From: Nithin Dabilpuram <>

Adding the user guide for l3fwd graph application.

Signed-off-by: Nithin Dabilpuram <>
 MAINTAINERS                                   |   1 +
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_05.rst        |   8 +
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/index.rst            |   1 +
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/intro.rst            |   4 +
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l3_forward_graph.rst | 327 ++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 341 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l3_forward_graph.rst

index 1d2cf6caa..e8a87e119 100644
@@ -1583,6 +1583,7 @@ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l3_forward.rst
 M: Nithin Dabilpuram <>
 F: examples/l3fwd-graph/
+F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l3_forward_graph.rst
 F: examples/link_status_interrupt/
 F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/link_status_intr.rst
diff --git a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_05.rst 
index d208547ec..9d3e7bd69 100644
--- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_05.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_05.rst
@@ -86,6 +86,14 @@ New Features
     that can be configured through ``rte_node_ip4_rewrite_add`` function.
   * Packet drop node: Frees the packets received to their respective mempool.
+* **Added new l3fwd-graph sample application.**
+  Added an example application ``l3fwd-graph``. It demonstrates the usage of 
+  library and node library for packet processing. In addition to the library 
+  demonstration, this application can use for performance comparison with 
+  ``l3fwd`` (The static code without any nodes) with the modular 
+  approach.
 Removed Items
diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/index.rst 
index ac3445147..cf9c1e44d 100644
--- a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/index.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/index.rst
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Sample Applications User Guides
+    l3_forward_graph
diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/intro.rst 
index 6cd0342a1..8ff223b16 100644
--- a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/intro.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/intro.rst
@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ examples are highlighted below.
   forwarding, or ``l3fwd`` application does forwarding based on Internet
   Protocol, IPv4 or IPv6 like a simple router.
+* :doc:`Network Layer 3 forwarding Graph<l3_forward_graph>`: The Network Layer3
+  forwarding Graph, or ``l3fwd_graph`` application does forwarding based on 
+  like a simple router with DPDK Graph framework.
 * :doc:`Hardware packet copying<ioat>`: The Hardware packet copying,
   or ``ioatfwd`` application demonstrates how to use IOAT rawdev driver for
   copying packets between two threads.
diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l3_forward_graph.rst 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73153f82b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l3_forward_graph.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+..  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+    Copyright(C) 2020 Marvell International Ltd.
+L3 Forwarding Graph Sample Application
+The L3 Forwarding Graph application is a simple example of packet processing
+using the DPDK Graph framework. The application performs L3 forwarding using
+Graph framework and nodes written for graph framework.
+The application demonstrates the use of the graph framework and graph nodes
+``ethdev_rx``, ``ip4_lookup``, ``ip4_rewrite``, ``ethdev_tx`` and ``pkt_drop`` 
in DPDK to
+implement packet forwarding.
+The initialization is very similar to those of the :doc:`l3_forward`.
+There is also additional initialization of graph for graph object creation
+and configuration per lcore.
+Run-time path is main thing that differs from L3 forwarding sample application.
+Difference is that forwarding logic starting from Rx, followed by LPM lookup,
+TTL update and finally Tx is implemented inside graph nodes. These nodes are
+interconnected in graph framework. Application main loop needs to walk over
+graph using ``rte_graph_walk()`` with graph objects created one per slave 
+The lookup method is as per implementation of ``ip4_lookup`` graph node.
+The ID of the output interface for the input packet is the next hop returned by
+the LPM lookup. The set of LPM rules used by the application is statically
+configured and provided to ``ip4_lookup`` graph node and ``ip4_rewrite`` graph 
+using node control API ``rte_node_ip4_route_add()`` and 
+In the sample application, only IPv4 forwarding is supported as of now.
+Compiling the Application
+To compile the sample application see :doc:`compiling`.
+The application is located in the ``l3fwd-graph`` sub-directory.
+Running the Application
+The application has a number of command line options similar to l3fwd::
+    ./l3fwd-graph [EAL options] -- -p PORTMASK
+                                   [-P]
+                                   [--eth-dest=X,MM:MM:MM:MM:MM:MM]
+                                   [--enable-jumbo [--max-pkt-len PKTLEN]]
+                                   [--no-numa]
+                                   [--per-port-pool]
+* ``-p PORTMASK:`` Hexadecimal bitmask of ports to configure
+* ``-P:`` Optional, sets all ports to promiscuous mode so that packets are 
accepted regardless of the packet's Ethernet MAC destination address.
+  Without this option, only packets with the Ethernet MAC destination address 
set to the Ethernet address of the port are accepted.
+* ``--config (port,queue,lcore)[,(port,queue,lcore)]:`` Determines which 
queues from which ports are mapped to which cores.
