From: Jerin Jacob <>

Even though there are some vendors which offer Regex HW offload, due to
lack of standard API, It is diffcult for DPDK consumer to use them
in a portable way.

This _RFC_ attempts to standardize the RegEx/DPI offload APIs for DPDK.

This RFC crafted based on SW Regex API frameworks such as libpcre and
hyperscan and a few of the RegEx HW IPs which I am aware of.

RegEx pattern matching applications:
* Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW)
* Deep Packet and Flow Inspection (DPI)
* Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
* DDoS Mitigation
* Network Monitoring
* Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
* Smart NICs
* Grammar based content processing
* URL, spam and adware filtering
* Advanced auditing and policing of user/application security policies
* Financial data mining - parsing of streamed financial feeds
* Application recognition.
* Dmemory introspection.
* Natural Language Processing (NLP)
* Sentiment Analysis.
* Big data databse acceleration.
* Computational storage.

Request to review from HW and SW RegEx vendors and RegEx application
users to have portable DPDK API for RegEx.

The API schematics are based cryptodev, eventdev and ethdev existing
device API.

Signed-off-by: Jerin Jacob <>
Signed-off-by: Pavan Nikhilesh <>
Signed-off-by: Ori Kam <>
 * Small ML comments.
 * Remove unused iov struct.
 * Replace iov with mbuf.
 * Small ML comments.
 * Change subject title.
 * Address ML comments
 config/common_base                           |    7 +
 doc/api/                    |    1 +
 doc/api/                     |    1 +
 lib/Makefile                                 |    2 +
 lib/librte_regexdev/Makefile                 |   31 +
 lib/librte_regexdev/rte_regexdev.c           |    6 +
 lib/librte_regexdev/rte_regexdev.h           | 1395 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/librte_regexdev/ |   26 +
 8 files changed, 1469 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_regexdev/Makefile
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_regexdev/rte_regexdev.c
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_regexdev/rte_regexdev.h
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_regexdev/

diff --git a/config/common_base b/config/common_base
index f9a68f3..4810849 100644
--- a/config/common_base
+++ b/config/common_base
+# Compile regex device support
 # Compile librte_ring
@@ -1098,3 +1104,4 @@ CONFIG_RTE_APP_CRYPTO_PERF=y
 # Compile the eventdev application
diff --git a/doc/api/ b/doc/api/
index dff496b..787f7c2 100644
--- a/doc/api/
+++ b/doc/api/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ The public API headers are grouped by topics:
   [event_timer_adapter]    (@ref rte_event_timer_adapter.h),
   [event_crypto_adapter]   (@ref rte_event_crypto_adapter.h),
   [rawdev]             (@ref rte_rawdev.h),
+  [regexdev]           (@ref rte_regexdev.h),
   [metrics]            (@ref rte_metrics.h),
   [bitrate]            (@ref rte_bitrate.h),
   [latency]            (@ref rte_latencystats.h),
diff --git a/doc/api/ b/doc/api/
index 1c4392e..56c08eb 100644
--- a/doc/api/
+++ b/doc/api/
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ INPUT                   = @TOPDIR@/doc/api/ \
                           @TOPDIR@/lib/librte_rcu \
                           @TOPDIR@/lib/librte_reorder \
                           @TOPDIR@/lib/librte_rib \
+                          @TOPDIR@/lib/librte_regexdev \
                           @TOPDIR@/lib/librte_ring \
                           @TOPDIR@/lib/librte_sched \
                           @TOPDIR@/lib/librte_security \
diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
index 46b91ae..a273564 100644
--- a/lib/Makefile
+++ b/lib/Makefile
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ DEPDIRS-librte_eventdev := librte_eal librte_ring 
librte_ethdev librte_hash \
                            librte_mempool librte_timer librte_cryptodev
 DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_RAWDEV) += librte_rawdev
 DEPDIRS-librte_rawdev := librte_eal librte_ethdev
+DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_REGEXDEV) += librte_regexdev
+DEPDIRS-librte_regexdev := librte_eal librte_mbuf
 DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_VHOST) += librte_vhost
 DEPDIRS-librte_vhost := librte_eal librte_mempool librte_mbuf librte_ethdev \
                        librte_net librte_hash librte_cryptodev
diff --git a/lib/librte_regexdev/Makefile b/lib/librte_regexdev/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f4cc63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/librte_regexdev/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(C) 2019 Marvell International Ltd.
+# Copyright(C) 2020 Mellanox International Ltd.
+include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/
+# library name
+LIB = librte_regexdev.a
+# library version
+# build flags
+CFLAGS += -O3
+LDLIBS += -lrte_eal -lrte_mbuf
+# library source files
+# all source are stored in SRCS-y
+# export include files
+SYMLINK-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_REGEXDEV)-include += rte_regexdev.h
+# versioning export map
+include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/
diff --git a/lib/librte_regexdev/rte_regexdev.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b901877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/librte_regexdev/rte_regexdev.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(C) 2019 Marvell International Ltd.
+ * Copyright(C) 2020 Mellanox International Ltd.
+ */
+#include <rte_regexdev.h>
diff --git a/lib/librte_regexdev/rte_regexdev.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfbefb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/librte_regexdev/rte_regexdev.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1395 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(C) 2019 Marvell International Ltd.
+ * Copyright(C) 2020 Mellanox International Ltd.
+ * Copyright(C) 2020 Intel International Ltd.
+ */
+#ifndef _RTE_REGEXDEV_H_
+#define _RTE_REGEXDEV_H_
+ * @file
+ *
+ * RTE RegEx Device API
+ *
+ * Defines RTE RegEx Device APIs for RegEx operations and its provisioning.
+ *
+ * The RegEx Device API is composed of two parts:
+ *
+ * - The application-oriented RegEx API that includes functions to setup
+ *   a RegEx device (configure it, setup its queue pairs and start it),
+ *   update the rule database and so on.
+ *
+ * - The driver-oriented RegEx API that exports a function allowing
+ *   a RegEx poll Mode Driver (PMD) to simultaneously register itself as
+ *   a RegEx device driver.
