Hi, Guinan

On 03/10, Guinan Sun wrote:
>This problem occurs because clear_rar is executed at the wrong time,
> so PF cannot receive data normally.

Could you elaborate what problem you've encountered, and how this patch solves 


>This patch is used to modify the calling logic of clear_rar.
>Fixes: 3c4270187518 ("net/ixgbe: support VF MAC address add/remove")
>Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
>Signed-off-by: Guinan Sun <guinanx....@intel.com>
> drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_pf.c | 6 ++++--
> 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_pf.c b/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_pf.c
>index afae21f81..67b5bef44 100644
>--- a/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_pf.c
>+++ b/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_pf.c
>@@ -783,8 +783,10 @@ ixgbe_set_vf_macvlan_msg(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, 
>uint32_t vf, uint32_t *msgbuf)
>               hw->mac.ops.set_rar(hw, vf_info[vf].mac_count,
>                               new_mac, vf, IXGBE_RAH_AV);
>       } else {
>-              hw->mac.ops.clear_rar(hw, vf_info[vf].mac_count);
>-              vf_info[vf].mac_count = 0;
>+              if (vf_info[vf].mac_count) {
>+                      hw->mac.ops.clear_rar(hw, vf_info[vf].mac_count);
>+                      vf_info[vf].mac_count = 0;
>+              }
>       }
>       return 0;
> }

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