From: Kishore Padmanabha <>

This patch does the following
1. Registers a callback handler for each rte_flow_action type, if
   it is supported
2. Iterates through each rte_flow_action till RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_END
3. Invokes the action call back handler
4. Each action call back handler will populate the respective fields in
   act_details & act_bitmap

Signed-off-by: Kishore Padmanabha <>
Signed-off-by: Venkat Duvvuru <>
Reviewed-by: Lance Richardson <>
Reviewed-by: Ajit Kumar Khaparde <>
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_tf_common.h      |   7 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_rte_parser.c      | 441 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_rte_parser.h      |  85 ++++-
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db.c     | 199 ++++++++++++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db.h     |   7 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_struct.h |  13 +
 6 files changed, 751 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_tf_common.h 
index e4ebfc5..f417579 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_tf_common.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_tf_common.h
@@ -31,6 +31,13 @@ enum bnxt_tf_rc {
        BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS      = 0
+/* eth IPv4 Type */
+enum bnxt_ulp_eth_ip_type {
+       BNXT_ULP_ETH_IPV4 = 4,
+       BNXT_ULP_ETH_IPV6 = 5,
 /* ulp direction Type */
 enum ulp_direction_type {
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_rte_parser.c 
index 3ffdcbd..7a31b43 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_rte_parser.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_rte_parser.c
@@ -30,6 +30,21 @@ static inline void ulp_util_field_int_write(uint8_t *buffer,
        memcpy(buffer, &temp_val, sizeof(uint32_t));
+/* Utility function to skip the void items. */
+static inline int32_t
+ulp_rte_item_skip_void(const struct rte_flow_item **item, uint32_t increment)
+       if (!*item)
+               return 0;
+       if (increment)
+               (*item)++;
+       while ((*item) && (*item)->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VOID)
+               (*item)++;
+       if (*item)
+               return 1;
+       return 0;
  * Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flows and placing
  * the RTE flow items into the ulp structures.
@@ -73,6 +88,45 @@ bnxt_ulp_rte_parser_hdr_parse(const struct rte_flow_item 
        return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+ * Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flows and placing
+ * the RTE flow actions into the ulp structures.
+ */
+bnxt_ulp_rte_parser_act_parse(const struct rte_flow_action actions[],
+                             struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act_bitmap,
+                             struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop)
+       const struct rte_flow_action *action_item = actions;
+       struct bnxt_ulp_rte_act_info *hdr_info;
+       /* Parse all the items in the pattern */
+       while (action_item && action_item->type != RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_END) {
+               /* get the header information from the flow_hdr_info table */
+               hdr_info = &ulp_act_info[action_item->type];
+               if (hdr_info->act_type ==
+                   BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
+                       BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR,
+                                   "Truflow parser does not support act %u\n",
+                                   action_item->type);
+                       return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+               } else if (hdr_info->act_type ==
+                   BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED) {
+                       /* call the registered callback handler */
+                       if (hdr_info->proto_act_func) {
+                               if (hdr_info->proto_act_func(action_item,
+                                                            act_bitmap,
+                                                            act_prop) !=
+                                   BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS) {
+                                       return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               action_item++;
+       }
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
 /* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow item PF Header. */
 static int32_t
 ulp_rte_parser_svif_set(struct ulp_rte_hdr_bitmap *hdr_bitmap,
@@ -765,3 +819,390 @@ ulp_rte_void_hdr_handler(const struct rte_flow_item *item 
        return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action void Header. */
+ulp_rte_void_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item 
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act __rte_unused,
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop __rte_unused)
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action Mark Header. */
+ulp_rte_mark_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item,
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act,
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop)
+       const struct rte_flow_action_mark *mark;
+       uint32_t mark_id = 0;
+       mark = action_item->conf;
+       if (mark) {
+               mark_id = tfp_cpu_to_be_32(mark->id);
+               memcpy(&act_prop->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_MARK],
+                      &mark_id, BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_SZ_MARK);
+               /* Update the hdr_bitmap with vxlan */
+               ULP_BITMAP_SET(act->bits, BNXT_ULP_ACTION_BIT_MARK);
