> If the NPS_PKT ring/port is greater than 8191 the NPS_PKT*() macros will
> evaluate to incorrect values due to unintended sign extension from int
> to unsigned long. To fix this, add UL suffix to the constants in these
> macros. The same problem is with AQMQ_QSZX() macro also.
> Coverity issue: 349899, 349905, 349911, 349921, 349923
> Fixes: 32e4930d5a3b ("crypto/nitrox: add hardware queue management")
> Fixes: 0a8fc2423bff ("crypto/nitrox: introduce Nitrox driver")
> Signed-off-by: Nagadheeraj Rottela <rnagadhee...@marvell.com>
> ---


Applied to dpdk-next-crypto


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