+* ``--eth-dest=X,MM:MM:MM:MM:MM:MM:`` Optional, ethernet destination for port 
+* ``--enable-jumbo:`` Optional, enables jumbo frames.
+* ``--max-pkt-len:`` Optional, under the premise of enabling jumbo, maximum 
packet length in decimal (64-9600).
+* ``--no-numa:`` Optional, disables numa awareness.
+* ``--per-port-pool:`` Optional, set to use independent buffer pools per port. 
Without this option, single buffer pool is used for all ports.
+For example, consider a dual processor socket platform with 8 physical cores, 
where cores 0-7 and 16-23 appear on socket 0,
+while cores 8-15 and 24-31 appear on socket 1.
+To enable L3 forwarding between two ports, assuming that both ports are in the 
same socket, using two cores, cores 1 and 2,
+(which are in the same socket too), use the following command:
+.. code-block:: console
+    ./build/l3fwd-graph -l 1,2 -n 4 -- -p 0x3 --config="(0,0,1),(1,0,2)"
+In this command:
+*   The -l option enables cores 1, 2
+*   The -p option enables ports 0 and 1
+*   The --config option enables one queue on each port and maps each 
(port,queue) pair to a specific core.
+    The following table shows the mapping in this example:
+| **Port** | **Queue** | **lcore** | **Description**                     |
+|          |           |           |                                     |
+| 0        | 0         | 1         | Map queue 0 from port 0 to lcore 1. |
+|          |           |           |                                     |
+| 1        | 0         | 2         | Map queue 0 from port 1 to lcore 2. |
+|          |           |           |                                     |
+Refer to the *DPDK Getting Started Guide* for general information on running 
applications and
+the Environment Abstraction Layer (EAL) options.
+.. _l3_fwd_graph_explanation:
+The following sections provide some explanation of the sample application code.
+As mentioned in the overview section, the initialization is similar to that of
+the :doc:`l3_forward`. Run-time path though similar in functionality to that of
+:doc:`l3_forward`, major part of the implementation is in graph nodes via used
+via ``librte_node`` library.
+The following sections describe aspects that are specific to the L3 Forwarding
+Graph sample application.
+Graph Node Pre-Init Configuration
+After device configuration and device Rx, Tx queue setup is complete,
+a minimal config of port id, num_rx_queues, num_tx_queues, mempools etc will
+be passed to *ethdev_** node ctrl API ``rte_node_eth_config()``. This will be
+lead to the clone of ``ethdev_rx`` and ``ethdev_tx`` nodes as 
``ethdev_rx-X-Y`` and
+``ethdev_tx-X`` where X, Y represent port id and queue id associated with them.
+In case of ``ethdev_tx-X`` nodes, tx queue id assigned per instance of the node
+is same as graph id.
+These cloned nodes along with existing static nodes such as ``ip4_lookup`` and
+``ip4_rewrite`` will be used in graph creation to associate node's to lcore
+specific graph object.
+.. code-block:: c
+    RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(portid)
+    {
+        /* ... */
+        ret = rte_eth_dev_configure(portid, nb_rx_queue,
+                                    n_tx_queue, &local_port_conf);
+        /* ... */
+        /* Init one TX queue per couple (lcore,port) */
+        queueid = 0;
+        for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) {
+            /* ... */
+            ret = rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(portid, queueid, nb_txd,
+                                         socketid, txconf);
+            /* ... */
+            queueid++;
+        }
+        /* Setup ethdev node config */
+        ethdev_conf[nb_conf].port_id = portid;
+        ethdev_conf[nb_conf].num_rx_queues = nb_rx_queue;
+        ethdev_conf[nb_conf].num_tx_queues = n_tx_queue;
+        if (!per_port_pool)
+            ethdev_conf[nb_conf].mp = pktmbuf_pool[0];
+        else
+          ethdev_conf[nb_conf].mp = pktmbuf_pool[portid];
+        ethdev_conf[nb_conf].mp_count = NB_SOCKETS;
+        nb_conf++;
+        printf("\n");
+    }
+    for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) {
+        /* Init RX queues */
+        for (queue = 0; queue < qconf->n_rx_queue; ++queue) {
+            /* ... */
+            if (!per_port_pool)
+                ret = rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(portid, queueid, nb_rxd, socketid,
+                                             &rxq_conf, 
+            else
+              ret = rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(portid, queueid, nb_rxd, socketid,
+                                           &rxq_conf, 
+            /* ... */
+        }
+    }
+    /* Ethdev node config, skip rx queue mapping */
+    ret = rte_node_eth_config(ethdev_conf, nb_conf, nb_graphs);
+Graph Initialization
+Now a graph needs to be created with a specific set of nodes for every lcore.