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+       }
+       BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Parse Error: Mark arg is invalid\n");
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action RSS Header. */
+ulp_rte_rss_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item,
+                       struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act,
+                       struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop __rte_unused)
+       const struct rte_flow_action_rss *rss;
+       rss = action_item->conf;
+       if (rss) {
+               /* Update the hdr_bitmap with vxlan */
+               ULP_BITMAP_SET(act->bits, BNXT_ULP_ACTION_BIT_RSS);
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+       }
+       BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Parse Error: RSS arg is invalid\n");
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action vxlan_encap Header. */
+ulp_rte_vxlan_encap_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item,
+                               struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act,
+                               struct ulp_rte_act_prop *ap)
+       const struct rte_flow_action_vxlan_encap *vxlan_encap;
+       const struct rte_flow_item *item;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_eth *eth_spec;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *ipv4_spec;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *ipv6_spec;
+       struct rte_flow_item_vxlan vxlan_spec;
+       uint32_t vlan_num = 0, vlan_size = 0;
+       uint32_t ip_size = 0, ip_type = 0;
+       uint32_t vxlan_size = 0;
+       uint8_t *buff;
+       /* IP header per byte - ver/hlen, TOS, ID, ID, FRAG, FRAG, TTL, PROTO */
+       const uint8_t   def_ipv4_hdr[] = {0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+                                   0x00, 0x40, 0x11};
+       vxlan_encap = action_item->conf;
+       if (!vxlan_encap) {
+               BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Parse Error: Vxlan_encap arg is invalid\n");
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       }
+       item = vxlan_encap->definition;
+       if (!item) {
+               BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Parse Error: definition arg is invalid\n");
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       }
+       if (!ulp_rte_item_skip_void(&item, 0))
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       /* must have ethernet header */
+       if (item->type != RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_ETH) {
+               BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Parse Error:vxlan encap does not have eth\n");
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       }
+       eth_spec = item->spec;
+       buff = &ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_L2_DMAC];
+       ulp_encap_buffer_copy(buff,
+                             eth_spec->dst.addr_bytes,
+                             BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_SZ_ENCAP_L2_DMAC);
+       /* Goto the next item */
+       if (!ulp_rte_item_skip_void(&item, 1))
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       /* May have vlan header */
+       if (item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VLAN) {
+               vlan_num++;
+               buff = &ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_VTAG];
+               ulp_encap_buffer_copy(buff,
+                                     item->spec,
+                                     sizeof(struct rte_flow_item_vlan));
+               if (!ulp_rte_item_skip_void(&item, 1))
+                       return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       }
+       /* may have two vlan headers */
+       if (item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VLAN) {
+               vlan_num++;
+               memcpy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_VTAG +
+                      sizeof(struct rte_flow_item_vlan)],
+                      item->spec,
+                      sizeof(struct rte_flow_item_vlan));
+               if (!ulp_rte_item_skip_void(&item, 1))
+                       return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       }
+       /* Update the vlan count and size of more than one */
+       if (vlan_num) {
+               vlan_size = vlan_num * sizeof(struct rte_flow_item_vlan);
+               vlan_num = tfp_cpu_to_be_32(vlan_num);
+               memcpy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_VTAG_NUM],
+                      &vlan_num,
+                      sizeof(uint32_t));
+               vlan_size = tfp_cpu_to_be_32(vlan_size);
+               memcpy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_VTAG_SZ],
+                      &vlan_size,
+                      sizeof(uint32_t));
+       }
+       /* L3 must be IPv4, IPv6 */
+       if (item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_IPV4) {
+               ipv4_spec = item->spec;
+               ip_size = BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_SIZE;
+               /* copy the ipv4 details */
+               if (ulp_buffer_is_empty(&ipv4_spec->hdr.version_ihl,
+                                       BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_VER_HLEN_TOS)) {
+                       buff = &ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_IP];
+                       ulp_encap_buffer_copy(buff,
+                                             def_ipv4_hdr,
+                                             BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_VER_HLEN_TOS +
+                                             BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_ID_PROTO);
+               } else {
