On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 7:09 PM David Marchand
<david.march...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 4:40 PM Jerin Jacob <jerinjac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > - What do you think of splitting the API in two headers, thinking
> > > about who will use them?
> > > * rte_trace.h (rte_trace_ prefix for all functions/macros/types) for
> > > users of the trace framework that want to
> > >  * get the status of the whole trace subsystem,
> > >  * enable/disable tracepoints by pattern/regexp,
> > >  * dump the current events,
> > > * rte_tracepoint.h (rte_tracepoint_ prefix for all
> > > functions/macros/types) for developers that want to add tracepoints to
> > > their code
> >
> > # Initially, I thought of doing the same.
> > Later realized that some of the definitions such as following
> >
> > 1)
> > /** The trace object. The trace APIs are based on this opaque object. */
> > typedef uint64_t rte_trace_t;
> As a user, I would ask the trace framework to enable tracepoints by
> calling rte_trace_pattern()/rte_trace_regexp().
> This does not require the tracepoint descriptor to be exposed in rte_trace.h.
> If some application wants to store/manipulate the descriptors, then it
> will rely on rte_tracepoint.h where the rte_tracepoint_t opaque object
> and API are:
> - rte_tracepoint_lookup (currently named rte_trace_by_name)
> - rte_tracepoint_enable
> - rte_tracepoint_disable
> - rte_tracepoint_is_invalid (currently named rte_trace_id_is_invalid,
> should be private, as discussed)
> - rte_tracepoint_is_enabled
> - rte_tracepoint_register etc...

>From the prototype onwards, Myself shuffled abound multiple times on
the API name to satisfying

If you would like to classify based on the tracepoint object
dependency to a new header file, it is fine.
Let's go the last round for API naming details.

I think, trace being the domain, IMO, it better to call the trace
point API with rte_trace_point_*
and trace point object to rte_trace_point_t (vs rte_tracepoint_t)

I will summarise the public API and file name details. Let's finalize.

# rte_trace.h will have


# rte_trace_point.h will have all operation related to rte_trace_point_t object

# rte_trace_provider.h renamed rte_trace_point_provider.h
# rte_trace_register.h renamed to rte_trace_point_register.h
# rte_trace_eal.h renamed to rte_trace_point_eal.h

> >
> > 2) rte_trace_fp_is_enabled()
> As a user, what information would this give me?
> "Some fastpath tracepoints are not available"
> Moving to rte_tracepoint.h is enough to me.

IMO, semantically not correct as we are splitting based on some definition.

How about,
1) Not expose this API
2) rte_trace_point.h includes the rte_trace.h

> > # Regarding the API change the following to rte_tracepoint_*
> >
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_u64(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_i64(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_u32(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_i32(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_u16(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_i16(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_u8(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_i8(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_int(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_long(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_float(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_double(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_ptr(val)
> > #define rte_trace_ctf_string(val)
> > It could be done. Just concerned the length of API will be more. like
> > rte_trace_point_ctf_u64
> > If you have a strong opinion on this then I can change it.
> I don't like mentioning ctf here.
> I went with a git grep -l rte_trace_ctf |xargs sed -i -e
> 's/rte_trace_ctf_/rte_tracepoint_emit_/g'.
> If we keep one rte_tracepoint_emit_ per line in tracepoint
> declarations, the length is not an issue by looking at how they are
> used.

OK to remove ctf to make it as rte_trace_point_emit_*. OK?

> Example:
>         rte_trace_lib_eal_intr_disable,
>         RTE_TRACEPOINT_ARGS(const struct rte_intr_handle *handle, int rc),
>         rte_tracepoint_emit_int(rc);
>         rte_tracepoint_emit_int(handle->vfio_dev_fd);
>         rte_tracepoint_emit_int(handle->fd);
>         rte_tracepoint_emit_int(handle->type);
>         rte_tracepoint_emit_u32(handle->max_intr);
>         rte_tracepoint_emit_u32(handle->nb_efd);
> )
> Besides, we don't need to define all those
> rte_tracepoint_emit_(u|i)(8|16|32|64) helpers in
> rte_tracepoint_provider.h and rte_tracepoint_register.h.
> If we define a helper rte_tracepoint_emit_data(type, in) in
> rte_tracepoint.h, then the "provider" and "register" headers must only
> define how to emit a header (generic and fp cases), then
> rte_tracepoint_emit_data and rte_tracepoint_emit_string.

 The reason for rte_tracepoint_emit_(u|i)(8|16|32|64) to get compile
to check to correct time type used.
rte_trace_point_emit_u32 defintion has
RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(type) != sizeof(typeof(uint32_t)));

> > > - Having functions "is_disabled" has little value when a "is_enabled"
> > > counterpart exists.
> >
> > I thought so. I like to have "is_enabled". But in the code,
> > "is_disabled" has been used more.
> > Then finally added both in API. Please share your preference, I will
> > do the same in v6.
> is_enabled is enough.

OK. I will remove is_disabled()

> > > - I did not get why we put the trace descriptors in a specific elf
> > > section, can you explain the benefits?
> >
> > Those are global variables of size 8B. Since it is used in fastpath.
> > I just want all of them to same area for
> > 1) It is a mostly a read-only area. Not mix with other "write" global 
> > variables
> > 2) Chances that same subsystem FP variables comes same fastpath cache line.
> > In short, We will be more predictable performance number from build to 
> > build i.e
> > not depended on other global variables from build to build.
> Ok, thanks for the explanation.
> It is worth a few words in the associated commitlog for posterity.

OK. I add it in git commit.


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