Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the review,

>Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH 1/2] devtools: standardize script arguments
>Thanks for improving tooling.
>28/01/2020 16:02, Ciara Power:
>> range=${1:-origin/master..}
>If doing a real option management, range should be the remaining argument
>after option parsing.

The goal of this patch is to make the check-git-log and checkpatches scripts 
consistent, while maintaining backward compatibility.
I think the range value here should remain unchanged, so users can use the 
as they have been using it before this patch, passing range as $1.

>> +if [ "$range" = '--help' ] ; then
>> +    print_usage
>Missing "exit 0" after usage.
>>  # convert -N to HEAD~N.. in order to comply with git-log-fixes.sh
>> getopts -if printf -- $range | grep -q '^-[0-9]\+' ; then
>> -    range="HEAD$(printf -- $range | sed 's,^-,~,').."
>> +elif printf -- "$range" | grep -q '^-[0-9]\+' ; then
>> +    range="HEAD$(printf -- "$range" | sed 's,^-,~,').."
>getopts won't be called if $1 starts with -N.
>I think it would be cleaner to handle this in "?" case below.

Does the getopts need to be called if $1 is -N? 
I am not sure handling this in the "?" case below would work - as far as I 
know if the N value is more than one character, it would be treated as 
multiple separate characters (e.g. -123 would be treated as -1 2 3)

>> +else
>> +    while getopts hr:n: ARG ; do
>> +            case $ARG in
>> +                    n ) range="HEAD~$OPTARG.." ;;
>> +                    r ) range=$OPTARG ;;
>-r is not a git-log option.
>Please handle it without the need for -r.

The -r option is added here to standardise the scripts - this is currently being
used in the checkpatches getops.

>> +                    h ) print_usage ; exit 0 ;;
>> +                    ? ) print_usage ; exit 1 ;;
>> +            esac
>> +    done
>> +    shift $(($OPTIND - 1))


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