+                       const uint8_t *tmp_buff;
+                       buff = &ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_IP];
+                       ulp_encap_buffer_copy(buff,
+                                             &ipv4_spec->hdr.version_ihl,
+                                             BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_VER_HLEN_TOS);
+                       buff = &ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_IP +
+                            BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_VER_HLEN_TOS];
+                       tmp_buff = (const uint8_t *)&ipv4_spec->hdr.packet_id;
+                       ulp_encap_buffer_copy(buff,
+                                             tmp_buff,
+                                             BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_ID_PROTO);
+               }
+               buff = &ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_IP +
+                   BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_VER_HLEN_TOS +
+                   BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_ID_PROTO];
+               ulp_encap_buffer_copy(buff,
+                                     (const uint8_t *)&ipv4_spec->hdr.dst_addr,
+                                     BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_DEST_IP);
+               /* Update the ip size details */
+               ip_size = tfp_cpu_to_be_32(ip_size);
+               memcpy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_IP_SZ],
+                      &ip_size, sizeof(uint32_t));
+               /* update the ip type */
+               ip_type = rte_cpu_to_be_32(BNXT_ULP_ETH_IPV4);
+               memcpy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_L3_TYPE],
+                      &ip_type, sizeof(uint32_t));
+               if (!ulp_rte_item_skip_void(&item, 1))
+                       return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       } else if (item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_IPV6) {
+               ipv6_spec = item->spec;
+               ip_size = BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV6_SIZE;
+               /* copy the ipv4 details */
+               memcpy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_IP],
+                      ipv6_spec, BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV6_SIZE);
+               /* Update the ip size details */
+               ip_size = tfp_cpu_to_be_32(ip_size);
+               memcpy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_IP_SZ],
+                      &ip_size, sizeof(uint32_t));
+                /* update the ip type */
+               ip_type = rte_cpu_to_be_32(BNXT_ULP_ETH_IPV6);
+               memcpy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_L3_TYPE],
+                      &ip_type, sizeof(uint32_t));
+               if (!ulp_rte_item_skip_void(&item, 1))
+                       return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       } else {
+               BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Parse Error: Vxlan Encap expects L3 hdr\n");
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       }
+       /* L4 is UDP */
+       if (item->type != RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_UDP) {
+               BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "vxlan encap does not have udp\n");
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       }
+       /* copy the udp details */
+       ulp_encap_buffer_copy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_UDP],
+                             item->spec, BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_UDP_SIZE);
+       if (!ulp_rte_item_skip_void(&item, 1))
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       /* Finally VXLAN */
+       if (item->type != RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VXLAN) {
+               BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "vxlan encap does not have vni\n");
+               return BNXT_TF_RC_ERROR;
+       }
+       vxlan_size = sizeof(struct rte_flow_item_vxlan);
+       /* copy the vxlan details */
+       memcpy(&vxlan_spec, item->spec, vxlan_size);
+       vxlan_spec.flags = 0x08;
+       ulp_encap_buffer_copy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_TUN],
+                             (const uint8_t *)&vxlan_spec,
+                             vxlan_size);
+       vxlan_size = tfp_cpu_to_be_32(vxlan_size);
+       memcpy(&ap->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_ENCAP_TUN_SZ],
+              &vxlan_size, sizeof(uint32_t));
+       /*update the hdr_bitmap with vxlan */
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action vxlan_encap Header */
+ulp_rte_vxlan_decap_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item
+                               __rte_unused,
+                               struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act,
+                               struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop __rte_unused)
+       /* update the hdr_bitmap with vxlan */
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action drop Header. */
+ulp_rte_drop_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item 
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act,
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop __rte_unused)
+       /* Update the hdr_bitmap with drop */
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action count. */
+ulp_rte_count_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item,
+                         struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act,
+                         struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop __rte_unused)