+ *
+ * RegEx device components and definitions:
+ *
+ *     +-----------------+
+ *     |                 |
+ *     |                 o---------+    rte_regex_[en|de]queue_burst()
+ *     |   PCRE based    o------+  |               |
+ *     |  RegEx pattern  |      |  |  +--------+   |
+ *     | matching engine o------+--+--o        |   |    +------+
+ *     |                 |      |  |  | queue  |<==o===>|Core 0|
+ *     |                 o----+ |  |  | pair 0 |        |      |
+ *     |                 |    | |  |  +--------+        +------+
+ *     +-----------------+    | |  |
+ *            ^               | |  |  +--------+
+ *            |               | |  |  |        |        +------+
+ *            |               | +--+--o queue  |<======>|Core 1|
+ *        Rule|Database       |    |  | pair 1 |        |      |
+ *     +------+----------+    |    |  +--------+        +------+
+ *     |     Group 0     |    |    |
+ *     | +-------------+ |    |    |  +--------+        +------+
+ *     | | Rules 0..n  | |    |    |  |        |        |Core 2|
+ *     | +-------------+ |    |    +--o queue  |<======>|      |
+ *     |     Group 1     |    |       | pair 2 |        +------+
+ *     | +-------------+ |    |       +--------+
+ *     | | Rules 0..n  | |    |
+ *     | +-------------+ |    |       +--------+
+ *     |     Group 2     |    |       |        |        +------+
+ *     | +-------------+ |    |       | queue  |<======>|Core n|
+ *     | | Rules 0..n  | |    +-------o pair n |        |      |
+ *     | +-------------+ |            +--------+        +------+
+ *     |     Group n     |
+ *     | +-------------+ |<-------rte_regex_rule_db_update()
+ *     | |             | |<-------rte_regex_rule_db_compile_activate()
+ *     | | Rules 0..n  | |<-------rte_regex_rule_db_import()
+ *     | +-------------+ |------->rte_regex_rule_db_export()
+ *     +-----------------+
+ *
+ * RegEx: A regular expression is a concise and flexible means for matching
+ * strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of
+ * characters. A common abbreviation for this is “RegEx”.
+ *
+ * RegEx device: A hardware or software-based implementation of RegEx
+ * device API for PCRE based pattern matching syntax and semantics.
+ *
+ * PCRE RegEx syntax and semantics specification:
+ *
+ *
+ * RegEx queue pair: Each RegEx device should have one or more queue pair to
+ * transmit a burst of pattern matching request and receive a burst of
+ * receive the pattern matching response. The pattern matching request/response
+ * embedded in *rte_regex_ops* structure.
+ *
+ * Rule: A pattern matching rule expressed in PCRE RegEx syntax along with
+ * Match ID and Group ID to identify the rule upon the match.
+ *
+ * Rule database: The RegEx device accepts regular expressions and converts 
+ * into a compiled rule database that can then be used to scan data.
+ * Compilation allows the device to analyze the given pattern(s) and
+ * pre-determine how to scan for these patterns in an optimized fashion that
+ * would be far too expensive to compute at run-time. A rule database contains
+ * a set of rules that compiled in device specific binary form.
+ *
+ * Match ID or Rule ID: A unique identifier provided at the time of rule
+ * creation for the application to identify the rule upon match.
+ *
+ * Group ID: Group of rules can be grouped under one group ID to enable
+ * rule isolation and effective pattern matching. A unique group identifier
+ * provided at the time of rule creation for the application to identify the
+ * rule upon match.
+ *
+ * Scan: A pattern matching request through *enqueue* API.
+ *
+ * It may possible that a given RegEx device may not support all the features
+ * of PCRE. The application may probe unsupported features through
+ * struct rte_regex_dev_info::pcre_unsup_flags
+ *
+ * By default, all the functions of the RegEx Device API exported by a PMD
+ * are lock-free functions which assume to not be invoked in parallel on
+ * different logical cores to work on the same target object. For instance,
+ * the dequeue function of a PMD cannot be invoked in parallel on two logical
+ * cores to operates on same RegEx queue pair. Of course, this function
+ * can be invoked in parallel by different logical core on different queue 
+ * It is the responsibility of the upper level application to enforce this 
+ *
+ * In all functions of the RegEx API, the RegEx device is
+ * designated by an integer >= 0 named the device identifier *dev_id*
+ *
+ * At the RegEx driver level, RegEx devices are represented by a generic
+ * data structure of type *rte_regex_dev*.
+ *
+ * RegEx devices are dynamically registered during the PCI/SoC device probing
+ * phase performed at EAL initialization time.
+ * When a RegEx device is being probed, a *rte_regex_dev* structure and
+ * a new device identifier are allocated for that device. Then, the
+ * regex_dev_init() function supplied by the RegEx driver matching the probed
+ * device is invoked to properly initialize the device.
+ *
+ * The role of the device init function consists of resetting the hardware or
+ * software RegEx driver implementations.
+ *
+ * If the device init operation is successful, the correspondence between
+ * the device identifier assigned to the new device and its associated
+ * *rte_regex_dev* structure is effectively registered.
+ * Otherwise, both the *rte_regex_dev* structure and the device identifier are
+ * freed.
+ *
+ * The functions exported by the application RegEx API to setup a device
+ * designated by its device identifier must be invoked in the following order:
+ *     - rte_regex_dev_configure()
+ *     - rte_regex_queue_pair_setup()
+ *     - rte_regex_dev_start()
+ *
+ * Then, the application can invoke, in any order, the functions
+ * exported by the RegEx API to enqueue pattern matching job, dequeue pattern
+ * matching response, get the stats, update the rule database,
+ * get/set device attributes and so on
+ *
+ * If the application wants to change the configuration (i.e. call
+ * rte_regex_dev_configure() or rte_regex_queue_pair_setup()), it must call
+ * rte_regex_dev_stop() first to stop the device and then do the 
+ * before calling rte_regex_dev_start() again. The enqueue and dequeue
+ * functions should not be invoked when the device is stopped.
+ *
+ * Finally, an application can close a RegEx device by invoking the
+ * rte_regex_dev_close() function.
