Hi all,

The progress on DPDK 2.0 has been really positive and thanks to everyone for 
contributing and helping to grow our community. We now look onwards to DPDK 2.1 
planning which is due to release at the end of July, and we'd like to inform 
the community of the features that we hope to submit to that release. The 
current list of features, along with brief descriptions, is included below.

This list is provisional and will naturally change over the lifecycle of the 
release, and should be taken as guidance on what we hope to submit, not a 

Our aim in providing this information now is to solicit input from the 
community. We'd like to make sure we avoid duplication or conflicts with work 
that others are planning, so please feel free to let the community know of any 
plans that you have for contributions to DPDK in this timeframe. This will 
allow us to build a complete picture and ensure we avoid duplication of effort. 
We have seen great community collaboration in DPDK 2.0 and hope that this will 
increase in 2.1.

I'm sure people will have questions, and will be looking for more information 
on these features. Further details will be provided by the individual 
developers over the next few months. We aim to provide early outlines of the 
features so that we can obtain community feedback as soon as possible. In 
addition, community calls can be arranged to discuss features as required.

2.1 (Q2 2015) DPDK Features:

* Cuckoo hash - Provide a new hash library based on the cuckoo hashing scheme 
(see http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dongz/papers/cuckooswitch.pdf), which shall 
guarantee worst-case constant lookup time with a better memory utilization, 
compared to the current implementation.

* IEEE1588 Support for i40e - Support IEEE1588 Standard (PTP) for i40e   
Ethernet Controller

* Continued development of PCI Hot Plug - Add support for PCI Hotplug Framework 
in librte_pmd drivers (librte_pmd_ixgbe, librte_pmd_bond, librte_pmd_e1000, 
librte_pmd_i40e, librte_pmd_virtio, librte_pmd_vmxnet3)

* Packet Framework Enhancements - Enhancements to Packet Framework Port and 
Table Libraries, as well as IP Pipeline  Application, to include additional 
statistics, better pipeline encapsulation and CLI simplification.

* i40e DCB (ETS only) - Support DCB Enhanced Transmission Selection algorithm 
with i40e Ethernet controller.

* i40e Mirroring Rule - Add support for port mirroring using i40e Ethernet 

* Additional FM10K Features - Add support for additional usage models for FM10K 
including: promiscuous mode, mac vlan filter, statistics, vlan offload (strip, 
insertion, dual), flow control, Tx offload (checksum).

* Dynamic Configuration of RSS on Bonded Slave devices - Support dynamic queues 
assignment for RX packets. Implementation for a bonding device will require 
multiple RX queues support on a bonding slave and its dynamic

* VXLAN Offload Sample Application - Provide a sample application to 
demonstrate the usage of VXLAN overlay encapsulation protocol in DPDK.

* Dynamic Memory Management - Add DPDK API's (Rte_free_unused_pages, 
rte_attach_pages, rte_detach_pages, rte_lazy_allocation) for Dynamic Memory 
Management for NFV use cases.

Siobhan Butler
<siobhan.a.butler at intel.com>

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