+       const struct rte_flow_action_count *act_count;
+       act_count = action_item->conf;
+       if (act_count) {
+               if (act_count->shared) {
+                       BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR,
+                                   "Parse Error:Shared count not supported\n");
+                       return BNXT_TF_RC_PARSE_ERR;
+               }
+               memcpy(&act_prop->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_COUNT],
+                      &act_count->id,
+                      BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_SZ_COUNT);
+       }
+       /* Update the hdr_bitmap with count */
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action PF. */
+ulp_rte_pf_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item __rte_unused,
+                      struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act,
+                      struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop)
+       uint8_t *svif_buf;
+       uint8_t *vnic_buffer;
+       uint32_t svif;
+       /* Update the hdr_bitmap with vnic bit */
+       /* copy the PF of the current device into VNIC Property */
+       svif_buf = &act_prop->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_VNIC];
+       ulp_util_field_int_read(svif_buf, &svif);
+       vnic_buffer = &act_prop->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_VNIC];
+       ulp_util_field_int_write(vnic_buffer, svif);
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action VF. */
+ulp_rte_vf_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item,
+                      struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act,
+                      struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop)
+       const struct rte_flow_action_vf *vf_action;
+       vf_action = action_item->conf;
+       if (vf_action) {
+               if (vf_action->original) {
+                       BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR,
+                                   "Parse Error:VF Original not supported\n");
+                       return BNXT_TF_RC_PARSE_ERR;
+               }
+               /* TBD: Update the computed VNIC using VF conversion */
+               memcpy(&act_prop->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_VNIC],
+                      &vf_action->id,
+                      BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_SZ_VNIC);
+       }
+       /* Update the hdr_bitmap with count */
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action port_id. */
+ulp_rte_port_id_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *act_item,
+                           struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act,
+                           struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop)
+       const struct rte_flow_action_port_id *port_id;
+       port_id = act_item->conf;
+       if (port_id) {
+               if (port_id->original) {
+                       BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR,
+                                   "ParseErr:Portid Original not supported\n");
+                       return BNXT_TF_RC_PARSE_ERR;
+               }
+               /* TBD: Update the computed VNIC using port conversion */
+               memcpy(&act_prop->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_VNIC],
+                      &port_id->id,
+                      BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_SZ_VNIC);
+       }
+       /* Update the hdr_bitmap with count */
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action phy_port. */
+ulp_rte_phy_port_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item,
+                            struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap *act,
+                            struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop)
+       const struct rte_flow_action_phy_port *phy_port;
+       phy_port = action_item->conf;
+       if (phy_port) {
+               if (phy_port->original) {
+                       BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR,
+                                   "Parse Err:Port Original not supported\n");
+                       return BNXT_TF_RC_PARSE_ERR;
+               }
+               memcpy(&act_prop->act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_VPORT],
+                      &phy_port->index,
+                      BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_SZ_VPORT);
+       }
+       /* Update the hdr_bitmap with count */
+       return BNXT_TF_RC_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_rte_parser.h 
index 3a7845d..0ab43d2 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_rte_parser.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_rte_parser.h
@@ -12,6 +12,14 @@
 #include "ulp_template_db.h"
 #include "ulp_template_struct.h"
+/* defines to be used in the tunnel header parsing */
+#define BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_ID_PROTO           6
+#define BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_DEST_IP            4
+#define BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV4_SIZE               12
+#define BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_IPV6_SIZE               8
+#define BNXT_ULP_ENCAP_UDP_SIZE                        4
  * Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flows and placing
  * the RTE flow items into the ulp structures.
@@ -21,6 +29,15 @@ bnxt_ulp_rte_parser_hdr_parse(const struct rte_flow_item 
                              struct ulp_rte_hdr_bitmap *hdr_bitmap,
                              struct ulp_rte_hdr_field  *hdr_field);
+ * Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flows and placing
+ * the RTE flow actions into the ulp structures.
