On 04/20, Leyi Rong wrote:
>This patchset enable framework for advanced iAVF, includes
>flexible descriptor support, FDIR mark id and RSS hash support.
>- Remove some redundant code which may cause ICC build error.
>- Set rxdid = 0 in iavf_configure_queues() when it's supported and
>  RTE_LIBRTE_IAVF_16BYTE_RX_DESC is y. So the error can be captured
>  explicitly as kernel PF does not support it yet.
>- Fix some build errors when RTE_LIBRTE_IAVF_16BYTE_RX_DESC is y.
>- Avoid initial declaration in 'for' loop to backward-compatible
>  with older gcc versions.
>- Remove patch to query DDP package info as it's specific to DCF.
>- Specify fdir_ref_cnt as per VF value for enable/disable FDIR ID parse.
>- Move fdir_enabled flag to per Queue value for cache benefit when
>  access in vector routines.
>- Store extracted flow_id value to mbuf without judgement to avoid
>  branch speculation fail, which is benefit to performance.
>- Revert macro RTE_LIBRTE_IAVF_16BYTE_RX_DESC deletion as
>  it's defined in AVF spec.
>- Typo RTE_LIBRTE_ICE_16BYTE_RX_DESC fix in iavf_rxtx.c.
>- Move flex desc definitions into iavf_rxtx.h.
>- Up to date to match with the latest version of virtchnl.h.
>- Extract a new internal func iavf_update_rx_tail to call.
>- Remove
>  iavf_dev_rxq_count_flex_rxd()/iavf_dev_rx_desc_status_flex_rxd(),
>  as the accompanying legacy ones can deal with the flex desc cases.
>- Move rxq->rxdid assignment from iavf_configure_queues()
>  to iavf_dev_rx_queue_setup().
>- Unfold _mm_extract_epi32(fdir_id0_3, i) to fix build error
>  when using GCC compile option -O0.
>Leyi Rong (11):
>  net/iavf: flexible Rx descriptor definitions
>  net/iavf: return error if opcode is mismatched
>  net/iavf: flexible Rx descriptor support in normal path
>  net/iavf: flexible Rx descriptor support in AVX path
>  net/iavf: flexible Rx descriptor support in SSE path
>  net/iavf: add flow director enabled switch value
>  net/iavf: support flow mark in normal data path
>  net/iavf: support flow mark in AVX path
>  net/iavf: support flow mark in SSE path
>  net/iavf: add RSS hash parsing in AVX path
>  net/iavf: add RSS hash parsing in SSE path
> drivers/net/iavf/iavf.h               |   6 +
> drivers/net/iavf/iavf_ethdev.c        |   8 +
> drivers/net/iavf/iavf_rxtx.c          | 546 ++++++++++++++++++--
> drivers/net/iavf/iavf_rxtx.h          | 250 ++++++++++
> drivers/net/iavf/iavf_rxtx_vec_avx2.c | 691 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> drivers/net/iavf/iavf_rxtx_vec_sse.c  | 520 +++++++++++++++++++
> drivers/net/iavf/iavf_vchnl.c         |  59 ++-
> 7 files changed, 2035 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

Applied to dpdk-next-net-intel, Thanks.

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