+ *
+ * Each function of the application RegEx API invokes a specific function
+ * of the PMD that controls the target device designated by its device
+ * identifier.
+ *
+ * For this purpose, all device-specific functions of a RegEx driver are
+ * supplied through a set of pointers contained in a generic structure of type
+ * *regex_dev_ops*.
+ * The address of the *regex_dev_ops* structure is stored in the 
+ * structure by the device init function of the RegEx driver, which is
+ * invoked during the PCI/SoC device probing phase, as explained earlier.
+ *
+ * In other words, each function of the RegEx API simply retrieves the
+ * *rte_regex_dev* structure associated with the device identifier and
+ * performs an indirect invocation of the corresponding driver function
+ * supplied in the *regex_dev_ops* structure of the *rte_regex_dev* structure.
+ *
+ * For performance reasons, the address of the fast-path functions of the
+ * RegEx driver is not contained in the *regex_dev_ops* structure.
+ * Instead, they are directly stored at the beginning of the *rte_regex_dev*
+ * structure to avoid an extra indirect memory access during their invocation.
+ *
+ * RTE RegEx device drivers do not use interrupts for enqueue or dequeue
+ * operation. Instead, RegEx drivers export Poll-Mode enqueue and dequeue
+ * functions to applications.
+ *
+ * The *enqueue* operation submits a burst of RegEx pattern matching request
+ * to the RegEx device and the *dequeue* operation gets a burst of pattern
+ * matching response for the ones submitted through *enqueue* operation.
+ *
+ * Typical application utilisation of the RegEx device API will follow the
+ * following programming flow.
+ *
+ * - rte_regex_dev_configure()
+ * - rte_regex_queue_pair_setup()
+ * - rte_regex_rule_db_update() Needs to invoke if precompiled rule database 
+ *   provided in rte_regex_dev_config::rule_db for rte_regex_dev_configure()
+ *   and/or application needs to update rule database.
+ * - rte_regex_rule_db_compile_activate() Needs to invoke if
+ *   rte_regex_rule_db_update function was used.
+ * - Create or reuse exiting mempool for *rte_regex_ops* objects.
+ * - rte_regex_dev_start()
+ * - rte_regex_enqueue_burst()
+ * - rte_regex_dequeue_burst()
+ *
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <rte_common.h>
+#include <rte_config.h>
+#include <rte_dev.h>
+#include <rte_errno.h>
+#include <rte_mbuf.h>
+#include <rte_memory.h>
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Get the total number of RegEx devices that have been successfully
+ * initialised.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   The total number of usable RegEx devices.
+ */
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Get the device identifier for the named RegEx device.
+ *
+ * @param name
+ *   RegEx device name to select the RegEx device identifier.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Returns RegEx device identifier on success.
+ *   - <0: Failure to find named RegEx device.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_get_dev_id(const char *name);
+/* Enumerates RegEx device capabilities */
+/**< RegEx device does support compiling the rules at runtime unlike
+ * loading only the pre-built rule database using
+ * struct rte_regex_dev_config::rule_db in rte_regex_dev_configure()
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_config::rule_db, rte_regex_dev_configure()
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support PCRE Anchor to start of match flag.
+ * Example RegEx is '/\Gfoo\d/'. Here '\G' asserts position at the end of the
+ * previous match or the start of the string for the first match.
+ * This position will change each time the RegEx is applied to the subject
+ * string. If the RegEx is applied to 'foo1foo2Zfoo3' the first two matches 
+ * be successful for 'foo1foo2' and fail for 'Zfoo3'.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support PCRE Atomic grouping.
+ * Atomic groups are represented by '(?>)'. An atomic group is a group that,
+ * when the RegEx engine exits from it, automatically throws away all
+ * backtracking positions remembered by any tokens inside the group.
+ * Example RegEx is 'a(?>bc|b)c' if the given patterns are 'abc' and 'abcc' 
+ * 'a(bc|b)c' matches both where as 'a(?>bc|b)c' matches only abcc because
+ * atomic groups don't allow backtracing back to 'b'.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support PCRE backtracking control verbs.
+ * Some examples of backtracing verbs are (*COMMIT), (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL),
+ * (*SKIP), (*PRUNE).
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support PCRE callouts.
+ * PCRE supports calling external function in between matches by using '(?C)'.
+ * Example RegEx 'ABC(?C)D' if a given patter is 'ABCD' then the RegEx engine
+ * will parse ABC perform a userdefined callout and return a successful match 
+ * D.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support PCRE backreference.
+ * Example RegEx is '(\2ABC|(GHI))+' \2 matches the same text as most recently
+ * matched by the 2nd capturing group i.e. 'GHI'.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support PCRE Greedy mode.
+ * For example if the RegEx is 'AB\d*?' then '*?' represents zero or unlimited
+ * matches. In greedy mode the pattern 'AB12345' will be matched completely
+ * where as the ungreedy mode 'AB' will be returned as the match.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support match all mode.
+ * For example if the RegEx is 'AB\d*?' then '*?' represents zero or unlimited
+ * matches. In match all mode the pattern 'AB12345' will return 6 matches.
+ * AB, AB1, AB12, AB123, AB1234, AB12345.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support PCRE Lookaround assertions
+ * (Zero-width assertions). Example RegEx is '[a-z]+\d+(?=!{3,})' if
+ * the given pattern is 'dwad1234!' the RegEx engine doesn't report any matches
+ * because the assert '(?=!{3,})' fails. The pattern 'dwad123!!!' would return 
+ * successful match.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device doesn't support PCRE match point reset directive.
+ * Example RegEx is '[a-z]+\K\d+' if the pattern is 'dwad123'
+ * then even though the entire pattern matches only '123'
+ * is reported as a match.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx support PCRE newline convention.
+ * Newline conventions are represented as follows:
+ * (*CR)        carriage return
+ * (*LF)        linefeed
+ * (*CRLF)      carriage return, followed by linefeed
+ * (*ANYCRLF)   any of the three above
+ * (*ANY)       all Unicode newline sequences
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support PCRE newline sequence.