+ */
+bnxt_ulp_rte_parser_act_parse(const struct rte_flow_action     actions[],
+                             struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap         *act_bitmap,
+                             struct ulp_rte_act_prop           *act_prop);
 /* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow item PF Header. */
 ulp_rte_pf_hdr_handler(const struct rte_flow_item      *item,
@@ -45,7 +62,7 @@ ulp_rte_port_id_hdr_handler(const struct rte_flow_item        
                            uint32_t                    *field_idx,
                            uint32_t                    *vlan_idx);
-/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow item port id Header. */
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow item port Header. */
 ulp_rte_phy_port_hdr_handler(const struct rte_flow_item        *item,
                             struct ulp_rte_hdr_bitmap  *hdr_bitmap,
@@ -117,4 +134,70 @@ ulp_rte_void_hdr_handler(const struct rte_flow_item        
                         uint32_t                       *field_idx,
                         uint32_t                       *vlan_idx);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action void Header. */
+ulp_rte_void_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action  *action_item,
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap      *act,
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_prop        *act_prop);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action RSS Header. */
+ulp_rte_rss_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action   *action_item,
+                       struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap       *act,
+                       struct ulp_rte_act_prop *act_prop);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action Mark Header. */
+ulp_rte_mark_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action  *action_item,
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap      *act,
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_prop        *act_prop);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action vxlan_encap Header. */
+ulp_rte_vxlan_encap_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action   *action_item,
+                               struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap       *act,
+                               struct ulp_rte_act_prop         *act_prop);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action vxlan_encap Header. */
+ulp_rte_vxlan_decap_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action   *action_item,
+                               struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap       *act,
+                               struct ulp_rte_act_prop         *act_prop);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action drop Header. */
+ulp_rte_drop_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action  *action_item,
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap      *act,
+                        struct ulp_rte_act_prop        *act_prop);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action count. */
+ulp_rte_count_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action *action_item,
+                         struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap     *act,
+                         struct ulp_rte_act_prop       *act_prop);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action PF. */
+ulp_rte_pf_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action    *action_item,
+                      struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap        *act,
+                      struct ulp_rte_act_prop          *act_prop);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action VF. */
+ulp_rte_vf_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action    *action_item,
+                      struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap        *act,
+                      struct ulp_rte_act_prop          *act_prop);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action port_id. */
+ulp_rte_port_id_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action       *act_item,
+                           struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap           *act,
+                           struct ulp_rte_act_prop             *act_p);
+/* Function to handle the parsing of RTE Flow action phy_port. */
+ulp_rte_phy_port_act_handler(const struct rte_flow_action      *action_item,
+                            struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap          *act,
+                            struct ulp_rte_act_prop            *act_prop);
 #endif /* _ULP_RTE_PARSER_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db.c 
index 1d15563..89572c7 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db.c
@@ -96,6 +96,205 @@ uint32_t ulp_act_prop_map_table[] = {
+struct bnxt_ulp_rte_act_info ulp_act_info[] = {
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_END,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_void_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_mark_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_drop_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_count_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_rss_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_pf_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_vf_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_phy_port_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_port_id_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_vxlan_encap_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = ulp_rte_vxlan_decap_act_handler
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       },
+               .act_type                = BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+               .proto_act_func          = NULL
+       }
 struct bnxt_ulp_device_params ulp_device_params[] = {
                .global_fid_enable       = BNXT_ULP_SYM_YES,
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db.h 
index 906b542..dfab266 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db.h
@@ -74,6 +74,13 @@ enum bnxt_ulp_hdr_bit {
        BNXT_ULP_HDR_BIT_LAST                = 0x0000000000200000
+enum bnxt_ulp_act_type {
+       BNXT_ULP_ACT_TYPE_END = 2,
 enum bnxt_ulp_byte_order {
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_struct.h 
index 0699634..47c0dd8 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_struct.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_struct.h
@@ -72,6 +72,19 @@ struct ulp_rte_act_prop {
        uint8_t act_details[BNXT_ULP_ACT_PROP_IDX_LAST];
+/* Flow Parser Action Information Structure */
+struct bnxt_ulp_rte_act_info {
+       enum bnxt_ulp_act_type                                  act_type;
+       /* Flow Parser Protocol Action Function Prototype */
+       int32_t (*proto_act_func)
+               (const struct rte_flow_action                   *action_item,
+               struct ulp_rte_act_bitmap                       *act_bitmap,
+               struct ulp_rte_act_prop                         *act_prop);
+/* Flow Parser Action Information Structure Array defined in template source*/
+extern struct bnxt_ulp_rte_act_info    ulp_act_info[];
 /* Flow Matcher structures */
 struct bnxt_ulp_header_match_info {
        struct ulp_rte_hdr_bitmap               hdr_bitmap;

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