17/04/2020 17:42, Ray Kinsella:
> On 17/04/2020 13:10, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> > 17/04/2020 13:47, Ray Kinsella:
> >> On 17/04/2020 11:20, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> >>> 17/04/2020 12:11, Ray Kinsella:
> >>>> check-abi.sh appears to be backward step in terms of usability.
> >>>
> >>> No, check-abi.sh benefits from a nice integration in build scripts.
> >>> See below.
> >>>
> >>>> With validate-abi.sh I do can do a "validate-abi.sh HEAD~1 HEAD".
> >>>> And it will do the build, install, dump and comparison for me. 
> >>>> And it picked up my 20.0.2 - > 21.0 changes no problem. 
> >>>>
> >>>> With check-abi on the other hand, I need to the build and install myself.
> >>>> check-abi requires dump files, but I see no reference in the 
> >>>> documentation to how these are created.
> >>>> It silently fails when it doesn't find any ...
> >>>>
> >>>> Do I run abi-dumper on the so's myself, or how does it work?
> >>>
> >>> check-abi.sh is integrated in test-build.sh and test-meson-builds.sh.
> >>> Probably we should document usage in these scripts.
> >>
> >> Looks like I need to set DPDK_ABI_REF_VERSION=master, not obvious.
> >> Any tips or tricks would be welcome.
> > 
> > export DPDK_ABI_REF_VERSION=v20.02
> > or
> > export DPDK_ABI_REF_VERSION=v19.11
> > 
> > Depends on which compatibility you want to test...
> > 
> Few things ...
> 1. test-meson-build.sh keep barfing complaining about reference paths.
> ValueError: dst_dir must be absolute, got 
> reference/v19.11/build-gcc-static/usr/local/share/dpdk/examples/bbdev_app
> Under the hood, ninja install is failing complaining that it needs an 
> absolute path.
> I fixed this in test_meson_build.sh and will send a patch in a minute. 
> Though it's strange no-one else has seen it?

I set an absolute path in DPDK_ABI_REF_DIR.
Not sure you can really fix it. What would be the root dir?

> 2. test-meson-build.sh compares the abi for the static builds, which doesn't 
> make any sense. 


> 3. test-meson-build.sh will only take a branch in DPDK_ABI_REF_VERSION that 
> exists locally.
> In order to get it to compare HEAD against HEAD~1, which you would imagine is 
> a pretty common case.
> I had a create a branch for HEAD~1, in validate-abi this a pretty simple 
> `validate-abi HEAD~1 HEAD`

Why is it a common case? You want to compare with a tag. Why something else?

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