+ * The escape sequence '\R' will match any newline sequence.
+ * It is equivalent to: '(?>\r\n|\n|\x0b|\f|\r|\x85)'.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support PCRE possessive qualifiers.
+ * Example RegEx possessive qualifiers '*+', '++', '?+', '{m,n}+'.
+ * Possessive quantifier repeats the token as many times as possible and it 
+ * not give up matches as the engine backtracks. With a possessive quantifier,
+ * the deal is all or nothing.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support PCRE Subroutine references.
+ * PCRE Subroutine references allow for sub patterns to be assessed
+ * as part of the RegEx. Example RegEx is '(foo|fuzz)\g<1>+bar' matches the
+ * pattern 'foofoofuzzfoofuzzbar'.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+#define RTE_REGEX_DEV_SUPP_PCRE_UTF_8_F (1ULL << 14)
+/**< RegEx device support UTF-8 character encoding.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::pcre_unsup_flags
+ */
+#define RTE_REGEX_DEV_SUPP_PCRE_UTF_16_F (1ULL << 15)
+/**< RegEx device support UTF-16 character encoding.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+#define RTE_REGEX_DEV_SUPP_PCRE_UTF_32_F (1ULL << 16)
+/**< RegEx device support UTF-32 character encoding.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support word boundaries.
+ * The meta character '\b' represents word boundary anchor.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support Forward references.
+ * Forward references allow you to use a back reference to a group that appears
+ * later in the RegEx. Example RegEx is '(\3ABC|(DEF|(GHI)))+' matches the
+ * following string 'GHIGHIABCDEF'.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/**< RegEx device support match as end.
+ * Match as end means that the match result holds the end offset of the
+ * detected match. No len value is set.
+ * If the device doesn't support this feature it means the match
+ * result holds the starting position of match and the length of the match.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::regex_dev_capa
+ */
+/* Enumerates PCRE rule flags */
+/**< When this flag is set, the pattern that can match against an empty string,
+ * such as '.*' are allowed.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< When this flag is set, the pattern is forced to be "anchored", that is, it
+ * is constrained to match only at the first matching point in the string that
+ * is being searched. Similar to '^' and represented by \A.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< When this flag is set, letters in the pattern match both upper and lower
+ * case letters in the subject.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< When this flag is set, a dot metacharacter in the pattern matches any
+ * character, including one that indicates a newline.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< When this flag is set, names used to identify capture groups need not be
+ * unique.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< When this flag is set, most white space characters in the pattern are
+ * totally ignored except when escaped or inside a character class.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< When this flag is set, a backreference to an unset capture group matches 
+ * empty string.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< When this flag  is set, the '^' and '$' constructs match immediately
+ * following or immediately before internal newlines in the subject string,
+ * respectively, as well as at the very start and end.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< When this Flag is set, it disables the use of numbered capturing
+ * parentheses in the pattern. References to capture groups (backreferences or
+ * recursion/subroutine calls) may only refer to named groups, though the
+ * reference can be by name or by number.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+#define RTE_REGEX_PCRE_RULE_UCP_F (1ULL << 9)
+/**< By default, only ASCII characters are recognized, When this flag is set,
+ * Unicode properties are used instead to classify characters.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< When this flag is set, the "greediness" of the quantifiers is inverted
+ * so that they are not greedy by default, but become greedy if followed by
+ * '?'.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+#define RTE_REGEX_PCRE_RULE_UTF_F (1ULL << 11)
+/**< When this flag is set, RegEx engine has to regard both the pattern and the
+ * subject strings that are subsequently processed as strings of UTF characters
+ * instead of single-code-unit strings.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< This flag locks out the use of '\C' in the pattern that is being compiled.
+ * This escape matches one data unit, even in UTF mode which can cause
+ * unpredictable behavior in UTF-8 or UTF-16 modes, because it may leave the
+ * current matching point in the middle of a multi-code-unit character.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+/**< This flag marks that the results for the pattern that is being compiled
+ * should include all possible matches.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags, struct 
+ */
+ * RegEx device information
+ */
+struct rte_regex_dev_info {
+       const char *driver_name; /**< RegEx driver name. */
+       struct rte_device *dev; /**< Device information. */
+       uint16_t max_matches;
+       /**< Maximum matches per scan supported by this device. */
+       uint16_t max_queue_pairs;
+       /**< Maximum queue pairs supported by this device. */
+       uint16_t max_payload_size;
+       /**< Maximum payload size for a pattern match request or scan.
+        */
+       uint32_t max_rules_per_group;
+       /**< Maximum rules supported per group by this device. */
+       uint16_t max_groups;
+       /**< Maximum groups supported by this device. */
+       uint32_t regex_dev_capa;
+       /**< RegEx device capabilities. @see RTE_REGEX_DEV_CAPA_* */
+       uint64_t rule_flags;
+       /**< Supported compiler rule flags.
+        * @see RTE_REGEX_PCRE_RULE_*, struct rte_regex_rule::rule_flags
+        */
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Retrieve the contextual information of a RegEx device.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the device.
+ *
+ * @param[out] dev_info
+ *   A pointer to a structure of type *rte_regex_dev_info* to be filled with 
+ *   contextual information of the device.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Success, driver updates the contextual information of the RegEx 
+ *   - <0: Error code returned by the driver info get function.
+ *
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_info_get(uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_regex_dev_info *dev_info);
+/* Enumerates RegEx device configuration flags */
+/**< Cross buffer scan refers to the ability to be able to detect
+ * matches that occur across buffer boundaries, where the buffers are related
+ * to each other in some way. Enable this flag when to scan payload size
+ * greater than struct rte_regex_dev_info::max_payload_size and/or
+ * matches can present across scan buffer boundaries.
+ *
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::max_payload_size
+ * @see struct rte_regex_dev_config::dev_cfg_flags, rte_regex_dev_configure()
+ */
+/**< Match as end is the ability to return the result as ending offset.
+ * When this flag is set, the result for each match will hold the ending
+ * offset of the match in end_offset.
+ * If this flag is not set, then the match result will hold the starting offset
+ * in start_offset, and the length of the match in len.