+A graph object returned after graph creation is a per lcore object and
+cannot be shared between lcores. Since ``ethdev_tx-X`` node is per port node,
+it can be associated with all the graphs created as all the lcores should have
+Tx capability for every port. But ``ethdev_rx-X-Y`` node is created per
+(port, rx_queue_id), so they should be associated with a graph based on
+the application argument ``--config`` specifying rx queue mapping to lcore.
+.. note::
+    The Graph creation will fail if the passed set of shell node pattern's
+    are not sufficient to meet their inter-dependency or even one node is not
+    found with a given regex node pattern.
+.. code-block:: c
+    static const char *node_patterns[] = {
+        "ip4*",
+        "ethdev_tx-*",
+        "pkt_drop",
+    };
+    uint16_t nb_patterns = RTE_DIM(node_patterns);
+    /* ... */
+    /* Create a graph object per lcore with common nodes and
+     * lcore specific nodes based on application arguments
+     */
+    memset(&graph_conf, 0, sizeof(graph_conf));
+    /* Common set of nodes in every lcore's graph object */
+    graph_conf.node_patterns = node_patterns;
+    for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) {
+        /* ... */
+        /* Skip graph creation if no source exists */
+        if (!qconf->n_rx_queue)
+            continue;
+        /* Add rx node patterns of this lcore based on --config */
+        for (i = 0; i < qconf->n_rx_queue; i++) {
+            graph_conf.node_patterns[nb_patterns + i] =
+                                qconf->rx_queue_list[i].node_name;
+        }
+        graph_conf.nb_node_patterns = nb_patterns + i;
+        graph_conf.socket_id = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id);
+        snprintf(qconf->name, sizeof(qconf->name), "worker_%u", lcore_id);
+        graph_id = rte_graph_create(qconf->name, &graph_conf);
+        /* ... */
+        qconf->graph = rte_graph_lookup(qconf->name);
+        /* ... */
+    }
+Forwarding data(Route, Next-Hop) addition
+Once graph objects are created, node specific info like routes and rewrite
+headers will be provided run-time using ``rte_node_ip4_route_add()`` and
+``rte_node_ip4_rewrite_add()`` API.
+.. note::
+    Since currently ``ip4_lookup`` and ``ip4_rewrite`` nodes don't support
+    lock-less mechanisms(RCU, etc) to add run-time forwarding data like route 
+    rewrite data, forwarding data is added before packet processing loop is
+    launched on slave lcore.
+.. code-block:: c
+    /* Add route to ip4 graph infra */
+    for (i = 0; i < IPV4_L3FWD_LPM_NUM_ROUTES; i++) {
+        /* ... */
+        dst_port = ipv4_l3fwd_lpm_route_array[i].if_out;
+        next_hop = i;
+        /* ... */
+        ret = rte_node_ip4_route_add(ipv4_l3fwd_lpm_route_array[i].ip,
+                                     ipv4_l3fwd_lpm_route_array[i].depth, 
+                                     RTE_NODE_IP4_LOOKUP_NEXT_REWRITE);
+        /* ... */
+        memcpy(rewrite_data, val_eth + dst_port, rewrite_len);
+        /* Add next hop for a given destination */
+        ret = rte_node_ip4_rewrite_add(next_hop, rewrite_data,
+                                       rewrite_len, dst_port);
+        RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD_GRAPH, "Added route %s, next_hop %u\n",
+                route_str, next_hop);
+    }
+Packet Forwarding using Graph Walk
+Now that all the device configurations are done, graph creations are done and
+forwarding data is updated with nodes, slave lcores will be launched with graph
+main loop. Graph main loop is very simple in the sense that it needs to
+continuously call a non-blocking API ``rte_graph_walk()`` with it's lcore
+specific graph object that was already created.
+.. note::
+    rte_graph_walk() will walk over all the sources nodes i.e ``ethdev_rx-X-Y``
+    associated with a given graph and Rx the available packets and enqueue them
+    to the following node ``ip4_lookup`` which then will enqueue them to 
+    node if LPM lookup succeeds. ``ip4_rewrite`` node then will update 
Ethernet header
+    as per next-hop data and transmit the packet via port 'Z' by enqueuing
+    to ``ethdev_tx-Z`` node instance in its graph object.
+.. code-block:: c
+    /* Main processing loop */
+    static int
+    graph_main_loop(void *conf)
+    {
+        // ...
+        lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();
+        qconf = &lcore_conf[lcore_id];
+        graph = qconf->graph;
+                "Entering main loop on lcore %u, graph %s(%p)\n", lcore_id,
+                qconf->name, graph);
+        /* Walk over graph until signal to quit */
+        while (likely(!force_quit))
+            rte_graph_walk(graph);
+        return 0;
+    }

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