
Raising this topic again.

As said in the past, it is better to have this PMD inside DPDK.
We discussed some concerns, but I think the consensus was to integrate
Napatech PMD anyway.

I am sad that you did not feel welcome enough to follow up with patches
during all these years.
Please would you like to restart the upstreaming process?

08/01/2018 14:08, Finn Christensen:
> Hi Thomas,
> Thanks for bringing this discussion up again.
> The Napatech PMD is build on top of our proprietary driver. The reason is 
> basically that we utilize many years of driver development and thus reuses 
> the FPGA controlling code in the DPDK PMD. The Napatech driver suite is still 
> closed source.
> The current NTNIC PMD dynamically links a Napatech proprietary NTAPI library 
> to control the FPGA on our NICs.
> We did think of the PMD as being our responsibility to keep updated towards 
> the Napatech NIC communication, and that we would be engaged and asked to 
> modify accordingly if changes in DPDK required that (maintainer). 
> Furthermore, the PMD compiles with no issues, when NTNIC is enabled.
> We have plans to write a stand-alone PMD, but this is not a small task to do, 
> therefore we haven't got to that yet.
> If the DPDK community would accept the dynamic linking to a proprietary 
> library, from inside our PMD, then it would be great.
> Let me know what you think. Or maybe you have ideas to what else we could do 
> to make it upstream.
> Thanks,
> Finn
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Thomas Monjalon [mailto:tho...@monjalon.net]
> >Sent: 5. januar 2018 16:34
> >To: Finn Christensen <f...@napatech.com>
> >Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] standardize device identification
> >
> >It leads to a totally different question:
> >Can we discuss again how to integrate your driver in DPDK upstream?
> >Please explain again your situation in a new thread.

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