+ *
+ */
+/** RegEx device configuration structure */
+struct rte_regex_dev_config {
+       uint16_t nb_max_matches;
+       /**< Maximum matches per scan configured on this device.
+        * This value cannot exceed the *max_matches*
+        * which previously provided in rte_regex_dev_info_get().
+        * The value 0 is allowed, in which case, value 1 used.
+        * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::max_matches
+        */
+       uint16_t nb_queue_pairs;
+       /**< Number of RegEx queue pairs to configure on this device.
+        * This value cannot exceed the *max_queue_pairs* which previously
+        * provided in rte_regex_dev_info_get().
+        * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::max_queue_pairs
+        */
+       uint32_t nb_rules_per_group;
+       /**< Number of rules per group to configure on this device.
+        * This value cannot exceed the *max_rules_per_group*
+        * which previously provided in rte_regex_dev_info_get().
+        * The value 0 is allowed, in which case,
+        * struct rte_regex_dev_info::max_rules_per_group used.
+        * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::max_rules_per_group
+        */
+       uint16_t nb_groups;
+       /**< Number of groups to configure on this device.
+        * This value cannot exceed the *max_groups*
+        * which previously provided in rte_regex_dev_info_get().
+        * @see struct rte_regex_dev_info::max_groups
+        */
+       const char *rule_db;
+       /**< Import initial set of prebuilt rule database on this device.
+        * The value NULL is allowed, in which case, the device will not
+        * be configured prebuilt rule database. Application may use
+        * rte_regex_rule_db_update() or rte_regex_rule_db_import() API
+        * to update or import rule database after the
+        * rte_regex_dev_configure().
+        * @see rte_regex_rule_db_update(), rte_regex_rule_db_import()
+        */
+       uint32_t rule_db_len;
+       /**< Length of *rule_db* buffer. */
+       uint32_t dev_cfg_flags;
+       /**< RegEx device configuration flags, See RTE_REGEX_DEV_CFG_*  */
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Configure a RegEx device.
+ *
+ * This function must be invoked first before any other function in the
+ * API. This function can also be re-invoked when a device is in the
+ * stopped state.
+ *
+ * The caller may use rte_regex_dev_info_get() to get the capability of each
+ * resources available for this regex device.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the device to configure.
+ * @param cfg
+ *   The RegEx device configuration structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Success, device configured. Otherwise negative errno is returned.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_configure(uint8_t dev_id, const struct rte_regex_dev_config 
+/* Enumerates RegEx queue pair configuration flags */
+/**< Out of order scan, If not set, a scan must retire after previously issued
+ * in-order scans to this queue pair. If set, this scan can be retired as soon
+ * as device returns completion. Application should not set out of order scan
+ * flag if it needs to maintain the ingress order of scan request.
+ *
+ * @see struct rte_regex_qp_conf::qp_conf_flags, rte_regex_queue_pair_setup()
+ */
+struct rte_regex_ops;
+typedef void (*regexdev_stop_flush_t)(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id,
+                                     struct rte_regex_ops *op);
+/**< Callback function called during rte_regex_dev_stop(), invoked once per
+ * flushed RegEx op.
+ */
+/** RegEx queue pair configuration structure */
+struct rte_regex_qp_conf {
+       uint32_t qp_conf_flags;
+       /**< Queue pair config flags, See RTE_REGEX_QUEUE_PAIR_CFG_* */
+       uint16_t nb_desc;
+       /**< The number of descriptors to allocate for this queue pair. */
+       regexdev_stop_flush_t cb;
+       /**< Callback function called during rte_regex_dev_stop(), invoked
+        * once per flushed regex op. Value NULL is allowed, in which case
+        * callback will not be invoked. This function can be used to properly
+        * dispose of outstanding regex ops from response queue,
+        * for example ops containing memory pointers.
+        * @see rte_regex_dev_stop()
+        */
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Allocate and set up a RegEx queue pair for a RegEx device.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the device.
+ * @param queue_pair_id
+ *   The index of the RegEx queue pair to setup. The value must be in the range
+ *   [0, nb_queue_pairs - 1] previously supplied to rte_regex_dev_configure().
+ * @param qp_conf
+ *   The pointer to the configuration data to be used for the RegEx queue pair.
+ *   NULL value is allowed, in which case default configuration        used.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success. Otherwise negative errno is returned.
+ */
+rte_regex_queue_pair_setup(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_pair_id,
+                          const struct rte_regex_qp_conf *qp_conf);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Start a RegEx device.
+ *
+ * The device start step is the last one and consists of setting the RegEx
+ * queues to start accepting the pattern matching scan requests.
+ *
+ * On success, all basic functions exported by the API (RegEx enqueue,
+ * RegEx dequeue and so on) can be invoked.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   RegEx device identifier.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success. Otherwise negative errno is returned.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_start(uint8_t dev_id);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Stop a RegEx device.
+ *
+ * Stop a RegEx device. The device can be restarted with a call to
+ * rte_regex_dev_start().
+ *
+ * This function causes all queued response regex ops to be drained in the
+ * response queue. While draining ops out of the device,
+ * struct rte_regex_qp_conf::cb will be invoked for each ops.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   RegEx device identifier.
+ *
+ * @see struct rte_regex_qp_conf::cb, rte_regex_queue_pair_setup()
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_stop(uint8_t dev_id);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Close a RegEx device. The device cannot be restarted!
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   RegEx device identifier
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success. Otherwise negative errno is returned.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_close(uint8_t dev_id);
+/* Device get/set attributes */
+/** Enumerates RegEx device attribute identifier */
+enum rte_regex_dev_attr_id {
+       /**< The NUMA socket id to which the device is connected or
+        * a default of zero if the socket could not be determined.
+        * datatype: *int*
+        * operation: *get*
+        */
+       /**< Maximum number of matches per scan.
+        * datatype: *uint8_t*
+        * operation: *get* and *set*
+        *
+        */
+       /**< Upper bound scan time in ns.
+        * datatype: *uint16_t*
+        * operation: *get* and *set*
+        *
+        */
+       /**< Maximum number of prefix detected per scan.
