ifcvf_pci_common_cfg *cfg = hw->common_cfg;
>+      IFCVF_WRITE_REG16(qid, &cfg->queue_select);
>+      IFCVF_WRITE_REG16(enable, &cfg->queue_enable);
>diff --git a/drivers/vdpa/ifc/base/ifcvf.h b/drivers/vdpa/ifc/base/ifcvf.h
>index eb04a94067..bd85010eff 100644
>--- a/drivers/vdpa/ifc/base/ifcvf.h
>+++ b/drivers/vdpa/ifc/base/ifcvf.h
>@@ -159,4 +159,8 @@ ifcvf_get_notify_region(struct ifcvf_hw *hw);
> u64
> ifcvf_get_queue_notify_off(struct ifcvf_hw *hw, int qid);
>+ifcvf_queue_enable(struct ifcvf_hw *hw, u16 qid,  u16 enable);
> #endif /* _IFCVF_H_ */
>diff --git a/drivers/vdpa/ifc/ifcvf_vdpa.c b/drivers/vdpa/ifc/ifcvf_vdpa.c
>index ec97178dcb..55ce0cf13d 100644
>--- a/drivers/vdpa/ifc/ifcvf_vdpa.c
>+++ b/drivers/vdpa/ifc/ifcvf_vdpa.c
>@@ -937,6 +937,27 @@ ifcvf_dev_close(int vid)
>       return 0;
> }
>+static int
>+ifcvf_set_vring_state(int vid, int vring, int state)
>+      int did;
>+      struct internal_list *list;
>+      struct ifcvf_internal *internal;
>+      did = rte_vhost_get_vdpa_device_id(vid);
>+      list = find_internal_resource_by_did(did);
>+      if (list == NULL) {
>+              DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid device id: %d", did);
>+              return -1;
>+      }

Do we need the sanity check for the vring as well?

>+      internal = list->internal;
>+      ifcvf_queue_enable(&internal->hw, (uint16_t)vring, (uint16_t) state);
>+      return 0;
> static int
> ifcvf_set_features(int vid)
> {
>@@ -1086,7 +1107,7 @@ static struct rte_vdpa_dev_ops ifcvf_ops = {
>       .get_protocol_features = ifcvf_get_protocol_features,
>       .dev_conf = ifcvf_dev_config,
>       .dev_close = ifcvf_dev_close,
>-      .set_vring_state = NULL,
>+      .set_vring_state = ifcvf_set_vring_state,
>       .set_features = ifcvf_set_features,
>       .migration_done = NULL,
>       .get_vfio_group_fd = ifcvf_get_vfio_group_fd,

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