On 3/27/2020 2:56 AM, Haiyue Wang wrote:
> Introduce the DCF (Device Config Function) feature in the ice PMD, it
> works as a standalone PMD which doesn't handle the packet Rx/Tx related
> things. Its hardware entity is the VF.
> Add the basic DCF hardware initialization, this is specified by devarg
> 'cap=dcf'.
> Signed-off-by: Haiyue Wang <haiyue.w...@intel.com>
> Acked-by: Qi Zhang <qi.z.zh...@intel.com>
> ---
>  doc/guides/nics/ice.rst                |  47 +++
>  doc/guides/nics/img/ice_dcf.png        | Bin 0 -> 39168 bytes

Hi Haiyue,

We prefer .svg files as image instead of binary formats (like .png), can you
please make a patch to replace .png with .svg, I will update it in next-net
before it merged in to the master?


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