+        * This would be useful for denial of service detection.
+        * datatype: *uint16_t*
+        * operation: *get* and *set*
+        *
+        */
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Get an attribute from a RegEx device.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   RegEx device identifier.
+ * @param attr_id
+ *   The attribute ID to retrieve.
+ * @param attr_value
+ *   A pointer that will be filled in with the attribute
+ *   value if successful.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Successfully retrieved attribute value.
+ *   - -EINVAL: Invalid device or  *attr_id* provided, or *attr_value* is NULL.
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: if the device doesn't support specific *attr_id*.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_attr_get(uint8_t dev_id, enum rte_regex_dev_attr_id attr_id,
+                      void *attr_value);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Set an attribute to a RegEx device.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   RegEx device identifier.
+ * @param attr_id
+ *   The attribute ID to retrieve.
+ * @param attr_value
+ *   Pointer that will be filled in with the attribute value
+ *   by the application.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Successfully applied the attribute value.
+ *   - -EINVAL: Invalid device or  *attr_id* provided, or *attr_value* is NULL.
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: if the device doesn't support specific *attr_id*.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_attr_set(uint8_t dev_id, enum rte_regex_dev_attr_id attr_id,
+                      const void *attr_value);
+/* Rule related APIs */
+/** Enumerates RegEx rule operation. */
+enum rte_regex_rule_op {
+       /**< Add RegEx rule to rule database. */
+       /**< Remove RegEx rule from rule database. */
+/** Structure to hold a RegEx rule attributes. */
+struct rte_regex_rule {
+       enum rte_regex_rule_op op;
+       /**< OP type of the rule either a OP_ADD or OP_DELETE. */
+       uint16_t group_id;
+       /**< Group identifier to which the rule belongs to. */
+       uint32_t rule_id;
+       /**< Rule identifier which is returned on successful match. */
+       const char *pcre_rule;
+       /**< Buffer to hold the PCRE rule. */
+       uint16_t pcre_rule_len;
+       /**< Length of the PCRE rule. */
+       uint64_t rule_flags;
+       /* PCRE rule flags. Supported device specific PCRE rules enumerated
+        * in struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags. For successful rule
+        * database update, application needs to provide only supported
+        * rule flags.
+        * @See RTE_REGEX_PCRE_RULE_*, struct rte_regex_dev_info::rule_flags
+        */
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Update the local rule set.
+ * This functions only modify the rule set in memory.
+ * In order for the changes to take effect, the function
+ * rte_regex_rule_db_compile_active must be called.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id.
+ *   RegEx device identifier.
+ * @param rules.
+ *   Points to an array of *nb_rules* objects of type *rte_regex_rule* 
+ *   which contain the regex rules attributes to be updated in rule database.
+ * @param nb_rules.
+ *   The number of PCRE rules to update the rule database.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   The number of regex rules actually updated on the regex device's rule
+ *   database. The return value can be less than the value of the *nb_rules*
+ *   parameter when the regex devices fails to update the rule database or
+ *   if invalid parameters are specified in a *rte_regex_rule*.
+ *   If the return value is less than *nb_rules*, the remaining PCRE rules
+ *   at the end of *rules* are not consumed and the caller has to take
+ *   care of them and rte_errno is set accordingly.
+ *   Possible errno values include:
+ *   - -EINVAL:  Invalid device ID or rules is NULL
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: The last processed rule is not supported on this device.
+ *   - -ENOSPC: No space available in rule database.
+ *
+ * @see rte_regex_rule_db_import(), rte_regex_rule_db_export(),
+ *   rte_regex_rule_db_compile_activate()
+ */
+rte_regex_rule_db_update(uint8_t dev_id, const struct rte_regex_rule *rules,
+                        uint32_t nb_rules);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Compile local rule set and burn the complied result to the
+ * RegEx deive.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id.
+ *   RegEx device identifier.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success, otherwise negative errno.
+ *
+ * @see rte_regex_rule_db_import(), rte_regex_rule_db_export(,
+ *   rte_regex_rule_db_update()
+ */
+rte_regex_rule_db_compile_activate(uint8_t dev_id);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Import a prebuilt rule database from a buffer to a RegEx device.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   RegEx device identifier.
+ * @param rule_db
+ *   Points to prebuilt rule database.
+ * @param rule_db_len
+ *   Length of the rule database.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Successfully updated the prebuilt rule database.
+ *   - -EINVAL:  Invalid device ID or rule_db is NULL
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: Rule database import is not supported on this device.
+ *   - -ENOSPC: No space available in rule database.
+ *
+ * @see rte_regex_rule_db_update(), rte_regex_rule_db_export()
+ */
+rte_regex_rule_db_import(uint8_t dev_id, const char *rule_db,
+                        uint32_t rule_db_len);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Export the prebuilt rule database from a RegEx device to the buffer.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   RegEx device identifier.
+ * @param[out] rule_db
+ *   Block of memory to insert the rule database. Must be at least size in
+ *   capacity. If set to NULL, function returns required capacity.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Successfully exported the prebuilt rule database.
+ *   - size: If rule_db set to NULL then required capacity for *rule_db*
+ *   - -EINVAL:  Invalid device ID
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: Rule database export is not supported on this device.
+ *
+ * @see rte_regex_rule_db_update(), rte_regex_rule_db_import()
+ */
+rte_regex_rule_db_export(uint8_t dev_id, char *rule_db);
+/* Extended statistics */
+/** Maximum name length for extended statistics counters */
+ * A name-key lookup element for extended statistics.
+ *
+ * This structure is used to map between names and ID numbers
+ * for extended RegEx device statistics.
+ */
+struct rte_regex_dev_xstats_map {
+       uint16_t id;
+       /**< xstat identifier */
+       char name[RTE_REGEX_DEV_XSTATS_NAME_SIZE];
+       /**< xstat name */
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Retrieve names of extended statistics of a regex device.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the regex device.
+ * @param[out] xstats_map
+ *   Block of memory to insert id and names into. Must be at least size in
+ *   capacity. If set to NULL, function returns required capacity.
