20/04/2020 16:07, Burakov, Anatoly:
> On 19-Apr-20 2:10 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> > 19/04/2020 15:09, Thomas Monjalon:
> >> 17/04/2020 16:09, Burakov, Anatoly:
> >>> On 17-Apr-20 3:05 PM, Burakov, Anatoly wrote:
> >>>> On 22-Mar-20 5:20 PM, Tal Shnaiderman wrote:
> >>>>> Hi Anatoly,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I’m working on the implementation of bus/pci driver for Windows,
> >>>>> pci_common.c uses the titled functions however they are relevant only
> >>>>> for Linux OS.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I’m wondering if the implementation of those functions should be moved
> >>>>> to a Linux specific area since FreeBSD (and now Windows) are forced to
> >>>>> implemented those in the current state.
> >>>
> >>> Unfortunately, we don't have a generic API for these, but since we
> >>> export a single API on all platforms, either all platforms have to
> >>> implement these functions, or none of them do. There's simply no way to
> >>> avoid implementing stubs for these functions, short of coming up with a
> >>> generic API that would replace these. Given that this API is heavily
> >>> Linux specific, i don't see that happening.
> >>
> >> Because it is Linux specific, we should not force FreeBSD and Windows
> >> having stubs. Can we move VFIO calls in Linux-specific files?
> >>
> >> I think rte_vfio.h should be moved in lib/librte_eal/linux/include.
> > 
> > +Cc Bruce and David
> ...and have a Linux-specific ABI?

Yes, the ABI is different depending on arch and OS.
That's a fact, and I don't see any problem with it.

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