On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 3:44 PM Nithin Dabilpuram
<ndabilpu...@marvell.com> wrote:
> diff --git a/devtools/check-symbol-change.sh b/devtools/check-symbol-change.sh
> index c5434f3..19ce82f 100755
> --- a/devtools/check-symbol-change.sh
> +++ b/devtools/check-symbol-change.sh
> @@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ build_map_changes()
>                 # map files are altered, and all section/symbol names
>                 # appearing between a triggering of this rule and the
>                 # next trigger of this rule are associated with this file
> -               /[-+] a\/.*\.map/ {map=$2; in_map=1}
> +               /[-+] [ab]\/.*\.map/ {map=$2; in_map=1}
>                 # Same pattern as above, only it matches on anything that
>                 # does not end in 'map', indicating we have left the map 
> chunk.
>                 # When we hit this, turn off the in_map variable, which
>                 # supresses the subordonate rules below
> -               /[-+] a\/.*\.[^map]/ {in_map=0}
> +               /[-+] [ab]\/.*\.[^map]/ {in_map=0}

[^map] does not mean "not word map" but actually "none of the
character m, a or p".

So potentially, any file extension starting with m, a or p could
trigger an issue.
For example, a change in .mk files, .py files and
./devtools/check-forbidden-tokens.awk ./devtools/libabigail.abignore
could lead to incorrect symbol check.

How about the following change:

diff --git a/devtools/check-symbol-change.sh b/devtools/check-symbol-change.sh
index c5434f3bb0..ed2178e36e 100755
--- a/devtools/check-symbol-change.sh
+++ b/devtools/check-symbol-change.sh
@@ -17,13 +17,11 @@ build_map_changes()
                # map files are altered, and all section/symbol names
                # appearing between a triggering of this rule and the
                # next trigger of this rule are associated with this file
-               /[-+] a\/.*\.map/ {map=$2; in_map=1}
+               /[-+] [ab]\/.*\.map/ {map=$2; in_map=1; next}

-               # Same pattern as above, only it matches on anything that
-               # does not end in 'map', indicating we have left the map chunk.
-               # When we hit this, turn off the in_map variable, which
-               # supresses the subordonate rules below
-               /[-+] a\/.*\.[^map]/ {in_map=0}
+               # The previous rule catches all .map files, anything else
+               # indicates we left the map chunk.
+               /[-+] [ab]\// {in_map=0}

                # Triggering this rule, which starts a line and ends it
                # with a { identifies a versioned section.  The section name is

David Marchand

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