+ * @return
+ *   - Positive value on success:
+ *        -The return value is the number of entries filled in the stats map.
+ *        -If xstats_map set to NULL then required capacity for xstats_map.
+ *   - Negative value on error:
+ *      -ENODEV for invalid *dev_id*
+ *      -ENOTSUP if the device doesn't support this function.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_xstats_names_get(uint8_t dev_id,
+                              struct rte_regex_dev_xstats_map *xstats_map);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Retrieve extended statistics of an regex device.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the device.
+ * @param ids
+ *   The id numbers of the stats to get. The ids can be got from the stat
+ *   position in the stat list from rte_regex_dev_xstats_names_get(), or
+ *   by using rte_regex_dev_xstats_by_name_get().
+ * @param values
+ *   The values for each stats request by ID.
+ * @param n
+ *   The number of stats requested.
+ * @return
+ *   - Positive value: number of stat entries filled into the values array
+ *   - Negative value on error:
+ *      -ENODEV for invalid *dev_id*
+ *      -ENOTSUP if the device doesn't support this function.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_xstats_get(uint8_t dev_id, const uint16_t ids[],
+                        uint64_t values[], uint16_t n);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Retrieve the value of a single stat by requesting it by name.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the device.
+ * @param name
+ *   The stat name to retrieve.
+ * @param id
+ *   If non-NULL, the numerical id of the stat will be returned, so that 
+ *   requests for the stat can be got using rte_regex_dev_xstats_get, which 
+ *   be faster as it doesn't need to scan a list of names for the stat.
+ * @param[out] value.
+ *   Must be non-NULL, retrieved xstat value will be stored in this address.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Successfully retrieved xstat value.
+ *   - -EINVAL: invalid parameters
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: if not supported.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_xstats_by_name_get(uint8_t dev_id, const char *name,
+                                uint16_t *id, uint64_t *value);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Reset the values of the xstats of the selected component in the device.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the device.
+ * @param ids
+ *   Selects specific statistics to be reset. When NULL, all statistics will be
+ *   reset. If non-NULL, must point to array of at least *nb_ids* size.
+ * @param nb_ids
+ *   The number of ids available from the *ids* array. Ignored when ids is 
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Successfully reset the statistics to zero.
+ *   - -EINVAL: invalid parameters.
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: if not supported.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_xstats_reset(uint8_t dev_id, const uint16_t ids[],
+                          uint16_t nb_ids);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Trigger the RegEx device self test.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the device.
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Selftest successful.
+ *   - -ENOTSUP if the device doesn't support selftest.
+ *   - other values < 0 on failure.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_selftest(uint8_t dev_id);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Dump internal information about *dev_id* to the FILE* provided in *f*.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the device.
+ * @param f
+ *   A pointer to a file for output.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success, negative errno on failure.
+ */
+rte_regex_dev_dump(uint8_t dev_id, FILE *f);
+/* Fast path APIs */
+ * The generic *rte_regex_match* structure to hold the RegEx match attributes.
+ * @see struct rte_regex_ops::matches
+ */
+struct rte_regex_match {
+       RTE_STD_C11
+       union {
+               uint64_t u64;
+               struct {
+                       uint32_t rule_id:20;
+                       /**< Rule identifier to which the pattern matched.
+                        * @see struct rte_regex_rule::rule_id
+                        */
+                       uint32_t group_id:12;
+                       /**< Group identifier of the rule which the pattern
+                        * matched. @see struct rte_regex_rule::group_id
+                        */
+                       uint16_t start_offset;
+                       /**< Starting Byte Position for matched rule. */
+                       RTE_STD_C11
+                       union {
+                               uint16_t len;
+                               /**< Length of match in bytes */
+                               uint16_t end_offset;
+                               /**< The end offset of the match. In case
+                                * MATCH_AS_END configuration is enabled.
+                                * @see RTE_REGEX_DEV_CFG_MATCH_AS_END
+                                */
+                       };
+               };
+       };
+/* Enumerates RegEx request flags. */
+/**< Set when struct rte_regex_rule::group_id0 is valid. */
+/**< Set when struct rte_regex_rule::group_id1 is valid. */
+/**< Set when struct rte_regex_rule::group_id2 is valid. */
+/**< Set when struct rte_regex_rule::group_id3 is valid. */
+/**< The RegEx engine will stop scanning and return the first match. */
+/**< In High Priority mode a maximum of one match will be returned per scan to
+ * reduce the post-processing required by the application. The match with the
+ * lowest Rule id, lowest start pointer and lowest match length will be
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * @see struct rte_regex_ops::nb_actual_matches
+ * @see struct rte_regex_ops::nb_matches
+ */
+/* Enumerates RegEx response flags. */
+#define RTE_REGEX_OPS_RSP_PMI_SOJ_F (1 << 0)
+/**< Indicates that the RegEx device has encountered a partial match at the
+ * start of scan in the given buffer.
+ *
+ */
+#define RTE_REGEX_OPS_RSP_PMI_EOJ_F (1 << 1)
+/**< Indicates that the RegEx device has encountered a partial match at the
+ * end of scan in the given buffer.
+ *
+ */
+#define RTE_REGEX_OPS_RSP_PMI_TOJ_F (1 << 2)
+/**< Indicates that the RegEx device has encountered a match that was started
+ * in previous buffer.
+ *
+ */
+/**< Indicates that the RegEx device has exceeded the max timeout while
+ * scanning the given buffer.
+ *
+ */
+#define RTE_REGEX_OPS_RSP_MAX_MATCH_F (1 << 4)
+/**< Indicates that the RegEx device has exceeded the max matches while
+ * scanning the given buffer.
+ *
+ */
+#define RTE_REGEX_OPS_RSP_MAX_PREFIX_F (1 << 5)
+/**< Indicates that the RegEx device has reached the max allowed prefix length
+ * while scanning the given buffer.
+ *
+ */
+ * The generic *rte_regex_ops* structure to hold the RegEx attributes
+ * for enqueue and dequeue operation.
+ */
+struct rte_regex_ops {
+       /* W0 */
+       uint16_t req_flags;
+       /**< Request flags for the RegEx ops.
+        * @see RTE_REGEX_OPS_REQ_*
+        */
+       uint16_t rsp_flags;
+       /**< Response flags for the RegEx ops.
+        * @see RTE_REGEX_OPS_RSP_*
+        */
+       uint16_t nb_actual_matches;
+       /**< The total number of actual matches detected by the Regex device.*/
+       uint16_t nb_matches;
+       /**< The total number of matches returned by the RegEx device for this
+        * scan. The size of *rte_regex_ops::matches* zero length array will be
+        * this value.
+        *
+        * @see struct rte_regex_ops::matches, struct rte_regex_match
+        */
+       /* W1 */
+       struct rte_mbuf *mbuf; /**< source mbuf, to search in. */
+       /* W2 */
+       uint16_t group_id0;
+       /**< First group_id to match the rule against. At minimum one group
+        * should be valid. Behaviour is undefined non of the groups are valid.
+        *
+        */
+       uint16_t group_id1;
+       /**< Second group_id to match the rule against.
+        *
+        */
+       uint16_t group_id2;
+       /**< Third group_id to match the rule against.
+        *
+        */
+       uint16_t group_id3;
+       /**< Forth group_id to match the rule against.
+        *
+        */
+       /* W3 */
+       RTE_STD_C11
+       union {
+               uint64_t user_id;
+               /**< Application specific opaque value. An application may use
+                * this field to hold application specific value to share
+                * between dequeue and enqueue operation.
+                * Implementation should not modify this field.
+                */
+               void *user_ptr;
+               /**< Pointer representation of *user_id* */
+       };
+       /* W4 */
+       struct rte_regex_match matches[];
+       /**< Zero length array to hold the match tuples.
+        * The struct rte_regex_ops::nb_matches value holds the number of
+        * elements in this array.
+        *
+        * @see struct rte_regex_ops::nb_matches
+        */
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Enqueue a burst of scan request on a RegEx device.
+ *
+ * The rte_regex_enqueue_burst() function is invoked to place
+ * regex operations on the queue *qp_id* of the device designated by
+ * its *dev_id*.
+ *
+ * The *nb_ops* parameter is the number of operations to process which are
+ * supplied in the *ops* array of *rte_regex_op* structures.
+ *
+ * The rte_regex_enqueue_burst() function returns the number of
+ * operations it actually enqueued for processing. A return value equal to
+ * *nb_ops* means that all packets have been enqueued.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the device.
+ * @param qp_id
+ *   The index of the queue pair which packets are to be enqueued for
+ *   processing. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pairs - 1]
+ *   previously supplied to rte_regex_dev_configure().
+ * @param ops
+ *   The address of an array of *nb_ops* pointers to *rte_regex_op* structures
+ *   which contain the regex operations to be processed.
+ * @param nb_ops
+ *   The number of operations to process.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   The number of operations actually enqueued on the regex device. The return
+ *   value can be less than the value of the *nb_ops* parameter when the
+ *   regex devices queue is full or if invalid parameters are specified in
+ *   a *rte_regex_op*. If the return value is less than *nb_ops*, the remaining
+ *   ops at the end of *ops* are not consumed and the caller has to take care
+ *   of them.
+ */
+rte_regex_enqueue_burst(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id,
+                       struct rte_regex_ops **ops, uint16_t nb_ops);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Dequeue a burst of scan response from a queue on the RegEx device.
+ * The dequeued operation are stored in *rte_regex_op* structures
+ * whose pointers are supplied in the *ops* array.
+ *
+ * The rte_regex_dequeue_burst() function returns the number of ops
+ * actually dequeued, which is the number of *rte_regex_op* data structures
+ * effectively supplied into the *ops* array.
+ *
+ * A return value equal to *nb_ops* indicates that the queue contained
+ * at least *nb_ops* operations, and this is likely to signify that other
+ * processed operations remain in the devices output queue. Applications
+ * implementing a "retrieve as many processed operations as possible" policy
+ * can check this specific case and keep invoking the
+ * rte_regex_dequeue_burst() function until a value less than
+ * *nb_ops* is returned.
+ *
+ * The rte_regex_dequeue_burst() function does not provide any error
+ * notification to avoid the corresponding overhead.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The RegEx device identifier
+ * @param qp_id
+ *   The index of the queue pair from which to retrieve processed packets.
+ *   The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pairs - 1] previously
+ *   supplied to rte_regex_dev_configure().
+ * @param ops
+ *   The address of an array of pointers to *rte_regex_op* structures that must
+ *   be large enough to store *nb_ops* pointers in it.
+ * @param nb_ops
+ *   The maximum number of operations to dequeue.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   The number of operations actually dequeued, which is the number
+ *   of pointers to *rte_regex_op* structures effectively supplied to the
+ *   *ops* array. If the return value is less than *nb_ops*, the remaining
+ *   ops at the end of *ops* are not consumed and the caller has to take care
+ *   of them.
+ */
+rte_regex_dequeue_burst(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id,
+                       struct rte_regex_ops **ops, uint16_t nb_ops);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _RTE_REGEXDEV_H_ */
diff --git a/lib/librte_regexdev/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..723104d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/librte_regexdev/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+       global:
+       rte_regex_dev_count;
+       rte_regex_dev_get_dev_id;
+       rte_regex_dev_info_get;
+       rte_regex_dev_configure;
+       rte_regex_queue_pair_setup;
+       rte_regex_dev_start;
+       rte_regex_dev_stop;
+       rte_regex_dev_close;
+       rte_regex_dev_attr_get;
+       rte_regex_dev_attr_set;
+       rte_regex_rule_db_update;
+       rte_regex_rule_db_compile_activate;
+       rte_regex_rule_db_import;
+       rte_regex_rule_db_export;
+       rte_regex_dev_xstats_names_get;
+       rte_regex_dev_xstats_get;
+       rte_regex_dev_xstats_by_name_get;
+       rte_regex_dev_xstats_reset;
+       rte_regex_dev_selftest;
+       rte_regex_dev_dump;
+       rte_regex_enqueue_burst;
+       rte_regex_dequeue_burst;

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